A new piece of shit animation has goku beating superman

Will this ever end? Superman is more powerful, period.
Here is the link:

Oh my, some autist did some video about two imaginary characters
Better call 911

>a closet faggot wearing a spandex suit is stronger than a litteral god who spens his life training to ensure his lasting supremacy



has Goku ever been formally diagnosed with autism?

>Superman is more powerful
no he isn't

even piccolo would wipe the floor with superman

krillin or yamcha can prob take him tbqh

why did you make this thread?

Im a literal Supes autist whos wardrobe consists of almost exclusively S symbol shirts, and even I accept that certain forms of Goku would rek Supes.

Thats not to say Goku is better, but his newest form can apparently destroy the universe. Thats Supes Prime levels right there. Anime fags will always try to one up actual decent super heroes to make up for their dying medium.

2016 had the worst international sales for weeb box sets and merchandise in 20 years. Now that is fucking sad. All they have left is their memories and power levels.

Bulma have probably tried to make him see a shrink, problem is he just teleports out when the questions get to personal.

I dont see how Spandexman has any chance against Naruto

Superman is far more powerful. Pick up a comic book

>Goku speaking mexican
>Destroying the symbol of America
Trump finally stumped I see

Yeah but he isn't even super saiyan 3 and he still beats the guy, that's bullshit.

Why is Superman strong outside of earth anyway? isnt he supposed to be only strong inside Earth's atmosphere?

goku speaking spanish ruins it

superman at his best would fucking shrek both piccolo and goku combined

the most powerful versions of superman are completely ridiculous, we're talking about a guy who casually sneezes solar systems away, flies so fast that he fucks up reality, holds black holes within the palm of his hand, can blow out the sun with his breath, stuck a chain through a bunch of planets and moved them all as a teenager, literally punched the fourth wall and beat it up to an extent where he fixed every conceivable multiverse, and lifted a book with infinite pages

Superman is like 6'3, Goku is 5'9.

yeah but he's a faggot in a spandex suit

Why is Goku speaking spainish?

>Both Naruto and Bleach has wrapped up
>No Decent Anime block like Toonami or Adult Swim to show anime every night
>Japan keeps pandering to moeshit
>Anime sales are down

well now that's a suprise

Yeah, I Iove Superman, but every so often they say fuck it and he can do everything.
Plus there's the fact that Goku is kind of simple, while Superman is a genius. Tactically he'd murder Goku.


He hasn't been that powerful since the 70's nig nog, your spandex boy would lose to Goku right here and now it's a straight up fact.

Have you ever met anyone that wasn't a complete faggot that wears a Gi?


good point

Cannon Goku (SSJ3) could beat cannon superman, not the lol lets just give him infinite strength like the One Punch Man XDDD superman.

>"actual decent superheroes"

You don't even know how to spell canon, why should I care about your opinion on the subject?


Even Yamcha would kick Supermans ass.

oh, and i haven't even mentioned this crazy shit

Sorry, maybe someone else can assist you in comparing the powerlevels of manchildren cartoon characters.

Yeah, someone who knows how to spell hopefully.

Could the Flash beat Goku?

>Superman is more powerful,

Goku can beat Superman, half sleep before he eats breakfast any day.

>casually sneezes solar systems away,

Goku is the God of War of the whole fucking universe.

Now down to the important stuff:

who has got a bigger dick, goku or superman?

answer: me. It was a trick question

Goku's Asian, and he had a baby dick in that 1 OP.

>hasn't even met god the creator of all things
>more powerful

kek, good one

Superman's pretty gay, fàm. Sorry Jap stuff triggers you. Dead grand pappy in the Pacific? Your pop an auto union guy in Detroit that got BTFO by Toyota? Sushi bar down the road karoke singing Girugamesh every Friday? It's cool user, you're among friends.

He's from another planet of men who turn to giant ape monsters when they look at Earth's full moon.

Sounds like he'd have a decent package.

>Pick up a comic book
>up a comic book
>comic book
Sure thing gramps. Say, should I also rent some VHS tapes for you on the way home?

Goku is a universe buster borderline multiversal.
Golku is at least millions of times FTL
Goku can resist time manipulation attacks and can beat people who have time stops and can skip time.

Superman is a star level buster at most and is only 8 times faster than light. Anything showing Superman above that is PIS

But can Goku literally break the fourth wall and manipulate the concept of continuity so he wins in every conceivable reality?

Sonny Chiba on the set of the Street Fighter.

His dick becomes 50x bigger when he's super saiyan.

>Goku is a universe buster borderline multiversal.
>Golku is at least millions of times FTL
You're pulling shit out of your ass.
Goku doesn't even have a ki attack big enough to destroy a galaxy, and he only uses beam types to avoid causing collateral damage.

First of all apes have small dicks, second saiyans have slanted eyes and other Asian features like black hair and pale skin color.

But he impregnated chi chi who is used to fucking dragons and dinosaurs. He has to be packing if his sperm is to travel down that Odyssey. Unless he just wills a child into her using ki

jesus how short is vegeta then

Only saiyan with slanted eyes is cabba and he's from a different universe.
>pale skin color

>who is used to fucking dragons and dinosaurs.
LIES! She was a pure virgin!

There are like 20 supermans, some are weaker, some are stronger, you can't compare it

Why the fuck goku speaking spanish?

how's that autism treating you

yeah, but could superman beat super sayajin gotto vegito? i don't think so

Explained in the video

He's like a solar battery, he's lived his whole life on Earth so he's charged up unless he goes to a planet with a red sun, which would drain it.

Not with the events of super, supes is now weaksauce.

>Superman is faster than light can push around planets
>Goku struggles with some hundred tons and takes minutes to go somewhere without Instant Transmission
I seriously don't understand how this is even a debate.

Blatant fanboyism: the video

>tears of autist fanboys

>while Superman is a genius

Yeah man, "imma fly all the way around the planet to hit him in the back" is the pinnacle of tactical.

Goku has been alluded to being a savant when it comes to fisticuffs, but Supes is the bigger bland gary stu so of course he wins.

Can Goku sneeze away galaxies?

Because it's not all about physical strength.
>goku can teleport and blow up planets without being anywhere near them

yes, but is he stronger then madara ichuahua ?

>Superman is more powerful, period.
TOP FUCKING KEK MY HOMEBOY! Goku could kick Saitama's arse my son.

Depends. What madara ichuahua are we talking?

Autism: The Thread

Well, I’m not talking about Edo Tensei ichuahua Madara. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei ichuahua Madara either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei ichuahua Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. You know, that guy


Supermans a fag.

English Goku sounds like a woman.


oh my fuck, kys

Then it's not really a question. It would have been murder.


Even worst, he is speaking with mexican accent

This thread is hilarious haha

superman vs goku vs batman vs ???

sailor moon?