Ive never seen it, why do people say the directors cut of Kingdom of Heaven is really good...

Ive never seen it, why do people say the directors cut of Kingdom of Heaven is really good. What makes it so much different than the original release.

I just finished watching the directors cut and it was pretty good (haven't seen the original though). I'm going to guess lots more talking basically. And I mean LOTS. 3hrs long but worth it. They really tried to make the Muslims saracens sympathetic though...

the directors cut just made more sense to me. in the theatrical i was constantly thinking "why are they doing this". the directors cut cleared stuff up. thats my opinion anyway.

Compared to the mostly unwashed, uneducated barbarians coming from Europe in that time the troops of Salahudin were top-notch. Bloody conquerors. But way better than any shit from the other side.

Is there a reason why they released it like that in the cinemas? Just too long or the executives being trash as usual ?

The director's cut sort of explained a ton of motives behind the christians going apeshit

im assuming too long. dont know for sure. im still waitin on a directors cut of Exodus.

Director's cut is an alright film.

Guessing that means the theatrical cut is pure shit.

>crusaders and muslims have a massive battle in the desert
>don't show any of it


What's with all this sjw Muslim pandering though

>Saladin was meant to be this chivalrous white European knight
>they show him as some Muslim general who speaks Arabic

>The Crusades were historically a based set of battles were Europeans BTFO of kebabs and kick them out of the Middle East
>The movie shows that Muslims actually won and Christians lost

How do you watch the directors cut?

The director's cut is too long and has pretentious stuff like an orchestral intermission.

Plus, Eva Green's character is much less waifu-worthy.

Its like 45 minutes longer OP. There's just so much more put back into the movie.

it makes more narrative sense and gives the characters motivations. the theatrical really was a hatchet job

i think people overrate it a bit though. the Baldwin IV stuff is all incredible but Orlando Bloom is still a black hole

solid bait

I can't tell if this is bait or if you're 12 years old.

Kingdom of Heaven is trash no matter the cut and I am otherwise a huge Scott fan

>Tiberius offered to protect the muslim caravans with his own men
>muslim caravan leader said it would be haram to have christians protect them but they had no problem accepting gold compensation

>The director's cut is too long
Better to be too long by 45 minutes than two and a half hours of shit imo.

I wouldn't say it's trash, but it's just plain isn't very good, and if you want someone to watch a190 minute movie it has to be pretty damn good.

Most boring directors cut. All of the stuff that got cut out in the first place was unnecisRy and dull and the of movie was better without.

>Salah ad-din Yusuf ibn Ayyub
>chivalrous white Euro knight

Europe was in the dark ages BECAUSE of the Muslim conquest of Iberia. People love to talk about Muslim learning during this period, but their books are literally just the few they didn't burn when they destroyed Rome

Entire vital subplots cut. It's basically a different movie in the director's cut, and far superior.

Saladin was a Kurd.

>Plus, Eva Green's character is much less waifu-worthy.

>not liking complicated waifus

Man, I wish cool face masks like that were in style. Would make everyday life more interesting.

I thought they didn't finish destroying Rome until 1453 though

Please explain

The priest in the beginning was his jealous brother and not just a random asshole. Eva Green had a son that also began to develop leprosy. That's off the top of my head, been awhile since I saw it. There was some more political stuff too with the Templar.

Basically eveyone's motives became far more coherent.

The theatrical cut removed almost an hour from the original film - not simply superfluous action scenes or whatever, but scenes of exposition that helped reveal the motivations of many major characters. Without said scenes, the original film felt disjointed. One critic's reponse summed the extended director's cut rather well: "The added 45 minutes in the director’s cut are like pieces missing from a beautiful but incomplete puzzle."

Leprosy has never been fashionable.

With your eyes

Naked and covered in olive oil.