>29% "rotten" score
>is actually far better than dogshit like Sunshine or Interstellar
explain this
>29% "rotten" score
>is actually far better than dogshit like Sunshine or Interstellar
explain this
fuck you user
Trash movie that isnt even better than either of those movies. Now event horizon is the shit.
Phone Booth
I like Pandorum, it's Event Horizon-lite. And Infini is Pandorum-lite and well worth a look.
most retarded movie in space ever made
>hurr durr this naked zombie guy just survived on the ship for years somehow
Pandorum is good but Sunshine is better. Oh and
>Rotten Tomatoes
how is sunshine better? overrated garbage with idiotic plot twists, all relying on people getting crazy from looking at the sun too much and some guy surviving for no justifiable reason
>have supplies for 7/8 people to survive for the best part of a decade
>one kills all the others
>now has supplies to last decades by himself
Wow that was a toughy
The whole character was stupid yes but complain about the valid problems not stupid shit
>And Infini is Pandorum-lite and well worth a look.
thanks, I'll give it a watch
Don't worry, OP.
Pandorum > Sunshine > Interstellar
it just wasn't meme worthy
>Don't worry, OP.
okay thanks, now my worries are gone
Lol. Ben Foster goes crazy because someone says the word "Pandorum" to him. Like The Mist, the twist at the end saves it from being a generic piece of shit.
no, you cretin, he started going crazy when he realized that his spunk trunk died on earth and that papayaton is actually gallo
what horrible taste you have!
o im laffin
sunshinefags are really defensive huh
You have to reverse the rotten tomato score to getthe real one.
20% means 80% and 95% means 5%
I got Pandorum and The Crazies on blu ray for $5. Both pretty underrated.
pandorum is just an inferior dead space for moviekids
>inferior dead space
but it has an actual plot unlike dead space
dead space is just "here are some exaggerated CG monsters that maybe scare a 12 year old, wow so violent wow"
>pandorum > sunshine
kill me now
nice deal user
pleb spotted
dead space has a minimalistic presentation because its a game stretched out for 10-15 hours but the actual plot revolves around a cosmic horror story where an excavation team pulled out an alien artifact that sends out a reactivation signal to dead bodies around it + the church of scientology that wants this step of "evolution" to happen
pandorum is durr zimba cannibals in spaceship
Sun-man Pinbacker is GOAT.
motherfucker, I've seen the last game played about seven times from start to finish
don't try to lecture me on what the game is about
it's a shitty braindead unrealistic story where somehow doctor octopus destroys the entire humanity except for you + your spunk trunk + 2 redshirts and the jealous new boyfriend
the "cosmic horror" is pathetically un-scary and the voice acting is atrocious / verging on hilarious ("turn it off turn it off. TURN IT OFF - wew lad waht's going on are you ok? -um it says here you have to turn it off")
>the last game
go kill yourself retard, where did i mention dead space 3? Do people also talk about Alien 3 when they praise Alien?
well dead space didn't have any cosmic horrors yet jesus christ
go kill yourself kid
>thinks dead space ais a good horror game
>calls me a kid
Where did I say that either? Are you actually underage?
>Sup Forums talks up this movie like fuck
>watch it despite the reviews
>it's fucking trash
you implied it has a good plot you subhuman fuck
Nah it's shit your taste is just awful
try dead space then it's the best horror story ever told (minimalistically)
No, and even if I did that would have nothing to do with being a good horror game. Stop embarrassing yourself retard and fuck off
But that was well received? I remember it even got a bunch of Oscar nominations, it might not be underrated but overlooked? Idk
Here's an actual underrated movie with a RT score of 51%
>says the Sup Forumsermin
You do realize you sound like an actual child, right retard? And I dont browse Sup Forums. Let me spell it out for you since youre clearly too retarded to get it otherwise:
Saying Pandorum is an even shittier version of dead space for moviekids has nothing to do with dead space being some high art- its simply better than the trash these idiots hype up since its easier to watch a 2 hour long shitty movie than play a 10 hour game
You're stupid of you think that movie has any redeemable qualities.
Actually, I guess I enjoyed seeing Lithgow, but that's literally it.
you do realize you cannot convince anyone that you're not form Sup Forums since you're the one who brought up some dogshit game - one that probably appeals to you so much because you're actually underage yourself (which explains why you keep bringing up "y-you sound like a child" so much - it's always actual underage posters who bring this up because it's just not on a normal poster's mind)
please commit sepuku
Any other good sci-fi movies?
I liked Interstellar and the Martian, I loved Arrival. Call me a pleb but at least also recommend
>event horizon
why does everyone on this board have such shit taste in movies?
>ruined by including insane astronaut man
>ruined by muh love and also including insane astronaut man
when will they get it right?
Infini is infuriating, it starts off with a really interesting and intense setup, then it gets so confused and flabby and then just ends.
Great concept, but the lack of budget combined with too much ACTING and really obtuse exposition took a lot out of it.
The insane astronaut man in Pandorum was done right.
If you just like stuff set in space.
Moon, Sunshine.
If you like good movies that are a bit sci-fi.
Brazil, The Thing.
If you want some more cerebral, harder to digest sci-fi.
Primer, Blade Runner.
If you want a pleb sci-fi romp.
>The Thing.
to think that this masterpiece got also extremely negative reviews back in the day
Pandorum is great. Its popcorn fodder, not high kino, but it knows it is.
If it had no monsters and the entire movie was just characters arguing with themselves and using big words and fancy biblical quotes the critics qould be sucking it off. But critics hate monster movies.
because people were watching ET and thought the thing was too depressing... it's kinda funny because nowadays the thing would be widely accepted as a masterpiece; as it should be
>But critics hate monster movies.
but Moonlight is one of the most well received movies of 2016 and will get all the oscars except for acting
i didn't like looper, i liked moon
Am I getting baited or what? Pandorum is shit.
Yeah honestly I remember watching it, i thought it stood out among many other shit horror sci fi flicks of that period.
This, all the reviews say so and my opinion always reflects them
Space battleship yamato.
I don't care about the reviews, Interstellar is shit too and I haven't seen Sunshine.
But Pandorum is awful, it starts as a horror movie, midway through devolves into a shitty RE-esque action flick (throwing away all the atmosphere build up), and then it ends in a shitty finale that's as unoriginal as bland.
To this day no movie has ever beat Event Horizon at the genre.
>based Danny Glover
>based Bill Paxton
>based Gary Busey chewing the scenery
>the 90's heatwave LA atmosphere
>the Predator design
>the trunk of guns
>Alan Silvestri's score
>the GOAT last 30 minutes of the movie
Better than most films I've seen this year
That blows me away too. It's probably one of the best sci-fi films I've watched to date, and I've seen a fuckton.
isn't that emma watson?
how can it be 0.00% jewish then? she has a lot of jewish semen inside her
she one of the few who doesn't do oscarbait or capeshit it seems, so that would be everyone else
This was actually pretty good
uhh her career started in the harry potter movies
she swallowed her first load of kosher semen when she was like 12
Fight me irl
Predator 2 has that tv production look, but it's the absolute peak in terms of how good you can make that look.
You're gonna get it now
>caring about review sites and critics
Fucking horrible movie bro. I'm sorry but you might have shit sensibilities.
Yet another Tony Scott kino misunderstood by plebs
>The Crazies
>caring about review sites or critics
>caring about neckbeards
Is there anything really to care about then? Do we only care about ourselves?
the only thing i remember about it is the dirty girl's cleavage mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
that's one thing I don't understand, i thought she was pretty unimpressive in every way - not cute, no big tits, no nothing
she was pretty from some angles
Stop being a fucktard. OPs pt was that it was a good movie and unduly shit on. Avengers is 91%+ and it wasn't 1/2 as decent as Pandorum.
not as good as the comic book but way better than the critics made it sound
who bitch this is?
Doomsday, she's the chick that was with the boss dude. They're cannibals.
Loved the idea of humans just degenerating over centuries, the captain going insane and waking up every few years to play with the crew.
Also dat pandorum story with the escape pods. Nightmare fuel.
I'd sure love to eat those titties.
I'm going to agree with you, this movie was WAY fucking better than 29%. Fuck Rotten Shitatoes.
aw hell yes
all of Neil Marshal's movies, actually
> buying bluray
The Thing was straight up the Mountains of Madness. Okay, it didn't have the creator aliens, but the 'thing' they created that could shape shift? That was the thing. Read the fucking mountains of madness, I still love the movie but god damn it's not even subtle about ripping the created species that wiped out most of the creator aliens. It's even set in an icy hellhole. The major difference is we have a ship in the ice instead of a city.
Pandorum was good. If rotten tomatoes says 29%, they're wrong and I will never trust them again!
Also, my spaceshipfu.
I know what you mean, I love Predator, but I always enjoyed P2 more just because I adore Glover, especially oldschool Glover. The whoel set up was great, and furthered the Predator's interactions with Humans in interesting ways at the end without making them less threatening.