Post happy Farages. He achieved his life's work today and now his life is complete

Post happy Farages. He achieved his life's work today and now his life is complete.

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>and now his life is complete.
subtle phrase to push him out of UK politics.

He's a member of the UK delegation to the EU Parliament and the leader of UKIP, senpai. Now that both of those are obsolete, he will hold no office once the Brexit is completed.




He'll soon be taken away into heaven by angels


If you were to ask Nige, however, it seem he has this little project for the UKIP to displace Labour.

Though his position as MEP would go away in a little while (2 years further at least), it sounds to me as if he may want to hold another office down the road.

That is if this doesn't happen

You have been visited by the fierce farage of bathtime fun. Good luck and waifus will come to you, but only if you reply with "Nice work, Nige".

No one cares. He is a liar and a cheat.
I'm glad he committed political suicide today by admitting the he lied.
He is a nobody and it will remain like that
He will be forgotten soon

Nice work, Nige.

>inb4 he dies and leaves the UKIP legacy to some shitpiece, leaving UKIP to fade into obscurity once again

Nice work, Nige

Without him, we would have had no referendum. Can we get a petition going to nominate him for this year's Nobel Peace Prize?

Nice work, Nige


You have been visited by the nigel of brexit referendums.

Kebabs will exit UK, but only if you reply: Close the border, we're not kebab hoarder.

Nice work, Nige

imgur is an image hosting service that has become reddits bitch, but it has its own community thats a combination between reddit and 9gag

This is the comment section of the "wakey wakey" tweet


Fuck this cunt is ugly

God bless him and the Queen


The referendum was invoked by the PM after negotiations with the eu failed. Farage has done nothing. For all intents and purposes he could have been just another person shouting at hide park corner. No one would have noticed him
His only saving point is that he appealed to a bunch of chavs and benefit and some pensioners that our out of touch.


Stay mad 48percenter

Hasnt UKIP finished its job?




They're national heroes now, they can't just leave us.

He doesn't even need to be phased out. I imagine UKIP has lost a lot of power over this now that their one objective has been acheived.





Nice work, Nige

Nice Work, Nige

He criticised a campaign he had nothing to do with on figures he never claimed were true.
But why am I replying to a shill?

They need to stay and ensure the government keep to leaving the EU.

If Boris doesn't make a power play soon, Liberals will try to force something pro-EU

Is it weird that I find him sexy?

So what purpose does UKIP serve now that the UK is I?

Nice Work, Nige.

Nigel is a true ally to the Dutch anti-cuck movement.

Top tier lad.

Sleep tight guv

Nice work, Nige.

The key is to elect someone that looks like RL Pepe and the meme magic with work.

if you type farage beer into google you will get literally an infinite amount of images, its really amazing

t.b.h. it would be weird if you DIDN'T think the man who saved Britannia was a hottie

>when they think the job is over but you aren't out of the EU yet

Don't have a pic but I have this.
You Can't Barrage the Farage

My sentiments exactly. He's fucking awesome, hopefully there are men of his caliber in my generation (there probably won't be).

why do cucks hate him? i mean i sort of see why some people have their problems with Trump but Nige seems like an intelligent entertaining lad that i'd like even if i was a limp wristed lefty

Nice work Nige

Nice work, Nige

Nice work, Nige.

copy/paste our second amendment now!
add the line
no you stupid liberal faggots this means regular people can have whatever weapons they want, and if this is repealed ever it is the duty of every patriot to rebel.

Historians will be writing about Farage long after you have died and been forgotten lad.

I want Farage to be the King of Britain desu.

Nice work, Nige

Nice work, Nige

Nice work, Nige.

Be the change you want to see

Hell no. He saved a fucking country and wears a suit like STUD

what is happening here?



So what will he do now? Seems his entire career was meant for this moment.

fuck bitches every day. enjoy freedom

Yet some men say in many parts of England that King Arthur is not dead, but had by the will of our Lord Jesu into another place; and men say that he shall come again, and he shall win the holy cross. I will not say it shall be so, but rather I will say: here in this world he changed his life. But many men say that there is written upon his tomb this verse: Hic jacet Arthurus, Rex quondam, Rexque futurus.

In some god awful parallel universe he was killed here and without his support and campaigning we ended up remaining in the UK and Sup Forums is suffering from some of the worst cases of shitposting it has ever seen.

EU, not UK

He earned it, I hope he's hungover as fuck.

is the NX going to be good? Cause zelda looks like a solid 10 but i dont want to buy a wii u.

shitposting will happen when the united kingdom of england and gibraltar will become real. next week.

Nice work, Nige

Nice work, Nige

i dunt know im not that into traditional chinese family card games. srry lad.



>parallel universe

One theory amongst many models. Why do people keep believing this shit is objective?

Parallel realities are entirely theoretical, and are just one explanation among many.... many which have no mention of parallel nonsense.

Ltd edition OC for the lads

Do you fucks not realize that EU members have to approve of the Brexit? you're not going to be allowed to leave.

Nice work, Nige

>Do you fucks not realize that EU members have to approve of the Brexit?

No, they don't. Exiting is at the behest of the nation which desires to leave.

The Council merely gets authority to negotiate the deal of the exit.

Are you fucking stupid or something? You must be.

Taken DIRECTLY from Article 50:

>“Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements."

Read that again.

>Any Member State

Ok, so this means that any member state can leave. But who decides?

>Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union...

I am not a wizard, but I THINK that this means that the member state gets to decide, although the wording seems unclear. But, if not, who sets the rules for deciding to leave?

> accordance with its own constitutional requirements.

It seems.... maybe... that countries get to leave on their own.... subject to the approval of... no one but their own people.

Here, I will kindly link you to the information that you seem to have decided not to read:


This is a special kindness to you, a mentally disabled person. I understand that you may not have the mental capacity to read plain English, but I hope I have helped you a little.

Nice work, Nige

You digitale demenz have a problem with baits on Sup Forums but you take it in real.

>Nice work, Nige

>You digitale demenz have a problem with baits on Sup Forums but you take it in real.

There is only one thing to be done here....

A statue of Nigel Farage must replace the one of Lord Nelson in Trafalgar Square. There is no other solution to be had.


Every bird falls when it is learning to fly. This is not something to be laughed at.

Nigel is soaring in the clouds tonight, while Swedes remain grounded and busy prepping bulls.

fuck you and fuck brexit

"Nice work, Nige".

>fuck you and fuck brexit

What is your daily bull quota?

>Sweden's mansized problem: The country has 12,000 more men than women with the gap growing even wider with each new generation
