Childs was the Thing
Childs was the Thing
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What no way
was it ever explained why there couldnt be more than one 'thing' at the same time?
for like 80% of the film there is more than one thing
ITT: Remakes you enjoyed
This again?
It really doesn't matter who the thing was, since there was no escaping the bloody base anyway
That being said both characters, when they regroup, smile-they're content in their efforts of destroying the thing, that's the ending.
shut up palmer
The ending always makes me feel a little safer knowing that no matter what, they might be fucked, but so is the monster.
Good thing that it's not here in this thr
I'm just glad that he's in there and we're out here
Fuck you, it was trash
i liked it too user
Yea thats why he drinks the molotov and nothing happens
Yikes scoob, that's an old poop
What if the thing was Childs?
But where's the caveman?
Was it autism?
He just wants to fuck his dogs in peace.
underposted rate
They were both Things you tard
If one of them was human, they would have flame throwered the either knowing full well they would both die anyways from the cold so logic dictates you would kill the other just incase it was a thing
since neither killed the other, they were both things wanting to be frozen to infect whoever found them
Hey, I ain't goin' with Windows!
Did the people who became assimilated know they were the thing? Were they such a perfect imitation that they believed they were the original? Did they find out they were the Thing when they were changing? Or did they know all along that they were the Thing?
there is more than one 'thing', they're actively fighting each other by proxy
Just a humble Canadian trying to mind his own business.
Assuming Blair became the thing first due to blood seeping through his skin during the autopsy, MacReady would have been infected when he takes a drink of Blair's vodka bottle as he gives it to him in the shed that he's locked in. By the end of the movie he is probably a Thing.
You can assume that Childs was grabbed right before MacReady blows everything up because of his absence and change of clothing. Even if he wasn't, MacReady would have infected him with his saliva when he hands him the bottle.
Well Childs is black so Kurt russel obviously couldn't relax around him
>very superstitiuos
boung boung bounnk
Blood test sequence SCHOOLS the tards like M. Night Shambleman
>change of clothing
You and your lies.
Childs' never changed clothes, retard - the blue coat looks tan because it's covered in snow in dim lighting.
People's fucking kids, mang. How bored are ya that you dredge up the exact same shit over and over and go over the exact same ground over and over. Go outside! Make a friend!
When you believe in things that you don't understand
Then you suffer
Superstition ain't the wayyyyy...
>seven years of bad luck
boung boung bounk bounk
Sure buddy
Baloney years ago, still baloney now, pal. If you think for one second that John Carpenter is that obvious, you dun goofed.
At least you posted it for all to see how wrong it is. Chum.
he back traced it though.
>Keep me in a daydream, keep me goin' strong
You don't wanna save me, sad is my song
When you believe in things that you don't understand
Then you suffer
Superstition ain't the wayyyy.
What does that even mean?
you dun goofed
I think the thing knows that it's a thing. People infected in the movie clearly act in the interest of the host, so it probably means they understand they are a thing.
Yeah, i don't think so...
>you will never listen to stevie wonder superstition in antartica with your walkman
>childs runs out into the storm
>power immediately goes out
>door to generator left wide open
even without le british costume designer video, it's obvious Childs was the thing
This whole post is fallacious.
>states premise
>backs up premise with non sequitur
>followed up with false conclusion
How did Childs wreck the generator when, as you correctly state: he was outside when it shut down? And had been outside for at least 30 seconds?
you want the cookie?
So if the thing infected every living thing on earth, would it make any difference? Would everyone just go on doing their thing until they stub their toe getting out of bed and monster out?
how's 9th grade debate class going, champ?
Why did the Swedes dig it up in the first place?
It is 100% confirmed that Macready was the Thing.
At that point it would probably escalate to Invasion of the Body Snatchers levels where they form an organized system of infecting people
you don't back up a premise, a premise backs up a conclusion. How about you give a counterargument if you say the conclusion is false?
I'm taking about a hypothetical situation with 100% Thing Saturation.
They'd probably just revert to whatever their natural form looks like.
He said he went out to get Blair. But Blair had to already be inside since the generator went out as soon as Childs left.
Look at that, it's Child's dead body and Macready is nowhere to be found.
I don't know if they have a natural form or not. I think they'd create the most efficient form for manufacturing spaceships out of parts in the overrun environment, so that they could spread out in all directions in space and find more populated worlds. Whenever the entire planet is infected and they've launched spacecraft, it could be assumed that they might return to Antarctica and/or the Arctic to freeze over and remain in some sort of stasis.
as far as some unending campaign of infection goes you could compare them to the things from Slither that apparently just conquer worlds for the sake of doing it
Perhaps they're like the changelings from DS9 and just revert to a massive pile of goo.
this proves neither of them were the Thing then
If Mcready was the Thing, he would have just absorbed Childs for the body mass. If Childs was the thing, he wouldn't be there and would have gone somewhere else
>If Mcready was the Thing, he would have just absorbed Childs for the body mass
If Macready wasn't the Thing how come his body isn't there? And how come he magically shows up at the end with a helicopter out of nowhere after apparently surviving in the Arctic for several months with no food or shelter?
The game is canon?
Carpenter signed off on it and even voices a character in the game. So that's about as canon as you can get.
The film makes it pretty clear Childs is the thing
>Implying The Thing won't just get frozen again and take over the world once a rescue team comes
it really doesn't, kiddo
Not even slightly, user.
They're norwegian, mac.
You must be bored, user! Fuck yourself.
Yes, Childs saw Blair (heading to the generator) and went outside - as he went out, Blair went in. Childs got lost, Blair wrecked the generator. It all fits.
I always thought Macready gave Childs gasoline to drink, and that is why he started laughing after.
Muh catchlight