Do you guys really comprehend how powerful Sup Forums has become? In the age of social media...

Do you guys really comprehend how powerful Sup Forums has become? In the age of social media, memes are very powerful tools of social engineering. Sup Forums, and notably Sup Forums, has increasingly been outputting memes and other ideas which quickly spread through the proper channels (reddit, 9gag, ifunny, etc) into mainstream thought. Things such as Trump, Death Grips, Pepe, and even more would have never seen the light of day had Sup Forums not meme'd it into existence. We've seen the power of meme magic/memetics/whatever you want to call it the strongest in 2015/16, and we're only getting stronger. Sup Forums is becoming one of the new Powers That Be, and we're in the driver's seat.

Us? Powerful?

I'm not sure if I believe that. Though we sure do have a shit-ton of shills, so someone thinks we're influential.

im fully aware

>But the greatest danger has not yet been even named. What if, one day, class war and race war joined forces to make an end of the white world? This lies in the nature of things, and neither of the two Revolutions will disdain the aid of the other simply because it despises its supporters. A common hate extinguishes mutual contempt. And what if some white adventurer - and there have been many such - whose wild soul cannot breathe in the hothouse of civilization and seeks to satiate its love of danger in fantastic colonial ventures, among pirates, in the Foreign Legion - should suddenly see this grand goal staring him in the face? It is through such natures that history springs her great surprises. The loathing of deep and strong men for our conditions and the hatred of profoundly disillusioned men might well grow into a revolt that meant to annihilate.

it goes far deeper than you realise

You retard, Sup Forums is satire.

Lots of people come here, and people consume our memes unwittingly. Of course we have influence.

Also, what said.

of what?

yeah everyone is watching your meme board

It really makes you think

Then how do you explain collaborative raids being satire? That goes beyond some political cartoons and fictitious news stories wouldn't ya say?

Jesus, get over yourself. Lots of people have never heard of Sup Forums and many who have, if not most, see it as a cesspool of racism and sexism spouted by disenfranchised basement dwellers. People come here for perverse entertainment or to participate in the zoo, not for anything meaningful.

how could a board of peace be influential

all we do is express our feelings and show support for one another in the spirit of Xirerly Love

Lol. The power of a frog drawing - or whatever it's suppose to be.

Thank you Ebola-Chan

Its not so much about Sup Forums itself, but the media it produces. You can find somebody shitposting Sup Forums memes on kikebook without the normie ever knowing about Sup Forums

>during the pointless, impotent bickering between the far right and the slightly-larger far left, the middle ground looked at complex issues and sided with something the far right agreed with
You got Brexit because the EU is a bloated, crumbling system of unaccountability that is ever-growing. You're not getting Trump because Trump is more ignorant and small-minded than Hillary is crooked.


Also; Death to Shills!

We are the third reich!

memeing time


>mfw shills are the reason Sup Forumsacks create memes faster then underaged bangladeshis make t-shirts and that even cheaper..


You are delusional.

See that tiny dot underneath youtube? That is Sup Forums. "We" literally have no clout whatsoever.

And yet somehow, people are talking about Rare Pepes, (((Merchants))) are naming themselves on twitter, and News of Sam Hyde's exploits are reported as news.

We have a lot of influence for such a tiny dot.

>when will they learn?

Just to add to the discussion, a hue politician just shared a Ben Garrison cartoon today. It is fucking happening, lads

I miss ebola-chan.

according to that map 2channel (futaba) is about as popular as us.
Weird since i believe we became more popular a while ago.
Probably outdated map.

this so fucking much

nothing is more easily spread than memes