This guys a hack right?

I liked Whiplash but even that had shitty direction. Cutting from stage right to stage left shot on each beat. Stupid lighting and a god awful obsession with Birdman type single shots.

But this was just fucking awful.

Other urls found in this thread:

Chazelle is a hack but not for the misinformed reasons you've stated. He can't write for shit.

It was Forced Classic Hollywood references: the movie. Nothing felt sincere or smooth.

I was just stating the problems I had with a film of his I actually liked (Whiplash)

After La La we made a list of all the things in the script that could have been removed and wouldn't change a thing.

I enjoyed it, the actors have chemistry aswell
It's gonna win the oscar for sure

The only things I didn't hate were the actors. I felt everything they did that was good wasn't ever in the script to begin with.

Lie Lie Land is a live-action Disney movie. Except Disney movies have better soundtracks, characters, and the struggles faced by those characters aren't fucking retarded. Hollywood hasn't put out a movie this self-masturbatory since The Artist. It is honestly unbelievable how shallow this garbage is.

>dude just follow ur dreams no matter how delusional

The movie justifies this idiotic moral by having the characters achieve their insipid dreams through luck and happenstance rather than hard work. Mia shits out a single one-woman show and does one performance of it; of the 8 people in the crowd, one is a casting agent who falls in love with her and delivers her an A-list acting career on a silver platter. Seb's friend bumps into him, and immediately offers him a job. Following that, despite the decline of jazz in LA and having no experience running a business, Seb ends up owning a hugely successful jazz club. I am sure it is very easy to romanticize succeeding in Hollywood through dumb luck when the people making the film did just that.

Many of the scenes in the film were homages, but it doesn't justify them. The overlong scenes of Seb and Mia dancing against romantic backgrounds get old very quickly, and just hammer home the fact that there is no substance to this film. It is also surprising that the relationship at the core of this film only came about due to coincidence; these two run into each other 3 times for no reason other than convenience for the writer.

Chazelle obviously has the self-awareness to realize how saccharine and empty the movie was. In order to make it seem like something other than a sugary bowl of sunshine, he attempts to give it a "bittersweet" ending, but he even fails here -- both characters get everything they wanted out of life.

>b-but they don't end up together, they were meant for each other

You have to be a teen girl to even consider this line of thinking.

3.5/10 - at least it looked good.

I liked it, the music was pretty great. The dancing was really disappointing, in that regard it sucked hard compared to any fred astaire ginger rogers movie.

>hard work
pretty sure the movie stated she had been doing this for 6 years.

How is going to auditions every now and then "hard work?"

It's a shitty ambition since achieving it is completely out of her control. There is no reason to assume that eventually she'll make it. She isn't progressing towards something, she's just entering lottery after lottery with her fingers crossed. The casting agent may as well have been her fairy godmother.

Fantastic post


The scene where she's auditioning for the A-list role they mention the film has no script and will be built around the actress.........I felt that was a bit close to home.

I like Emma and I like Ryan (I think he's miss cast as a lead male...he should go for Sam Rockwell parts) and that's what the film relies on.

Emma propped this film up more then Denzel did with Training Day.

Let it.

In 5 years, this movie will be more hated than it is now. Enjoy it while you can.

Well pretending to be saccharine is just as bad as pretending to be intelligent.

You have to make the movie entirely shallow and childish to pass off as convincingly saccharine. And that's difficult. I havent seen La La Land but I dont feel like its looking overly saccharine or too dark either, more like an umpretentious and very good romance/musical

But heh people also criticisze singin in the rain. "Lulz theres nothing romantic about rain its just clouds and chemicals bro stop being stupid"

With that mentality no film ever made will be good

It'll win an Oscar because it's the only high profile film that isn't completely depressing. n

I think Moonlight will probably win. It's a legitimately good film, has slightly better reviews than La La Land, and it's coming the year after the #OscarSoWhite controversy.

This movie made me feel warm and fuzzy, and happy for once
Fuck you Sup Forums

Falling for all the low-hanging contrarian laughing points I see. Resorting to a dweebish display of schoolyard taunting, like the intellectual infant you are. We just might mop the floor with your dook-swamp ass come the Oscars. We win on ideas. Your counterparts control a small disparate army of shitposting goons programmed to disperse garbage opinions. Your film club buddies hate your clueless ass.

Is this a pasta

Good post. I think worse than luck, it was Deus Ex Machina.

I think a lot of industry people, some Academy voters, browse Sup Forums. Maybe 2017 will be the year we meme an overrated movie out of Best Picture contention.

Moonlight is too raw, unaccessible and small it seems. Looks like whatever film wins there'll be some sort of backlash against

Ironically, only capeshit seems like a safe choice for BP

>I think a lot of industry people, some Academy voters, browse Sup Forums. Maybe 2017 will be the year we meme an overrated movie out of Best Picture contention.
just how delusional are you?

I doubt that. I dont even work on industry and im already cringing reading some comments, why would someone with tonz of money, 140+ IQ and a great job browse tv?

Heck, I certainly wouldn't

are you the kind of person who believes a bunch of frogposters had anything to do with trump getting elected?
inaccessible to whom, the people who vote for oscars? no

Emma stone sucks dude.

That's a whole different story. People can make a difference, don't you think facebook, Sup Forums and reddit together dont have enough people to make some damage? Even if 50% of these are bots the other 50% can still be important.

Also on facebook its much much harder to fake a profile like that. Unlike just, you know, writing spam bots. So there was a legitimate ammount of people behind this

nigga fell for the hidden-geniuses-in-the-crippling-postdepression-borefest-imageboard meme then bungles together a makeshift pedestal to promote a bad movie winning a prestigious award. DAMN you're dumb dude. you're so standard in your non-understanding & par-for-course dismissal. 'hoyp doyp im not 20 yet and the rest-a the internet thinks we're a joke! b-but mayby the academy is in on us, and could help us win with this doopdumb microgesture of a protest so my meme-informed buffoonery will be justified!" oblivious to the notion that following the plan won't be enough for this dope to avoid the all-play-no-work lemminglike destiny he's barreling towards. goddamn loser.

Would you say it was... dishonest?

you reek of summer

>Lie Lie Land is a live-action Disney movie. Except Disney movies have better soundtracks, characters, and the struggles faced by those characters aren't fucking retarded
No wonder emma watson dropped out after reading the script

>The POTUS baneposted today
>celebs don't browse Sup Forums
Oy vey

I'm studio exec irl

I'm sure La La Land will three Oscars at least: Best Picture, Best Actress in a Leading Role and Best Original Score. And probably a few more.

Chazelle has a good vision for his films but his writing stinks


Projecting this hard.
Mr.Robot is literally stealing from here for example. Celebs are degenerates. They love "le sekrit clubs" especially one online where they can be anonymous and vent.
You guys should try to be less retarded in your baits 1/10.

You live in a cave?

Top kek why would it win the first two. Also Emma Stone was god awful.

Hollywood is always here because that's probably the most popular board about television and film at the whole net. They will be deadly stupid if they don't check this place to see what people love or hate.

mm... Honestly, probably Isabelle Huppert will win that category. But I have no doubt about Best Picture.

Not him but no they aren't here because this board is full of idiots and losers who don't account for anything

You do have a point. Taylor Swift has posted on Sup Forums as well, and Sup Forums is much less influential than something like Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

Here, people can say whatever they want. There are no names, no reputation, no points... It's the most honest board by far.

stop lying, we all know moot is monitoring everything with his google glasses

>t. Watson shill

People can whine like a bunch of retards. Its the equivalent of tumblrinas spilling everything they dislike

who cares about moot?

La La Land content warning: white supremacy/racism/whiteness, gender

"you cannot be proud of being white & not be a racist. it's a tautology. you can be proud of your irish heritage. you can be proud of your german heritage. you can be proud of your lutheran heritage or your appalachian roots or your large italian family's sunday gravy tradition. you cannot be proud of your *white* heritage b/c there is no such thing. whiteness only exists as a power relationship. a system of domination is not a culture to take pride in unless you are an asshole." - k.m.

k. very succinctly covers it, though others have said this before in other ways. This one just happens to be the one I remember most clearly at the moment (because I saw it recently). One of the ways in which whiteness maintains its dominance is by defining itself as the standard by which other things are judged. The "no accent" voice most people think of is a white Midwestern American accent. The "lowest common denominator" that most marketers, advertisers, and Hollywood executives warp their output toward is based on standards developed with white people in mind. Because whiteness is a system of dominance, it subsumes other races and cultures into it; literally everyone within a white supremacist society interacts with and experiences whiteness. Only some are able to benefit from it; many (most?) suffer from its exclusion of, exploitation of, oppression of, repression of their existence.

Is that a bad thing? You can freely whine about what you hate.

With apologies, a white girl is going to talk about jazz: As I am given to understand, jazz was, more or less (because of bad record keeping at the time, the birth certificate of jazz is unclear on the precise location--white people demanding the full length version think it will reveal it was born in Omaha, but we all know better) born in a New Orleans flophouse, as known Caucasian Ryan Gosling says (thank you, nevin), failing to ever actually really explain it well. He mentions that the people didn't even speak the same language.

He doesn't mention they weren't white. He doesn't mention what brought many of them there is that their ancestors were stolen from their homes and dragged across an ocean to be enslaved. He doesn't mention that jazz was appropriated by white musicians and white record executives and white club owners and white listeners; when confronted with the stereotypical blandness of Kenny G, he refers to passion and emotion and so on, but he doesn't talk about appropriation and history and how race played such a huge part in it all.

Some people will dismiss something as "too white." I will sign on: this film is TOO WHITE. This is not a cultural designation; this is a note about how this film has no awareness of its cultural appropriation. This is a note about how this film sidelines every person of color. This is a note about how this film presents two main characters who replace personality with cuteness, whose entire arcs are predictable, starving artist tropes drawn from the aforementioned lowest common denominator, bland faces on bland plots on bland themes, and yet they are lauded and loved and celebrated and awarded for it. This is a note about how this film steals mythologies from black musicians and posits a white guy as some sort of passionate savior of jazz (in his own small way) while having judgment for a black man trying to make a living off a (supposedly) more accessible style.

This film is the middle-of-the-road sort of crowdpleaser people tell you it is because it is a product of whiteness.

And most of the anons here are likely biased and angry and bitter males that dont account for a nomal sample size at all. You get what I mean?

In essence not liking something matters fuck all. Liking something is all that matters. Having a board dedicated to complaining is pretty bleh

Ask Donald Trump if angry and bitter males don't account. You know, that man who is President of the United States thanks to us.

Moonlight is going to win. Partly because of the "controversy" last year. I think Silence is the best film of the year though.

White people did nothing wrong

This is a board about art. And you are giving Sup Forums too much credit. There were many factors including hillary. Plenty of people don't browse here. This board is worldwide and its traffic is like .00033 of the US population alone

>This is a board about art

>that man who is President of the United States thanks to us.

holy shit

If you voted for him you contributed to his victory. How is this a hard concept?

Its supposed to be is what I was meaning
So the shitshow this place is should have no bearing on what anyone in hollywood thinks.

Probably is a girl.... you know, girl... thinking... everything is a hard concept to her.

I was talking about angry and bitter males, not about Sup Forums, obviously lol

Lol fair enough. But I dare say most people who voted trump probably were middle class and had a job. Or I mean the unemployed people in the rust belt. I doubt they were shitpoating here.

while you are totally entitled to this view, personally i feel like this movie isn't about the struggles of "making it" in hollywood, Whiplash was about the struggle of not being good enough and struggling to be "great". I feel like this movie is more so about the sacrifices you make in accomplishing a dream, you sacrifice your self esteem, integrity, relationships, etc etc.. they briefly mention both characters having a pretty big struggle "making it" in hollywood and im fairly certain luck has a big role in that anyways. its a dissatisfying ending because even though they fulfilled their aspirations and dreams they still have regret maybe even be unhappy wishing they could get a redo, almost like it was written that way from the start rather than a last second decision.

mm… I think that’s Sup Forums territory now. My original point was that people who posts at lurks here sees more television and movies than people who not. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think Sup Forums opinions matters a lot at Hollywood.

Sup Forums in general is what I meant..and this board has been dead for years

Why would anyone pay this boards taste any mind? Especially since its ironic they shit in everything good yet love star wars.

This is the shitposting board I've seen plenty of people say they don't even watch films and just come here to shit it up. If they watch them they watch on their phone while texting

Is that why do you post here? To shitpost all the time?

No Ive had a few good discussions. But had a lot that wouldnt be called discussions. I don't come here for recs because they are usually bad

>I think a lot of industry people, some Academy voters, browse Sup Forums.

I'm work in the industry and I can safely assume you that hardly anyone browses Sup Forums let alone Sup Forums. People are too busy doing irl stuff to be looking at pictures of cartoon frogs and shitty reviews by failed film students. Plus, despite what they say, they highly respect the thoughts of authority figures. You really think your summer ass has power?

>Moonlight is too raw, unaccessible

Dude, come on. It's pretty straight forward with its message. You sound like the type of guy who watched Inception 12 times in order to "fully get it" or read an online guide so you can paraphrase it to your friends so you can sound like a film intellectual.

Sure bud. Being an intern, you don't know shit. We know for sure Max "landing a helicopter is for plebs" Landis posts amd browses here. Sup Forums isn't that obscure. Hillary bashed pepe in a presidentially campaign. Anything is possible. You know jack Shit.

So far LaLaShills have ZERO counter arguments besides ad hominem attacks
>Hurrr Sup Forums memesters shitposting
>shitposters ruin ma board
>tfw too intelligent to critique a movie
Present real points to counter the dishonesty meme. It's popular because people see that there's some truth to it. Forced memes don't work over time.
>inb4 too intelligent to argue

>I'm work in the industry
>anyone browses Sup Forums let alone Sup Forums
You know that's pretty ironic, right?

Max landis is a faggot tho and a nobody

Who here honestly thinks and self respecting person would browese here. Oe why would any studio head

Honestly, who do you care so much? Anyway, like all of us, you can't know for sure, because I'm sure you don't know every single actor, producer and director at the industry.

More like contradictory, and full of shit intern.
Max. Don't cut yourself on that heli blade edge. You know what happens when you get too excited and people tend to lose their heads.

If they come here its not to take anything seriously just out of curiosity. Someone said they (with money and influence) definitely browse here all the time like they are gaining insider secrets from neckbeards

I think you are projecting now. Get a life, PA.


Hes go the autistic jazz fan down. These people are worse than fucking metal fans

Actual criticism instead of memespouting on Sup Forums? What timeline is this?

Nigger they would bet shitpost to death if they revealed themselves. Even as anons all they get is shitpost. No one claims to be discussing shit in depth here, but it just happens that between the repetitive memeing the truth bubbles to the top and you actually can learn something. There's something about the unfiltered cold hard truth that can keep your feet on the ground, especially if you're a celeb who visits. Out in the real world, people kiss your ass and talk shit behind your back. Here, you get shat on in your face and you get to shit back, and I bet that has to be therapeutic for someone with as a restrictive a life as a celeb.
Pls kys before you go full retard.

Their work is to know what people want to see. You are trying to present something so basic like if it was something strange and bizarre. They are just working when they lurk here to see what people prefer.

>unfiltered cold hard truth
That people have shit taste in women and cinema? Or that its pol lite?

No actual celebrity comes here to defend themselves. But I dont consider taylor swift or max landis celebrities

People who browse here are not normal and usually have issues
Say something is good even classics and people will shit on them

If this was true that people in power lurked here on a capeshit board then they certainly aren't learning anything.

Do you have issues? What's your problem?

Yes. Dishonest Filmmaking: (Damien Chazzele, Tarantino, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Wes Anderson, Christopher Nolan, Alex Garland, Paul Thomas Anderson, Nicholas Refn, Tom Hooper, Tyler Perry, Rian Johnson, Alfonso Cuaron, Noah Baumbach, Andrea Arnold, David Yates, Denis Vilenueve, James Franco, Steve McQueen) are intellectually bankrupt moral whores and charlatans; their films appeal to the modern phenomenon of the 'Pretend Epic' or Pseudo Cinema, often tied to the criticism that "It was a movie that thought it was a film" they have no ideas of their own and are filmed purely to have fancy essays made about them. They obfuscate their lack of insight under a smug impenetrable irony and often contain scenes with disingenuous attempts at depth with characters spouting platitudes that the director takes VERY seriously
This directly panders to the IMDb reddit sensibility of quote circlejerking since these hacks are masters of the fools wit, "Quipping" (Not to be confused with the marvel co-opting of the word) , it sounds smart, cool and worldly but in reality there's nothing of substance, the Revenant's attempt at spiritualism was cheap and laughable and whilst someone like Malick has considered his philosophy, Inaurritu wears his introspection on his sleeve to give his film a false sense of depth with pathetic sermonizing

THIS is Dishonest Filmmaking

They leech the greater works that preceded them; like The Enemy being a rip off Eraserhead, but they have nothing else to say
They act under the guise of deconstruction with surface layer obvious 'social commentary' and a quirky forgettable score praised as 'innovative'. They are all inauthentic sycophants that rely on oscar buzz and post 9/11 detachment for relevance.

These directors are hacks and will be forgotten to time

Some notably earnest filmmakers include, but are not limited to:
>Mike Leigh
>The Coen Brothers
>Werner Herzog
>James Cameron
>Mel Gibson
>Terrence Malick
>Gaspar Noe
>Clint Eastwood

celebrities must do some stealth posting, i mean you think certain actresses dont lurked on Sup Forums back in the fappening to see what whapened? Same with male actors i guess, but i really think top tier celebrities could care less about what anyone thinks about them as long as its not interfering with their intended public "image".

Otherwise, I just find the idea baffling because they must have their secret gatherings themselves and their lives must be much more...idk the word here...exciting? I mean really. Or maybe not; maybe celebrity life is bad and people know when you are out and always know what youre doing and etc.

I guess autism is really widespread

Why would celebs reveal themselves? They gain nothing. There's no karma or name.

I would say you fags have just as much proof, zero, that celebs don't post here as we do that celebs do post here, but that's not true. There have been evidence of celebs posting here if if they were minor ones. You have NO proof at all that they don't lurk or post here. While we do, albeit a little.

My issue is I haven't left the board for good yet. But I did without it for most of my adult life so I'm sure soon enough ill be able to go back to that

>Seb ends up owning a hugely successful jazz club.

Just one note, they did say that it was only moderately successful, but I guess that's huge for a jazz club.

Nobody said they would reveal themselves. But they really have nothing to gain, to learn by coming here. Tay tay posting on Sup Forums likely confirms she just isn't an artist and had spare fucking time and thought heh I'm famous why not.

Sure they could post here but I doubt anyone really famous posts here. Its not a major occurence just because max does it

Believe me, real life is completely overrated. You are not missing too much.

Again i think they do sometimes but it's all 100% for business, they must think we are all dumb (most celeb actors have 140-150 IQ on average).

>Tay tay
What's that?

Taylor swift

>continueity and editing criticism
Please go back to youtube.

How do actors have such a high IQ. Is it higher than the autists on here because they simply aren't autists?

The singer? Well, I don't want to sound mean, but who cares if she post here. Someone really famous posts here?

>Hollywood hasn't put out a movie this self-masturbatory since The Artist

The Artist is a french production