Injustice movie when?!
Injustice movie when?!
Damn, a two minute trailer was more impressive and emotionally intriguing than all of the current DC movies(not that that's hard competition)
when Amy Adams no longer wants to do Lois Lane. they can kill her character off which starts the Injustice storyline.
if they do it it shouldn't be just one movie. Injustice Superman should be a movie spanning threat.
another grimdark DC shitfest omg cant wait
You've become so embroiled in your company wars you went full retard.
Does this mean you don't like the trailer?
the man of steel trailer was pretty good and was part of the reason so many autists defended that piece of shit - they spent a year or so hypng themselves up based off a movie made to make a good trailer
>superman wasnt campy and fun enough!
>we should turn him into a violent dictator
Great thinking, some of your best
no grundy, no buy
You don't care either way.
Roster was leaked already
At least, that's what this trailer seems to indicate.
The Flash scene in BVS already implies this is gonna happen
swamp thing? based af
So, no Plastic Man?
Will probably be DLC considering he single-handedly kept the comic afloat,
Anyone who likes Injustice for the story is a drooling retard
Nice dubs. Why though?
It means his trips outrank your dubs.
>directed by Zach Snyder
We already have those, except the movie still let superman have some humanity.
Theres gonna be more. The full roster after dlc is going to be 40 characters.
Rumours swirling that theres 3 guest characters, and the top voted/requested are Spawn and Hellboy
Unless BvS backlash didn't force Snyder to mix things up, JL pt2 should feature Injustice plot elements.
>Big Guy returns
>Based Jaime has a starring role
I'm glad.
>no Plas
>no J'onn
Fuck this earth.
It's bretty bad. The comics only made it worse outside of the single issue with Plastic Man in it.
>dude look at how dark our capeshit is!
>important political issues whoa!
When will DC fucking learn?
Still room for DLC characters, don't give up hope.
Plastic Man if done right could be this game's Shuma Gorath
Isn't a major plotpoint of injustice that superman kills the Joker? Why would he need to if batman kills people anyways? Also it wouldnt be such a big shock since superman kills people too.
Darkseij with small lips, nuh
He killed the joker after he was poisoned(by the joker) with a hallucinogen that made him kill Lois Lane and destroy metropolis. After that he vowed to be a dictator rather than a Boy Scout.
40 characters counting the "alternate skin " ones like Referse Flash and John Stewart?
>a generation will think of Superman as a douchebag tyrant asshole instead of an inspiring uncompromising boy scout
why does DC want superman to be evil
In moments like this I always remember quote of robot from "The iron giant" I think he'd say some shit like
"I'M IRON MAAAAAAAAAN" nowdays. And no one would think of Superman.
it's what most Superman fans wanted tho
American Alien is one of the most loved comics of 2016 and Superman there was a douchebag
Bullshit. Current Superman ongoing about good Superman is on the top of the sales. And All-Star Superman is one of the most popular Superman comic of all time.
>on the top of the sale
>barely above 60.000
>killing a psychopath makes you a bad person
lmao DC
>It's a salty superfag episode from Sup Forums episode
believe me, you hero is shit. Snyder made him good and non-mary sue, and gave him a real world to test his powers in instead of a magical fairyland where everything is alright.
I know! it doesn't have quips and bright colors! I can't even!
>Poison Ivy
More R34 is coming. This is good.
That was merely the turning point. He then declared himself ruler of earth and killed other heroes that opposed him, like Green Arrow.
>when Amy Adams no longer wants to do Lois Lane
Thats not already the case?
uhh the real superman goes to this reality and kicks evil superman's ass. its the only reason hes tied up in chains.
this entire storyline is batman is sick of living under tyrant superman so he teleports the heroes from the normal dimension over to his tyrant dimension and the good guys save the day
give up on hollywood they only care for mass appeal
they did this in superman TAS
they also did it again in justice league
this game
and also seem to be hinting at it in the DCCU
It's starting to make him look really bad.
inb4 it's parallel universes , it shows what superman might do in when things go differently.