The """"""""""""""""tolerant"""""""""""""""" left

the """"""""""""""""tolerant"""""""""""""""" left

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Oh god I really do hope we get some sort of mass rioting in the near future.
Any opportunity to bash their pretty little faces in.

>dumb old people with decades of life experience on me who haved payed lots in tax in their lifetime, experienced recessions and war

>that pic
Old people have given more to the economy than younger people, if anything, older peoples' votes should count more by that logic

Do these people not realize that they will become old themselves?

I can't believe these people hate their parents that much.

Actually, it explains a lot.

How the fucking little fuck can't they see their own blatent hypocrisy?

Are those fuckers that self-centered and inoctrinated?

If given the chance they would build gulags now and systematically kill all elderly folk.

They hate themselves, too. It's why they set up hugboxes.
Looking at you, reddit and tumblr.

These faggots needs to be asked something like: "Do you think this was the philosophy of your grandparents when they stormed the beaches of Normady? To do whatever the fuck you want with this place because they are old and are gonna die soon anyways?"


they'll be singing a very different tune when they're old. they'll always be right and everyone else will always be wrong

does this mean that people with a terminal illness should not be allowed to vote as well?

yeah nah sorry mate you've only got 5 years to live no vote for you

>A national cull.

You're fucking welcome to try you slimey sub human. Not only is that 50-60 year old tougher than you in every single fucking way, but a good portion of people your age with actual balls and actual guts will tear you apart if you even try.

Fucking worthless libcucks think they have the balls to put up a fight when words hurt their feelings, what a fucking joke.

The Muslims will do it for them in 30 years

>libbies coming up with deranged fantasies in which they are the oppressors who have the power to fabricrate arbitrary rules to rig elections in their own favour
These people are actually, legitimately, literally, mentally ill.

The ageism here (in social media) is fucking incredible.

And no, I am not joking or just throwing around leftist buzzwords. These people legitimately make me sick.

This generation has such absolute contempt for all previous generations that they would defy any sensical idea only because their parents agreed with it.

Why is it that whenever things don't go their way the first thing the lefties always want to do is to revoke people's rights?

Seriously, we've seen plenty of right wing "losses" in the past, but never have I seen anyone going "Oh take away those guys right to vote because it's their fault we lost" or equivalent. And if there are people like that they are like a teeny tiny group. Wheras this shit?

I've read the same stupid suggestions over and over again with Hofer and the austrian election.

What is wrong with these people?
They are literally acting like spoiled brats.

>Why is it that whenever things don't go their way the first thing the lefties always want to do is to revoke people's rights?

They are fascists. What do you expect? Submission?

Might is right to these moral busybodies. So long as their vision of utopia is constructed, they will utilize any means at their disposal to speed up its arrival.

The right know that the people are inherently right-wing and thus democracy is in their favor. It's just a waiting game.

The left know democracy is only a mere aid for their goals and they will try and replace it given the chance, by for example creating a supra-national union and having unelected presidents control it, but I cant think of anything that does that....

>left isnt tolerant
>nigs chimp out
>water is wet
>grass is green

Why do right wingers get called fascists when you have whole groups of leftists out there calling for democracy to end and for old people to be killed?

Aren't leftists the true fascists here?

>supra-national union

This is why you Brits are so fucking glorious. You have effectively saved the world by smashing their dreams.

You hear me? You just saved the world and Western civilization... all in time for tea too.


since Hofer lost both sides said "we need to be united now"
I can almost guarantee that if Hofer had won the left wouldn't have said anything in that direction, more like "omg Hitler 2.0 we need to impeach now"

No. They are Bolshies.

They would have startet civil war like "protests" in all major cities. Remember WKR-ball.

Well, fascists have a habit of lying, so...

>I am literally crying

No you aren't.

jesus FUCKING christ, 30-40% of old people voted to REMAIN. and 304-% of millenials voted to leave. why the fuck are they being so black and white about this shit?

oh that's right, because they are fucking retarded fucks

*30-40% of millenials voted to leave

>This decision should never have been given to the public
>Illegal immigrants should get to vote in elections!

tolerant left.

Kind of funny too when you consider the EU is apparently only 43 years old

>Leftists have no actual idea why they believe Brexit is bad, other than "media told me so"
>Leftists have no idea why they believe immigration is good, other than "muh economy stimulation"2
>Leftists believe an economic rough patch isn't a natural reaction to one of the EU powerhouses pulling out
>Leftists have such a narrow mindset, that they actually believe they are "good" and leave voters are "evil"
>Leftists whine that democracy is broken when they don't get their way
>Leftists are always the ones violently rioting and looting in the name of "peace"

What the fuck is wrong with some people...

>What the fuck is wrong with some people...

It's easier to brainwash the young, which is why the Left so heavily touts the importance of "youth perspectives" and a younger voting age, and can barely contain its impatience for older people to die off.

Everything is black and white in Politics hombre, It's the way It's always been and the way It will always be. A lot of people are stupid, and those that are smart enough to be aware of shades of grey merely ignore them because It won't help their cause in convincing the stupid ones.

Also the left loves the working class, underemployed and helping the retired... right up until those people vote against their supra-national neo-USSR unified Europe

Dude its only 23 years old

It's not.

>Let's just round up all the Grandma's

Fucking Christ these people have no respect. If anybody even tried to drag my grandma out of her house she would just bake them cookies while talking about her grandchildren. If that didn't work she'd pull out her axe and dismember them. She's 87 and still cuts her own goddamn firewood

I hate it when people do """"""""""this"""""""""

it's like, fuck, ok, we get it, you lack a clear understanding of subtlety and nuance, fucking hell

>i need a piss
>(runs off to the toilet for 13 minutes)

why does he tell facejew when and how long he faps?