It's better than the original

It's better than the original.

Prove me wrong without using "nostalgia" or "it's a remake" as the crux of your argument.

Depp was ironically the better Willy Wonka.

It was truer to the book too, sans the dentistry backstory.

I see no reason to give an argument if you give none yourself.

People always go on about how Depp was "weird" and "antisocial", but Wonka was a fucking hermit so it makes far more sense for the character than "whimsical old man who may or may-not murder children".

And can we just talk about how much better the music was in the remake? As in, they used the lyrics from the book and the songs actually sounded unique?


The original was better because it evokes feelings of nostalgia and because remakes are junk

It was different and more true to the book, but whether it was better than the original is pure opinion. The original is one of my favorite movies of all time, I love the sarcastic and dry humor throughout the film and I feel like the Burton one replaces that organic humor with 'quirkiness' and CGI setpieces.

It gives Wonka the one thing he never needed: a backstory. What the fuck is it with Tim Burton and his fucking daddy issues.


Depp is basically Leto's Joker.

I'm a faggot who likes Gene Wilder

Should have got Marilyn Manson

this, the backstory was stupid and obnoxious.

I don't know what kind of faggot you'd have to be to like Johnny Depp.

What if you're a 16 year old girl who idolises young depp

But Depp was fun. Leto was just trying to hard to be scary.

I'll never understand the criticism that Depp was creepy, when Gene Wilder was just as if not more creepy.

I want to unironically murder Johnny Depp because of this one performance.

Original would be better for the "so shines a good deed in a weary world scene" all by itself, but the rest of the movie is better too.

I wish i was a 16 year old girl.