A series of unfortunate events (netflix)

What do you think about this series? I loved it, the songs are too good but not many enough :'(

It's not kino by any stretch, but it's fun for fans of the books.

Supporting cast is really what makes it for me. The kids' performances (and script) often fall flat. Smart kids don't constantly repeat themselves like that.

I loved the kids, most of all Klaus. It's his first debut in a series and he was great.

The factor of repeating themselves is a choice made by the writer of the scripts I suppose.

I can't wait for the second season. I can't wait for new narrator' songs.

It is fucking trash. Never forced myself through a show so hard.

Jacquelyn is kinda hot desu

I haven't read the books and I managed to enjoy it for what it was. My biggest gripe was there wasn't a pay-off at the end of the season or anything. Like, the whole time they're dangling this big mystery about their parents on the secret society and all that in front of you, but nothing is divulged about it. It kept building to something but didn't resolve it. Granted, I'm sure they want to save most of that for the end of the whole thing, but they could have at least given us a tiny tidbit of info to give off some kind of resolution to all that.

>poster image
>netflix included in the title
>no controversial opinion stated
>smiley used
Is this an actual marketing post

It's been pretty blatant from the start this was all marketing buzz. They had daily threads that linked to the trailer when it only had a few thousands views going, "WHAT YOU GUYS THINK? :) LOOKS GOOD"

klaus is probably the best thing about this show. i liked it

I've got some bad news for you, user...

netflix loves to viral market here

was worth it when it was cool shit like Making a Murderer but really lame when it's cuck shit like Jessica Jones

gave up after 20 minutes. monotone fast talking dictionary definitions on repeat.

Plot is meh, but subtle comments make it for me.

>I can touch anything I want

Klaus in the series actually looks pretty close to what I imagined from the books, and he's doing a great job. I wonder how he's going to look in the second series, though, what with the growth spurt and all.

It's a show based on a book series that a lot of people here read as kids, dude.

Same threads appear for every new netflix release shill

who gives a shit about how he looks? klaus in the books is literally just "white boy with glasses". seriously casting decisions based entirely on looks are why you end up with shitty casting like daniel radcliffe as harry potter.

you mean (((white))) boy with glasses

Ideally you get both, which is what happened with Klaus. Violet was an awful casting, I'm guessing she's related to a bunch of wealthy kikes though, so they had no choice.

Similar experience

posting here. I don't think the series is spectacular. Though it did get me interested in the books and the movie, should I go for it?

was the movie a flop? is that why they're doing a low-rent version that looks exactly like it?