You're a big guy

>you're a big guy
>for you

Can someone explain what the hell this is supposed to mean? It makes no fucking sense.

>it would be extremely painful
>you're a big guy- [you can take it]
>for you!

it ain't great, but it works on the page. the actors just didn't get it and nolan didn't correct them because he was too busy making planes crash for fucking real. should have been fixed in editing, but nolan's editor is a fucking retard.

christopher "muh one take" nolan refuses to reshoot so things like this and marion cotillard's death get put in the final cut

Tom Hardy understood the line just fine. While dubbing over the line, which was done for most of Bane's dialogue, Tom deliberately intoned the line to change its meaning, to "I'm a big guy for you".


Check these

Very close


How about now?

Littleginger is short. Bane is a big guy for him.

Holt shit I think I finally just understood what the fuck that scene was about.

>If I take off your mask will it hurt you?
>Oh... there would be pain...
>Oh yeah big guy?
>Pain for you.

It's still horrible.

I feel this has been explained a camillionaire amount of times.

Do you truly understand the depth of your failure?

He meant he was a big guy for him as in he was out of his league and in over his head. CIA was no match for Bane. What started out as a comment on banes size ended with a slight on CIA.


off by one, faggot

I think it has to do with how Bane is talking about pain and the CIA is trying to jokingly 'console' him over his concerns about pain and how the only one who would experience pain from removing Bane's mask would be the CIA.

off by two, Jew

off by seven, pleb

"It would be very painful"
"You're a big guy"
>You're a tough, big guy, it shouldn't be that painful
"For you"
>If you take off my mask, it will be very painful for YOU, because I'm going to beat your ass

As much I a love Baneposting, there's no intended connection between BIG GUY and FOR YOU. that's our creation. Nolan didn't mean anything by that.

This is how fucking religions split.


fucking, one image at a time, i'm tellin ya...

off by three, flea

>This is how fucking religions split.
impeccable timing, mate

off by three, bumblebee

off by none, user-kun

Looks like you finally got digits, midget

im in love with you guys

Now's a time for celebration

>missing a joke from a children's book
How dense are you motherfuckers really?



Even then the joke doesn't make any sense because Bane is a "big guy" for pretty much anyone. Every time I watched the movie and hear that line I have to think twice about what the fuck he means by that.

fucking retard

Jesus Christ. I've seen that fucking movie like 10 times now and never understood that line until you explained it that way. That joke needed some more time in the oven.

really? It made sense the first time I watched it. it wasn't until I came here that the alternate and joke interpretations muddied the water.

>it would be very painful
>you're a big guy-
>painful for you

>supporting Trump causes he pisses off Jews
>not supporting Trump cause he's too Jewish


It's so awkwardly written and poorly delivered by the actors that I never got it. Every time I watched it I went "YEAH NO SHIT BANE IS A BIG GUY, HE'S FUCKING BANE"

It would make much more sense written like this:

>(CIA smiles as he is eager to finally unmask bane.)

>CIA (smugly): So, If I take that mask off, will you die?

>Bane (matter of fact): Well, it would be extremely painful.

>CIA (smug and condescending, slight apprehension, impatient): Well, I'm sure it's nothing a big guy like you can't handle. (Slowly reaches toward bane's mask)

>Bane (dead serious, slight malice, looking CIA right in his eyes): Painful for you, I fear.

>CIA (caught off guard, without thinking, quickly moves his hand away from banes face like he's afraid of a biting dog, quickly composes himself and pretends he wasn't terrified for a split second.)


Thank you, that makes much more sense.

Either it was poorly written, edited, or delivered, it sounds stupid as hell when watching the movie

>there are people who seriously didn't understand that scene
How stupid can one be?

Who got get?