bravo shyamalan

I really wanted to like this movie. Dude cant catch a break.

rewatching unbreakable tonight right now

I literally just watched unbreakable like 4 hours ago for the first time, it was very well done.

thank you

Does Bruce willie actually show up?

Based HBObro

The directing and acting looks pretty good but the premise is too ridiculous for me to suspend my disbelief. 21 personalities in a single person? Please.

McAvoy looks pretty good like this

The ending actually surprised me. What a twist.


>people kept saying Bruce Willis' character from Unbreakable was going to save the girl/fight the beast
>all that happens is he shows up for a second referencing the last movie

Eh, it's okay

It's a fucking movie

[spoiler the people he kidnapped were personalities in his own mind and he's really inside of an institution[/spoiler]

I was expecting the unbreakable connection but not the whole "girl gets molested by her uncle" thing. Really put a damper on it all since she's probably going to have to go back to the guy.

He Kills 2 of the girls, but spares the final one as he sees scars on her body from an abusive childhood. She then manages to shoot with a shotgun or some shit. The twist is that near the end Bruce Willis's character from Unbreakable is watching the news report about the guy being a serial killer and how he appeared to have high strength and shit. Bruce says something like 'oh i knew a guy like him once' to the other watchers in the bar. Then there is a epilogue where M Night Shamallamadingdong goes on about how there should be more 4th wall breaking in films or some shit


Oh and He is actually a monster. The setting is set in the Unbreakable universe where people have superpowers. It's a meta comment on capeshit imo

Honestly knowing that the whole 23 personalities thing is way easier to swallow.
Still dumb but if it's set in that universe, then eh.


The whole twist is tied to...well...you know.

Is M Night back?

Yeah, a dumb fucking movie

the twist was its a shitty movie.

almost walked out 30 minutes in.

good movie

good twist

Unbreakable 2 when??

gee it's almost like it's fiction and there's an ending to the movie that basically explains why these things are possible

Which one would you pick first?

Pleb detected

>Hype up the beast
>Talk about how its a monster with long nails and a mane
>Drawings of it everywhere
>Its literally just Mcavoy eating people no beast

The movie had already established that the personalities all think they look physically different while looking the same on the outside.

solid 6/10

the epic tweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest 2/10

Please, post screenshot of Casey's cleavage when Kevin was spooning her, and WebM of Casey's bouncing boobs when she was running through the tunnel, also post screenshots of thicc girl walking around in panties, also birthday girl in her bra lying on the floor when Dr. Fletcher discovered her. I am an ephebophile