Why are foreigners on Sup Forums so butthurt about us voting to Brexit?
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They won't be able to leech off the white man anymore.
All the Muslims mad they can't fuck shit up
Murdoch media would have everyone believe this is somehow going to make their shitty lives worse.
They're finally realizing that whitey ain't gonna give em no more gibsmedats.
Just enjoy the tears.
Give us back the money we gave you.
You never gave us any money you dumb Pole.
I'm happy for Britain I really am and being English descended I can take some comfort in England continuing to live on. I also envy Britain because my family fought, bled and ultimately lost for what Britain has just gained.
I'm a Southerner and we're deracinated. We're a minority in our own states between non whites and transplants so there's no hope of democracy ever achieving independence for us. The US is wholly hostile to our existence and hellbent on our eradication.
Is this backward land??
Because you fucking chavs destabilised your tiny little world, and the Union Jack has no longer a worthy place on the Australian flag.
I think it's the best thing to happen this year
Welcome back to your Commonwealth
Because you won't be paying to support their shithole countries anymore.
USA would never, ever give the population an opportunity to turn the status quo on its head like Britain just did.
As an America , I'm glad you finally followed in our steps to Uncuck yourself and become sovereign again. It's the first domino in the long chain of globalist collapse. Britain lit the fire, and it's going to burn the Jews and globalists to the ground.
The Yankee nation needed lebensraum. It was for the best. There isn't enough room for every nation to be a winner.
Ignore this traitor He doesn't speak for Australia
Because everyone flocked to the yen everything became 10% more expensive for me since I still use my foreign currency over here
Still happy for you guys though but from now on I have to spend a lot less money
I have a UK passport. Not sure if I can live anywhere in Europe anymore. Anyone know?
the Sun backed brexit you flaming homosexual
murdoch was pro brexit
If you were here when it happened you would know the entire board was happy for you. I wish I had taken a picuture of the catolog
Exactly. Don't even worry about what they think. This was the UK's decision.
We already have the opportunity, and November 8th will determine if we utilize it.
I was here. The board just seems to be full of the opposite at the moment.
You intransigent Aussie fucks know no loyalty to your motherland's queen
Kill yourself
sorry that was a reply for you
Nah, you made me happy, welcome to rich men's club lad.
is this better?
You can't put Trump into power with a simple majority vote from the electorate.
Don't pretend your election system isn't some arcane nonsense.
cause no more free shit
The electoral system in the US actually helps Republicans, it makes Trump more likely. Since he could win the whitehouse even with a minority of the vote.
t. Abdul al Baghdadi from melbourne. Allahu Ackbar!
>Don't pretend your election system isn't some arcane nonsense.
"Arcane nonsense" is what keeps neetbux to a minimum and guns legal.
Oh god i laughed so hard
> spot the poms
get out you fucking tourists
That doesn't make it more democratic.
Just investment bankers who lost money betting the wrong way. Pay no attention, Britbro
America's founders deliberately designed the system to be only partially democratic.
Poles paid billions of tax in the UK. Polish immigration is the only reason the UK can even still afford a navy and the NHS.
The average Pole in the UK pays more tax and uses less services than the average ethnic Brit.
It makes it more favorable.
Democratic=! Better
I'm not saying democracy is good.
I'm not. Good job Brits. DEATH TO THE EU.
Why are you fags always so butt blasted over our gunaws?
>Born in Australia
Well mate, are you abo, lebo, chink or irish?
America isn't for the most part :3
Neither is Australia.
Why because your corrupt shithole country is unable to reconcile their debts?
the poles can take that up with the pakis n such.
>Poles paid billions of tax in the UK.
Poles are part of the reason taxes have had to rise to pay for more schools and hospitals, they are part of the reason wages are stagnant and rents are rising. They are the reason houses are so pricey. Anything Poles pay in taxation is simply not worth it for the average person. They also do not spend much money in the UK, with most money going back to Poland. So it is also an economic drain on the British economy. There are simply far too many foreigners.
>there's no hope of democracy ever achieving independence for us
And whose fault is that? Ours, that's who. By not having large families we're being outnumbered and that translates to numbers of votes. By not teaching our children what is the truth, they are becoming indoctrinated by their teachers and liberal professors. By allowing liberal filth in the guise of song lyrics to be interpreted as "art" children are being taught to be disrespectful of the law and that white culture is bad.
Better wake the fuck up.
Because they expected you to lie down and surrender your country to them. UK was one of the most cucked countries, this is a YUGE blow to the antiwhite agenda.
You'll notice backlash from EVERYONE when you, as a white male, stray from the program and begin asserting your own interest.
Yeah debts will be written off if the EU dissolves. What a dumbass
Freedom is freedom bro.
>gbp dies
>immigrants still flood into bongland undocumented
They want the gibs. All the filthy Pakis and niggers stuck in Greece want to pass through EU onto UK and collects benefits.
It's literally one "Polish" guy, three Germans, a Brazillian and a handful of Muslims that are against Brexit.
I'm happy for you, ally. Nobody expected it.
the 'family unit' is fractured. we have large families, but with many fathers as contributors.
>Blaming working Poles instead of "refugee" leeches. Your political correctness has damaged your brain.
> take other people's hard earned money
> bail and never give it back
Spoken like a degenerate gypsy.
Death to scots
50% of scots want a one world government, they're probably the ones behind the new world order
Salty AF that they don't have the balls to try and fix their countries.
Wish we had referendums here desu. Our politicians are completely incapable of passing anything
Have you ever heard about jealousy you flaming homosexual?
I'm proud of you guys. You chose freedom over security. It takes a lot of character to do that.
get in line or be knocked down.
i say earn your keep or get out of the way.
We won't get that much euromonies now
Poles come here for selfish reasons. They come here to get paid and to get mansions back in their shitty country. We don't owe them shit. They didn't do us any favors, they were just looking out for numero uno.
We will.
Who's gonna pay for it?!
Britain has 2000 Syrian refugees in it. We didn't let them in like the Germans, hence why France has thousands of them piling up in Calais.
Meanwhile there are well over a million Poles here and hundreds of thousands more coming every year.
I don't know why you think we should be happy with living standards being destroyed under the pressure of migration just because the people doing it are Polish.
because they could have chosen any kind of flavour but they chose to be feces flavoured.
You know who I haven't heard ANYTHING from, and which I really expected to pipe up?
The Greeks.
We are giving back cuck. With interest. Now please kys.
>They didn't do us any favors
Enjoy your hard working African immigrants from Calais then.
By the way, we helped you win WW II.
There won't be any fresh blood to rape little girls and boys.
this isn't about economics, it's about the continuation of the white race. poles coming in and taking jobs is shitty but for every pole that came in, it was one less syrian or somali
By "refugees" I mean all Muslim/African/Turk doctors and engineers. I was trying to be nice.
Please don't make me spill my tea lad.
>hence why France has thousands of them piling up in Calais.
>Britain has 2000 Syrian refugees in it.
>Syrians in Calais
It's mostly Sudanese, Eritreans and Afghans in Calais. They did go through the same routes as the Syrians, but stop calling them Syrian or refugee. For fucks sake, it's 2016. Pic related. It's a camp set up in Paris by Sudanese and Afghans kicked out from Calais.
Poles are hardly any better, they don't integrate either.
Most of us think it's great you got your balls back.
I hope Brexit is the beginning of the swing back against liberal nonsense,
Not living there, it's hard for me say, but isn't the larger problem middle-eastern immigrants that do not assimilate, create sharia law zones (how that can supercede established, local law boggles my mind) and go on the dole, all while preaching hate to their host country?
they arent rektless muslims.
They counted on remain in betting sites desu
They're better for the economy. Regardless, this is just day 0 of globalism dying. We have to wait and see what UK does about immigration.
True, having my house flooded with only piss is better then shit but id rather it be clean completely desu.
I want the continuation of Britain and British people. Poles are almost as much of an issue as Pakis. Since both hate Britain and think we owe them just for existing. Poles also do not integrate and try to con the system as much as possible.
You're wrong. Slavs can be seen as "lower" white if you want to go there, but they're still white. No one flips out because they find out their daughter's otherwise charming boyfriend is Polish. The problem is strictly from the class of Poles coming in, and the numbers they came in. You can marry a Polish woman and still have a big beautiful white family. There's no genetic baggage there.
No one is butthurt . Everyone is applauding you. Hell my portfolio grew substantially after the news came about.
The butthurt by leftists is priceless though. I would gladly trade in the hundreds my stocks did today for the liberal butthurt this has caused any day of the week.
Who fucking cares. They're Catholic and they know the value of a hard day's work. You could learn a lesson from them, Franz.
Mexicans don't really give a shit. We only cry over our devalued pesos.
Britain is not Catholic. Catholics in Britain vote overwhelmingly for the left.
>Why are foreigners on Sup Forums so butthurt about us voting to Brexit?
I've never seen the Americans be as supportive to the Brits as they were last night.
God bless those bastards. I'll be behind them 100% come November.
I don't care if they are white, they act like niggers they are still niggers.
>Since both hate Britain
Nigger please, we teach our children that UK is awesome since they start talking.
Now I'm mad. Ungrateful fuck.