Why am I supposed to sympathize with these normie degenerates?
Was their "love" even based on anything other than sexual urges?
Why am I supposed to sympathize with these normie degenerates?
Was their "love" even based on anything other than sexual urges?
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What a fucking hack.
When did this obsession with degeneracy start? What's going on here?
God you faggots are insufferable
Banning everything that's fun because you're all ugly virgins that couldn't pull a fucking rope
Just fuck off and let us have fun without turning everything into ""normie""" this and """normie that""". No wonder you don;t get laid.
time to go watch porn i guess, fuck you op
Nice bait
Pretty sure it was just to serve as a portrait of love. It just wasn't the considered, "mature" portrait of love directors usually jerk themselves off with. Noe was willing to show two unpleasant people and humanize them for the audience through their relationship.
It was obviously an ego project for him and the main character was very much a self insert with the whole "sensual sex filmmaker" plotline.
And then he had to cast himself in an important role AND name the kid Gaspar too.
I don't see how that really takes away from it. His line about depicting love in a film, I forget exactly what the line was, largely works because you already have the idea that Noe is at least being semi-autobiographical and stating the film's intent then and there. I thought it worked.
I don't even understand what the goal is supposed to be. I mean, even Nazis had a clear goal. Hitler at least knew how to have fun.
>nihilistic hedonism
>lol it's just harmless fun, virginxD
The film's intent is ultimately pretty empty if you take the visual candy away, that is the "artsy" porn. It's the equivalent of Michael Bay having a character talk about how they want to make a movie with lots of loud explosions and CGI mayhem. For lack of intellectual or storytelling depth.
t. mad roastie
Sup Forums bitter incels
Sure thing, Mehmet Mohammed Abdul IV
If people in the alt-right got laid would they still be angry?
>having sex changes you as a person
t. virgin
Gaspar Noe is sick in the head
Has whiteknighting for sluts gotten you laid yet?
It actually is harmless fun, you sick sack of shit.
To kill the emperor
Just please don't shoot up your school
who are you talking about, the actresses?
>Has whiteknighting for sluts gotten you laid yet?
yes, actually
How did you make that connection?
>there are actually people who don't know what it feels like to have a woman fall for them
Enjoy your dopamine based lives
>dem tounge touches on the cover
The movie is basically about edgy whiny hypocrites engaging in dopamine pursuits with no real affection for each other or any sense of emotional consequences or morals.
>seeing people get hurt is fun
>Sex on film
>morals are for Sup Forums virgins
I've done meaningless sex with club sluts. It's empty and ultimately unsatisfying.
Why is "meaningless sex" immoral? Don't ever bother trying to answer because you can't
It changes your ability to pair bond successfully.
ITT morons who think there's any other purpose of this product than $$$
Lifetip: you live in a world where that dude you posted probably fucked more girls than you
Yeah how did he? Only we're allowed to make bizarre generalizations.
>being so butthurt at the alt-right that you defend beta faggots
What a time to be alive.
Nice thumbnail fag
Unsimulated sex? SO like what, the sex scenes were all real?
>Why is "meaningless sex" immoral? Don't ever bother trying to answer because you can't
Because the male-female monogamous relationship is literally the backbone of civilization, retard.
Nothing is immoral. Just do what your dick wants.
Go back to your cave, mudslime
>damsels in dishess
Lad, don't kebab keep multiple wives?
If both partners are in it just for the body humping and nothing else, then it's not immoral but they are basically acting as apes who just saw a large amount of food and have to eat every last bite until it hurts.
More often than not though they instead pretend to love each other or enter a relationship that is just as shallow and meaningless as the sex it was based on and that more often than not ends up bad.
Me before getting laid: far right traditionalist
Me after getting laid: far right traditionalist with a wet dick
>then it's not immoral
Stopped reading right there, thanks, i'm right.
t. virgin
This thread is going well.
he just said the movie sucked you strawmanning loser
>when did it start
after world war 2
And that's why the Greek civilization collapsed
i thought it was one or the other
ITT: atheists degenerates
It's obvious why you have no morals
you've never been in a relationship have you?