

More like poop.

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Damn near the funniest thing I've ever seen


Very true.


More like cock.

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Take your time coming home (white man).

Let your lungs fill up with smoke ;)

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What's been happening in Adventure Time? Last season I watched was the one that premiered flame princess

Jazz? More like lacks pizzazz.

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the last episodes before the finale just came out
there was a major slump around seasons 5 and 6 most people would say where the show devolved into weird angsty relationship stuff, but over time it picked back up into a lot of cool concept episodes and some real character development

essentially it seems to be coming to a close with most if not all of the antagonists having something to do in the final conflict, some of the character arcs already being tied off and others being foreshadowed (especially jake getting old/dying)

More like Crap

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The Format was better.

I am going to fight you.
Rock? More like smelly cock.

More like Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.

Yeah they were great, but fun a much petter presence and sound pn Aimc& Ignite. No doubt the format was dope tho.

Fun's second album was trash though.

that's the most muggle tier statement ive ever seen

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Why's that?

Too into itself and high concept. Unless that was done to be a commentary on pop as a whole; then it's the most elite album ever.

I'm giving it a listen now and at parts, feels like Nate's grandiose musings. My first listen through I thought he was going for a Freddie Mercury vibe. However I can't help but love fun/the format.

That made me laugh so much, it caused an earthquake in Japan in 2011, which caused a tsunami and nuclear meltdown - yes, it transcended time and space because of how amazingly funny this post was. it was amazing. you deserve a medal for this innovative post, seriously fantastic. you sir deserve a nobel prize. hell an oscar. hell a country in the carribean. thanks you for this.

Just kidding, this was more cancerous than Jade Goody. Kill yourself OP.

can't spell CRAP without RAP xDDDDD

Thanks man I'm really proud of it