So...Donald Trump
So...Donald Trump
*bursts into laughter*
>audience erupts in laughter
colbert's aged like 30 years in the past 5 years
*John Baptise plays random notes followed by him shouting out a random word*
*bursts into treats*
hahahaha he's still hitting all the right notes from the daily show days. how does he keep it so fresh?
oh boy I hope he makes fun of Trump for saying something similar to the bad guy in the dark knight rises!
Quality entertainment, thanks for unwittiny contributing to our victory
>unsheathes impotent whining and snide smugness
He's a big cuck
[audience intensifies]
Isn't Colbert a conservative? He's a devout Catholic and teaches Sunday school.
he's a registered democrat
>white Catholics
>traditional Conservatives
Not most of the middle-aged ones I know. Catholicism's cuckery is fed by old, coastal guilt. They are the definition of bleeding hearts.
The evangelical right isn't comprised of Catholics, but godless Protestants.
Shut your whore mouth you filthy Popesmoker
I'm guessing you're one of those retards who didn't realize The Colbert Report was satire.
Ughh, i hate that stupid nigger with a passion. Just get a professional co-host, don't let that moron blab into the mic like that!!
Seriously, who thought that this would be a good idea?
>place with worst meme and "jokes" making fun of any other kind of entertainment
>it's a triggered alt-right thread
EHAH ... HAH ... HAH ... HAH.
>plays unmic'd hipster mouth piano inaudibly
>Sup Forums
>worst memes
Hotheads not welcome
*claims pizzagate is 'fake news' without going into any of the evidence*
>audience erupts in laughter
*tries to destabilize western democracies with bullshit conspiracies*
>internet erupts with auger
Haha fuck white makes amiright?
t. whitey
You've just been diagnosed with terminal autism
*falls for jewish MSM propaganda*
>cleans bull's cum out of boyfriends ass
Religion =/= strong conservative
Jesus says turn the other cheek, suffer, take it, etc.
I used to love The Colbert Report, and i gave this show a chance at first. But it's like he's not even trying anymore. Even the fucking celebrity interviews suck.
I have a nagging suspicion that he's an alcoholic or some thing. Or maybe his home life is beginning to JUST.
>*reads a news article about something dumb trump did*
>audience dies of laughter
But where's the joke?
Mr. Trump is a poopy pants
>audience bursts into tear inducing laughter
Trump? More like Drumpf
>several members of the audience fall over and begin experiencing seizures
Drumpf smells like peepee
>the members of the audience not having a seizure now laugh so hard that projectile vomit violently erupts from their mouths
Mr. Trump u r not my president
>anyone not incapacitated muster up the strength to applaud and whistle
He's an amazing character actor and always has been, even outside of the colbert report.
As a comedian and regular guy he's not that interesting.
>In disagreement with what you believe
>le triggered
I like how shitlibs have recently adopted cuck and triggered in the belief that just using those words has some significance or power. I mean other than all but admitting the fact that they've basically conceded the right has better edgy pop culture value
Was that meme the best COINTEL could do cause lmao
really makes you think...
He supports abortion and gay marriage. He's not Catholic in any meaningful sense.
>having to create scenarios that never happened so you can act offended
Are you literally shaking right now?
I miss the Colbert Report.
>Jesus says turn the other cheek, suffer, take it, etc.
Piss off. You have no idea what you're talking about. It's beyond me why people with only a superficial knowledge of the bible and Christianity feel like it's okay for them to "educate" others on the topic.
Wait the Russians really were behind it all, it says so right here!
>le Jesus was a badass who preached war and destruction meme
Fuck off retard.
Worst meme from Sup Forums
He's not wrong. You sound incapable of displaying the slightest sign of humility.
"i come not to bring peace, but a sword"
and if you actually knew anything about theology other than quoting lines you would know the meaning.
The audience edges up on their seats. It's the sound of winter. You could hear a pin drop as the anticipation mounts -- where could this lead? This is surely one of the best joke setups yet. A dog barks in the distance.
>Donald Trump...
Urine fills the floor amids a tidal wave of laughter. TV cameras shake as an associate producer shits her pants. A 27-year-old grad students falls over the audience railing and snaps both ankles, impervious to pain as xhe descends into hysteria. The entire front row, between tears of joy, begins a "I'M WITH HER" chant, complete with fist pumps and choreographed dance. A woman prematurely goes into labor after severe abdominal strain caused by intense laughter. Her stillborn child drops to the studio floor -- she picks it up, puts her finger to its mouth and, using impressive ventriloquism technique, makes it say "DRUMPF!". She then drops the child into a pool of its own blood, slips on the floor and drowns in the fluids of her stillborn as she is incapacitated by laughter.
>Is Orange.
The audience feverishly bumrushes the sage and carries off the entire staff. Rioting in the street begins at 11:40 pm that evening and lasts six days. A million-man march is organized and the Emmy nomination board is held hostage in their offices. The frothing masses demand immediate and decisive action to ensure "The Late Show" wins ever category the following year. Trained baboons are released and taught to build idols and statues of Stephen Colbert. The United States Federal Government cease their grants for cancer research and instead transfer them to generating Stephen Colbert embryos for in-vitro fetilization.
And that's just the first 5 minutes.
I want you to remember that there are 8 years ahead of Donald "Pussy Grabber" Trump and you will never be able to make your dad respect or love you
So? Him getting voted in saves me a ton of money in taxes.
Guess what Drumpf. We're still here!
*audience cheers*
Love trumps hate
*Audience claps so fast their hand are reduced to bloodied nubs*
Make Donald Drumpf again
*Audience members reported death from laughter, the ones that survived are in a permanent state of psychosis*
I bet you have gigabytes of pictures like this in your reddit folder.
That SJW/Liberal/East Coast Democrat echo chamber of a studio is amusing. "Trump this, Trump that, "sand in my vagina over Trump", Trumpity Trump Trump...HAHAHAHA". Whatever happened to comedy? SNL's shrill political histrionics show that Lorne Michaels is senile too.
Leave it to those Lamestream Media execs in NY and LA to try to make us flyover country plebians laugh. The rest of America literally doesn't exist to these clowns, but Trump is coming for them.
Damn son, you got him with that one.
Also, my father is a retired 70 year old claims adjuster and absolutely despises Trump.
>poster count stays the same
Literally shaking.
Thank you for reporting him, citizen. A van is on the way now.
Tell me more about your father
I read Jean Val Jean you dope and good Christians are supposed to give the candlesticks to the needy.
What does the poster count staying the same supposed to mean?
>literally from reddit
>claims pizzagate is fake news
>salivates over the chance to cover pissgate
>70 year old
Fucking dinosaur scum
No seriously, what did you point it out for?
>no seriously, I'm from reddit explain this place
I know what it means, I'm trying to figure out why you thought it was relevant or worth pointing out.
Why are Sup Forums and Sup Forums acting so shocked and bewitched that late night liberal talk show hosts are going to be talking about Trump for the next 8 years?
Were they too young during the Bush years? They seem to think this is some new and unwarranted thing that's never happened before. Look at this retard who genuinely thinks this is the first and only time this has ever happened.
He's saying you were samefagging idiot.
Maybe people just want comedians to make light of the world today and not force opinions down your throat.
I know you're not this dense. Cease the (You) fishing now.
How would you exclude the possibility of me posting in the thread earlier, or even if I were a samefag, so what?
They destroyed their credibility though, that's the great thing. By going into hysterics over every little thing Trump did during the campaign to outright shilling for Hillary and even literally spreading a fake news story simply because they wanted it to be true, everyone knows they're full of shit. They'll react exactly the same when Trump actually fucks up as they will when he gets shit right.
So there is no point in watching them to judge how the presidency is going. They've made themselves completely irrelevant.
I don't know why you're scared to just call me a samefag. If I was a samefag, so what? Who cares?
>even if I were a samefag, so what?
Jesus. I thought the le reddit thing was a meme.
It's not shock. People just have incredibly thin skin these days. I can't really explain it, either.
Why does it matter? I'm genuinely curious and I want to understand the sort of person that would care about it.
Again, where you too young to watch late night television during the Bush years? The Gore shilling? The recount support?
le internet tough guy
Are you retarded?
>How does pretending to be someone else who agrees with me to win a argument on a Mongolian paper mache fan site look bad?
I dunno man its a real mystery.
Colbert IRL goes to mass every Sunday and teaches Sunday school
>How does pretending to be someone else who agrees with me to win a argument
Where did this happen?
He's literally now responding to every post with a dumb question or reply just to bump his thread.
It was nothing like this. Yeah, there was some 'selected not elected' whining, but it was only a fringe of crazies calling Bush Hitler, and that never really ratcheted up until the Iraq War got rolling, anyways. These people legitimately think Trump is a Russian spy and the third Reich personified.
No, they just called him literally the dumbest retard ever. It's a different attack point, but it went on for 8 years and it's all liberals talked about, just like all FOX News and other conservative kino like Alex Jones spent the last 8 years talking about how racist Obama is and how he's a muslim.
Your president won, get used to it.
Take a minute to reflect on your post.
Do you actually think anyone on the planet has used "le" unironically since 2012? Maybe even if you take into account the retards on Facebook who might've been still using up to even 2014, we're now in 2017. And to top it of, you honestly believe someone on Sup Forums, one of the most shitpost-heavy boards, actually has placed "le" in their post unironically whilst insulting another user. I know that you've been itching to whip that image out of your reaction folder for a while now, but remember every time you race against the clock to speedily reply with "lmao reddit cuck" you don't actually get a monetary reward for doing so. Stop and reconsider what you a doing with your time.
>i watched les miserables
'Scuse me, sir! I READ Les Miserables and I READ the unabridged version. Get bent.
I would be annoyed if I said stupid things and people asked me to explain myself too. It would make me feel like a real dipshit.
>wasting this much time
Whoa, slow down LeVarr Burton. I'm totally shocked by the fact that you use your eyes to scan paper sheets in search of meaning and self-importance.
>liberals breaking down accross the country
>cry ins and play areas for grown men and women reduced to infanthood
>suicide hotlines jammed
>"YOU'RE the ones who are triggered!"
What did he mean by this?