Lauren Southern ATTACKED by “anti-fascist” thugs in London!
Fucking insane.
Fucking livid right now.
I don't know what to say anymore.
get the fuck away from my jewfu, you cunts
Stop posting your shit here, attentionwhoring kike
Antifa attack everybody who disagrees with them, why should we care if it's specifically you?
I can't wait for the day when the pendulum finally swing hard right and smashes these antifa communist and anarchist scum in their fucking faces.
She is Dutch not jewish.
Found the left wing faggot.
Yes I can't wait. With rifle in hand.
Even the fucking bill are muslims now.
This. I apologize for my country, but please understand that antifa are like this everywhere in europe and they exist under different names in the USA, Canada and other places.
They are sick, one day the pendulum will swing and when it does they will know.
Brexit was a good start, now we need to secure an exit from the EU and then look towards the next elections.
>She is Dutch not jewish.
"It's an apple, not red-coloured."
They are called the black block out here and stick to the cities because otherwise we would bury them in corn fields in rural parts.
We don't like outsiders let alone a bunch of spoiled liberal faggots wearing masks.
>not worshipping this meme spouting lolbertarian makes you a leftist
You must be quite new at european politics if you don't know this much about antifa, whiteknight faggot. It's like being surprised about niggers chimping out.
It's europe, its full of commies.
My town used to be great but it's one of the biggest city of antifas in france.
Fuck it I'm moving as soon as I can
So all Dutch are jews now?
How is Idomeni?
AHAHAHAHAH there it is. Shoo shoo back to /leftpol/ you utter mong.
Fucking antifa pussies
Good. Little cunt got schooled.
leftist scum "victim shameing"
Brexit for the win
Boris/trump/Putin savior of Europe?
>attacked for wearing a union jack hat
you can't make this shit up
>get out of our leftist cult like safe space
Did someone say special treatment?
Sorry, neo-Sup Forums. I can't support a lolbertardian anti-white coal-burning Jewess no matter what. My heart's just not in it.
We need some physical removal here. Throw them out of helicopters.
The cops are the ones that pisses me off the most
>don't be so provocative
There are green apples, m8
>Antifa having no arguments when they were said to be facists
>That Poo in Loo victim blaming the women for being attacked by Antifa
Fucking cunts.
Antifa and marxists should be hanged
It's okay I guess
I swear this shit makes me jump up a wall
>This. I apologize for my country,
I'd hardly consider antifa your country men even if they have a UK passport. They're subversive shitheads that reject everything that Western nations stand for.
>but please understand that antifa are like this everywhere in europe and they exist under different names in the USA, Canada and other places.
Well aware. Hell, in the US we've had similar stuff with the anti-Trump "protesters" and every other time there is a protest about race or some other shit.
>They are sick, one day the pendulum will swing and when it does they will know.
Hopefully they're ventilated and disposed of before they even realize what's going on.
>Brexit was a good start, now we need to secure an exit from the EU and then look towards the next elections.
You can't win the war with elections. Your independence was a good first step and I agree that you still have to make sure that your parliament actually follows the will of the British people, however you're still looking at a demographic problem much like the US and soon the rest of the west will be, you can only hope that you can kick out the foreigners while you still can otherwise you're looking at long and bloody series of ethnic conflicts.
>anti-white coal-burning Jewess
Antifa are fucking cowards. I'd like to see them do this shit in country where civilians can defend themselves. Look at all the cucks that just stood around and watched. I wounder what would have happened if the police didn't sow up so quick.
Why do the cops let antifa get away with that shit?
>Lauren Southern
Who cares?
Do you prep your hairy gf or wife before you both head down there?
They'd be called racist and oppressors probably
Next time you see an antifa throw a brick at their skull.
Swerve and hit them with your car.
Rip off their mask and report them to their employer.
Kick them into traffic.
They're ugly little facist children playing activist, they act like nazis and then scream they're the good guys. More of them should die, be assaulted, and be afraid. Out them to the public, spread their personal info.
Clearly more people than you.
Ehhh... she gets waaaay too emotional and bitchy for my taste. She needs to chill. She seems as irrational as the protesters.
I don't have a gf or waifu. In what way would I prep her? And why would I go to Idomeni?
what hat was she wearing?
She usually seems a lot more composed, I think she's scared tbqh
with each day, i come to detest the pompous british accent more and more.
>that brown cunt
>that female cop
Women are shit.
>one day
What the hell are you talking about?
One day? Dude, you just Brexited.... I would say that the day is here and swinging to the right pretty fast.
She had a nigger boyfriend a while back.
What the fuck? Why aren't the police doing shit?
ignorant burger here
so antifa are basically communist bullies?
I think she said a Union Jack hat
They better not disfigure her face or body
Spotted the traitor.
Because they are pussies. They aren't cops. If this happened in the USA all those guys would have gotten the shit beat out of them within 5 seconds.
There is no proof.
These /r9k/ faggots are mad they can't interact with women.
>still no argument
Okay mate
She's always like this.
>I-I'm an attack helicopter!!
Good. Kike deserved it.
How is the irony not lost on them?
Who do you think make up antifa? State security.
>just got assaulted by some masketta men
>the bobbies aren't doing shit
>one of the camera crew is missing
She's a woman dude, she has a right to get a bit emotional, they're not designed for physical confrontation..
>Implying you had an argument to begin with
>Union Jack hat
This is offensive to the leftys now???
Makes me want to buy a gun
Is that a real quote?
Look at how worthless that police is, look at them doing nothing, it's almost as if they have orders to protect the antifa pieces of shit.
our cops have to deal everytime with the scums
you probably saw in the paris protest
cops have to resists the need to beat the shit out of them or they will be filmed and lost their jobs
but even with that, you still see some cops lost it and beat the shit out of antifas
Excuse me?
You don't own guns?
What was she wearing that was an issue? I didn't see it.
>female coppers
this is why you NEVER ask a female police officer for help, they're always so fucking useless
>he doesn't already own a safe full
You're an unAmerican piece of shit
I want to see someone kill an antifa so badly.
I want to see the leftist squeal when a tire iron caves his skull in.
>current year
>being white
is this the end of the white man?
Mate... this country is significantly fucked and cucked. We would need someone who has the charisma, intelligence, style and bearing of Hitler, Trump and Caesar all put together to pull off a salvation of this country.
A union jack hat.
Antifa are some of the biggest pussies ever, i would love to fucking beat the fuck out of them.
kike got what she deserved
Shitskin greek monkey BTFO
Yea, bu' thaer might be a reakSHINNNNN whaer thaer's an escalaiSHINNNN...
Serves her right, thats like going up to a black man and calling him a "nigger" and acting surprised when he clocks you.
Notice how the footage didnt begin until they started to """attack""" her, what did she do to provoke them before that?
Lauren Southern is a bitch.
Clement méric is a french antifa that got killed by a nationalist.
Rémi fraisse is an antifa that got killed by a cop.
You just need to do researchs
There has never been proof of this you filthy antifa faggot.
Good, I hate this stupid teenager
Poo in loo doesn't like hats.
>hello stop being here, you're provoking violence against you
Why the fuck don't they say this to sluts that walk around at 3am in almost no clothing? Christ
Antifa doesn't attack muslims that want to kill gays.
>what did she do to provoke them before that?
She wore a Union Jack hat you fucking nigger.
>man puts hand on her arm to escort her away
Michelle Fields 2.0
the canadian police would have handled that situation better
what the FUCK is wrong with you fucking BRITKEKS
I want to be Lauren Southern's personal goy.
False, the were both killed by their stupidity
Clément was a fucking coward
The next time I hear of the black block assembling I will personally go down there to remove the traitors.
>being a retard in public
oh but its okay because its a blonde girl who is ""(((redpilled)))"""
fucking Sup Forums i swear. big fucking babies
>brown shit attack you
cant fight back because you will be labeled a racist
>Rémi fraisse
Wasn't he just an environmentalist hippie trying to "save the forests"?
I think the police officer was really saying "we are unequiped and unable to control these criminals, so you need to get out of their crowd while do our best to prevent them from rioting."
I think thats why the victims got the "talking to."
Any show of nationalism or being proud of ones country is "racis" since forever to the leftists
Where are the white men?
Watch all these 1 post faggots talking shit.
Just remember it's summer time boys.
Welcome to london. Speaking as someone who lives there and desperately craves salvation.
i would knock all these faggots out