How does one spot a Sup Forumsack in real life?
You don't
youd never in a million years spot me, then again i only 30% believe what i post here.
If they smell like shit and are overweight, there's a high chance you have spotted a Sup Forumsack
I'd be expecting the average Sup Forumsack to have dark, greasy hair and maybe a little acne.
To the flag folder you go
it's rosea not acne
Ripped Chad, with an Aryan goddess on his shoulder.
Oops that's just me, not the everyday Pol/back.
I've met a few, my ex girlfriend, her brother and dad browse frequently.
>no RARE claims
the fuck
I literally call people who say they are leftist cucks in real life. Surprisingly, I'm not a neckbeard, either.
I have spotted some definitive 4channers, some even used words from the Swedish general on Sup Forums. They also get ultra defensive when you call them out on it, I didn't even have to mention Sup Forums but only asked where they learnt those words and that they are usually used by Internet nazis jokingly.
Do you live in St. Lucia or are you on vacation?
Am Brit ex-pat working/living in the States.
Today I put a Union Jack on my office door (my open door) and have to leave for an hour.
Come back and see "Happy Independence Day mate!" written on my whiteboard from colleague. Have walked past colleague's desk and see YouTube vids of Nigel Farage playing.
I think he's one of us...
This man is a Sup Forumsack. This is usually how most of them look like, more or less.
This is some advanced rareness right here.
Probably a proxy.
it's best to spot them by what they DON'T do
* they don't spout SJW nonsense or speak about politics in general very often
* they don't dress fashionably, although they may not necessarily be sloppy.
* they don't have a girlfriend. though they may have a wife.
oddly enough Sup Forums does indeed stay in Sup Forums.
You go to st.Lucia and find the one person there.
>speaking about politics in public
I have never seen this in real life, everyone is to busy being wage slaves to care
typically educated,
avoids political conversations amongst peers due to fear of exposing power level,
catching them say Sup Forums tier shit
yeah, checks it all out
>i only 30% believe what i post here.
That's how it begins
I look like a thug
I actually look like I'd be a leftie, but then I drop hints that I'm not and people start to lose interest.
He works for the NSA
Never. I keep my mouth shut when people talk politics. I have nothing to gain by trying to scream BREAK YOUR CONDITIONING at normies
I've seen quite a lot of flags throughout my life, and I can tell you, that is a real diamond of a rare.
>He unironically votes farage / trump
>speak about politics in general very often
Only when drunk and even then i don't initiate that type of conversation
>they don't dress fashionably, although they may not necessarily be sloppy.
Casualfag, very rarely wear t-shirts or jeans, nothing fancy desu just don't dress like i'm still in HS
> they don't have a girlfriend. though they may have a wife.
Normies get out
i did have bad acne in my teenage years which probably explains why i still identify with neckbeards more than most normies.
With the item.
You can't, they're all in their mother's basements.
Master you cannot. Extrapolation: do you believe every organic meatbag is the same? Clarification: it is true. How do you compare one to another if they are all the same?
Most Sup Forumsacks are just normies who like to be edgy on Sup Forums to feel special.
All this projection.
>tfw 6'0" blonde hair, blue eyes, 195 pounds @ 12% body fat, bachelors degree, good job, etc.
Every time there is a thread about what people from pol look like, there is always a bunch of people saying neckbeard, ugly, etc. and I have to wonder what these peoples point of reference is besides themselves
If you smell a combination of shit, beer, and vodka.
>hey mum I can lie about my "success"
gee it's not like I've seen this before, telling how "succesful" you are
What's it supposed to be?
I accidentally let slip a designated shitting street joke to my dad and he fucking recognised it.
How well is India's pedestrian-pooing known outside of Sup Forums?
>he can't be successful he has to be lying
Seek help
>1 post by this ID
>be earlier today
>doing some 'get to know your co-workers' thing at new job
>talking about recent trip to Germany
>mention visiting a concentration camp
>"wow cool user, but was it sad knowing a lot of people died there"
>accidentally say it was mostly faked
>play it cool and say that i meant the camp was a fake reconstruction
This actually happened today.
This is how I assume you spot them, slip ups.
Starfleet Academy