Do you like TV/movies or vidya more?
Do you like TV/movies or vidya more?
videogames are more distracting from my shitty life
10 years ago I would have said vidya, but the older I get the more I prefer movies and TV shows
I remember when I could sit down and play video games for 10 hours straight, these days I start to get bored after just 1
when I do find a game that keeps my attention though, it instantly becomes one of my favorites.
I hate both!
I stopped playing videogames
When i was a kid/teenager
Video Games>Movies>TV/series
TV/series>Video Games> Movies
Old movies better than old video games.
New videogames better than new movies.
I'm on Sup Forums you fucking mong
If I liked anti art trash like videogames I'd be on Sup Forums
video games are for kids who never grew out of playing with action figures
Let me guess, you think Skyrim is good. TOP FUCKING KEK.
i'm playing the game of life now
best game
literature = the sopranos > film > every other tv show >>> vidya >>>>>>>>>>>>>> anime/manga
>literature = the sopranos
way to invalidate your whole post
Um...No, try again sweetie
video games > TV series > movies > comic books > literature > music > all fine arts
I pretty much only come here for Sam and MDE threads
I feel like I'm wasting my time when I play video games. At least movies and tv are social capital.
but lots of people talk about video games now, they aren't just for losers anymore
how much I used to enjoy video games > how much I used to enjoy movies > how much I enjoy movies now > how much I enjoy video games now
If the op said television/movies or politics would this thread still be up?
Same with me, although I've become increasingly niche with age. RPGs and third-person action-adventure games are all that can hold my attention nowadays
TV/movies by far.
Can barely play games anymore, unless i'm playing with friends. Though I do enjoy playing fifa while listening to music
I put way more time into PS4 than I do watching tv/movies.
Ever since I stopped smoking weed I don't really enjoy video games unless I'm playing with friends.
Stop playing video games.
Anime > lets plays > kino > film=literature > video games >marvel > music > movies > memes > flicks > DC
vidya is terrible now.
For years I thought that I had changed, but then i started playing old games I'd missed out on and I realized that new video games really are shit these days.
As of right now
Switch let's plays with anime
I hope you payed for that stock photo, criminal scum.
I'm willing to meet you halfway with lets plays of anime games
>it's a hentai game let's play episode
there are people in the world who probably agree with this
>its a lets play Hentai
Kino Video Games only for me
get a load of this mulignan
Movies, but stuff like pic related gives you the best of both worlds.
I don't understand how anyone who is not either 13 or autistic could possibly like video games.
memes >
That's easy. You just need friends. Gaming is super fun when you ahve buddies to play competitive shooters etc with. As soon as I lost all my friends gaming lost its magic. Now I mindlessly play GTAV while listening to podcasts or audiobooks. The game is filler.
>need friends
shoo-shoo, grandpa, back to your retirement home
kino > cinema > films > movies > flicks > literature > narratives > books > stories > television series > TV shows > sonics > music > songs > hits > video games
How did you lose all your friends?
>the best of both worlds
Terrible stealth and AI ruin the game. Writing is okay though.
>Writing is okay though.
you mean the children of men/the road amalgamation? yeah, such great writing!
Depends on the video game and it depends on the movie.
cowboys and aliens and crash bandicoot
I love film, TV is okay (Sopranos, Twin Peaks, The Wire, The Leftovers) but, is inferior to film in every way. I outgrew video games, I have an Xbox for TV and 4k blu ray player.
I get bored of video games pretty easily, only have the patience to sit through half a movie before I start getting agitated.
tv, I guess but I don't watch most of it, I usually just shitpost
I'm guessing he didn't lose his friends they just stopped playing video games. At least that's what happened to me.
try alcohol
honestly I can't concentrate on any one thing for more than 30 minutes without it
I prefer shitposting in a mongolian throat singing image board
Dropped vidya like 5 years ago. Videogames are a novelty, that's why children love it so much, their growing brains welcome interactive, challenging activities. Once the novelty wears off, interactive activity turns into work-like routine, and you're stuck with a medium of worst storytelling and artistic quality, and you're forced to press many buttons just to get through it, there's hardly a reason not to just read a book or watch a film.
this is not good advice
that's how I am though
>the I'm too mature for games attitude
I bet you're just a right cunt to be around aren't ya?
For me it goes
Good Game = Good TV Series
Good TV Series > Good Movie
and for the rest, why would I play or watch something I don't enjoy?
reading comprehension.
I barely watch TV, I just find myself picking everything apart and can't enjoy it. Recent TV writing is fucking abyssmal. Movies can be great but they only last 2 hours, and it's pretty hard to judge if you'll love something before you watch it. Meanwhile I've spent hundreds of hours immersed in games with TW3 and really enjoyed them. I think people are more interested in "an experience" nowadays
>a medium where something like Undertale is taken seriously
Nah thanks
Movies and good TV shows.
Video games are only good if they have strategy, tactics, and really make me think. If I want good visuals and story I will watch a movie.
>a medium where something like Star Wars is taken seriously
>let's plays that high up
Movies, all the vidyas coming out are shit.
At least with Movies both independent and studio produced there is the occasional great or good film.
There's only ever one or two goodish games each year now.
>star wars
>taken seriously
it's good advice if you can't concentrate and don't have access to prescription meds
with a few glasses of whiskey I can actually enjoy a feature film without my mind wandering and missing key scenes, and play video games without getting bored and turning it off after 20 minutes
it beats shitposting while kind of but not really watching TV in the background
The great thing about computer games is they directly engage you. Television and film can be extremely passive. "Watching the Sopranos" can mean anything from sitting down studying it academically taking in all the detail and nuance, but it can just be some schlub on their sofa barely following the plot and characters while checking their phone.
If the movie stopped every 5 seconds and you had to press spacebar to continue, would that enhance the experience?
and then the older you get neither seem to be enjoyable
No but that is a false equivalence with the engagement that happens in computer games, or at least the ones I play. I guess those hentai ""games"" require literally what you described
>run forward
>bad guys appear
>stop and shoot them
>run forward again
>comes to Sup Forums
>to ask what people like more
>/////////Sup Forums////////
>or vidya
i swear to god, you fucking retards sometimes...
Oh wow, you think I play shooters. heh.
Well let's try you're example.
>watch film/tv
>watch bad guy appear
>watch character defeat bad guy
>passive mouthbreathing
>play game
>directly control character
>bad guy appears
>have to beat him
>freedom to choose how you fight
>maybe lose once, try a different way
>accomplish something by winning
>get better
So you see either way I think you're wrong
I wish Bethesda hired some real writers.
And some real animators.
And some real texture artists.
And some real modelers.
And some real designers.
Just stop playing their shitty casual games
So if someone likes video games more he can't possibly think Sup Forums is the better board than Sup Forums?
Video games are for children
Kino is for gentlemens and scholars
Jesus Christ, I knew this board was filled with plebs.
This is how the mediums should be rated.
Literature > Video Games > TV/Film
Literature trumps anything in terms of vision and storytelling, and TV/Film just can't compete with vidya, especially in terms of interactivity and impact. Vidya can be shit right now, but the possibilities is so fucking staggering I'm surprised that TV/Film isn't even dead. It probably isn't because the vidya industry is filled with incompetency right and it's in a phase where passion has been forgotten in substitute for corporatism.
In all honesty, I use TV/Film as the lazy braindead medium where when i'm too lazy to play vidya/burnout-period or don't want to jump through the mental gymnastics of a literature book, I simply just decide to sit/lay-down and let something just do all the work for me.
i've reached the point where even playing a video game feels productive because you need to put in more effort than watching a film
thus nowadays i watch more movies than play vidya
Non-Fiction > Realistic Fiction > Fiction > Classical Music (European, Opera) > Kino > Hip-Hop & Rap > Electronic Music (Ambient, Electronica, Techno) > Cinema > Premium TV > Film > Alternative Music > Movies > Network TV > PC Gaming > Flicks > 5th Gen (PS1, N64) > 4th Gen (SNES, Sega) > 6th Gen (Xbox, GC, PS2) > Rock Music > 3rd Gen (NES) > Pop Music > Golden Age Arcade > 7th Gen (Xbox 360, PS3) > Hand-held (GB) > 8th Gen (Xbone, PS4) > Punk > "Next-Gen" (Switch/Scorpio) > MMORPGs > Nintendo Wii U > Metal > Phone Gaming > Jazz > Country Music
How long did it take you to finalize this autistic list?
a few minutes i typed it out stream of consciousness and then forgot a couple things
i was also gonna do by book genre but i got bored and science fiction > all
>Sup Forums is the world
Anime is the lowest form of non-art, it's actual degeneracy.
Vidyafags are for laughing at. Animefags are for pitying
Video games >>>> movies >>>>>>>>>> TV
anime is cinema
Books are trash
>It's better because I get to press buttons!
Movies > Vidya >TV
Although the only games I play these days are Souls
Vidya has plenty of Sup Forums memes.
>mfw vidya legitimately tires me out now
>mfw I am ready to knock out by 2 AM at the latest
I am not a young man anymore, Sup Forums. FFXV is something else, though.
This. Or just having someone to talk to while you play is enough.
If you have friends they'll make watching tv/movies better by an equally proportionate amount assuming they participate. So, your argument is bullshit.
If someone said I like vidya because I get more blowjobs from my gf while I play, no rational person would assume that coincidence to have a correlation with video games.
Maybe you say "oh, but the games we were playing are MMOs, FPSs, etc., which are built around cooperation online and off".... Those games fucking suck. The fact that you NEED friends to play with to give them any staying power speaks volumes toward their incompetence.
Your friends aren't making a great game better. They are making a shit game okay. It evens out.
So, maybe you answer the OP next time instead of trying to find a loop hole around what you know to be the truth that tv/movies are better until video games reach a level of VR that isn't toss your mama's salad level repulsive.
I can't enjoy video games
Everything is so fast and you need to have ADHD to enjoy it