last bread
last bread
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C'mon, help me
what a failure of a thread
What's a good video editing software that allows me to crop out black borders and such for Windows? I can make anime webm but not movies that has borders.
WebMConverter has a crop option
I'll start using it then.
Coulda swore that happened in either JP2 or JP3?
it's 2
webm for retards has just about everything
It's the Lost World you faggot
this is extremely disturbing without sound, and without it i bet
I saw this in theatres when I was 12
Even then I knew there was something terribly wrong with it
What movie is this? I know I've seen it and feeling pretty dumb...
donuts dont wear alligator shoes
Singin in the Rain!
Problem Child 2
nice do you have any more? I love this movie
maybe Blade
sure thing user
Cynthia from Malcolm in the Middle!
>mfw I discovered Michael Smiley camoed as Dr Evazan in Rogue One
Yes it is user
Having worked in a bar, that pour and resulting head trigger me.
Also the head all but vanishes from one shot to the next.
lmao its like 50% head
The head's a shocker, but then the characters there don't really care about stuff like that at that point
meant for
that looks good
>bottom at mug of the beginning
>her arm at 0:47
Somebody had dickants???
Heh, I actually didn't see that other webm. Though his is from the newer one I think, while mine is from the 2009 version. They've made so many fucking movies/miniseries of Wuthering Heights, I'm honestly surprised.
oh shit the demon from that Louis CK bit was there
Severance is underrated.
thanks friend
>when China raises the price of Trumps spray on tan bottles
Heh, I need to watch that movie again. How do you think it compares to the Men Who Stare At Goats? I still haven't watched that.
I haven't seen TMWSAG either, heard it sucked
I love how there was still a phone booth in the future of Brave and the Bold
is that a cheese with some hands in it?
>tfw when zionists BTFO
they'll be back, technology is cyclical
fucking love this webm
>Zionists BTFO
Trump is a huge supporter of Israel
>Michael Bay got her to audition for Transformers by making her wash his car in a bikini
he's an oligarch and capitalist. He knows he needs the jews on side... for now.
>swallowing the line
good goyim
is this true? I need a webm of this
Well the story has circulated for years but any footage that exists is in Mr Bay's private collection
>we will never see prime megan fox in a bikini washing based Bay's car
Think of all the spectacular casting couch footage we will never see
Lost like tears in the rain
shameless repost from the other thread. We need more webm's of women from the 1960s-1970s