He deserved better than this piece of shit movie

He deserved better than this piece of shit movie.

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He got a big part in the animated clone wars movies... what more did you want?

Exactly. So why'd they turn him into a bumbling fool and then kill him like a jobber?

He's part of why it was a piece of shit though

>asthmatic robot
You have to go back

>hasn't seen the tartakovsky clone wars cartoon

No, YOU need to go back.

Just read that back to yourself.

You're asking another grown adult to watch cartoons.

See? Can you see now why people don't want to talk to you in real life?

My friend, we are in a Star Wars thread, those insults do not work here.

whats with all this love for General Grievous all of a sudden?

Im not complaining i mean he was one of the cooler characters from the prequels but is it because of how dull the New Trilogy is panning out to be?

All the prequel villains were marginalized in the movies. Dooku gets the most screentime, but as a character he's the weakest of the bunch.

You're on Sup Forums.

He's a pretty good character in SWGOH if you run a droid team

>eee towaataaa
What did he mean by that?

It's because he was an unstoppable Jedi killing machine in the original Clone Wars cartoon but a jobber plot device in ROTS

Boy, it didn't look that cringe when I was young.

was he introduced in another piece of media before rots? it felt like in matrix reloaded when they just dropped that kid in without introducing him like we knew who the fuck he was. it's beyond hack.

maaan look at this dood

>Can you see now why people don't want to talk to you in real life?

right back at you champ

>You fool I've been trained in your jedi arts by Count Dooku.

Why did he say this as if him and Kenobi hadn't matched blades before frequently during The Clone Wars?


>He deserved better than this piece of shit movie.
and got it

Yeah but why are anons talking about it now? Did it just get added to Netflix or something?

holy shit this is laughable. how am i just now finding out this character was introduced in a fucking cartoon? jesus christ, george.

>but is it because of how dull the New Trilogy is panning out to be?

I think more people are going to try out the Clone Wars and Rebels exactly because of that. I'm already tired of these massive groups of heroes and the only alien is Chewbacca, and he still can't speak basic so it counts less than Threepeio.

Get a load of this guy

So was Boba Fett


Because you are a faggot

Because you were three years old when ROTS came out.

I haven't seen this in years. What a joke.

Why does grievous miss his blaster shot at 3:08 at point blank range? Wtf?

Also every part of that entire scene is cringe but i guess that's what happens when a literal robot fight an autist

you on an anime website nigga. even the 404 page has chinese cartoons on it and the world filters use ching chong language baka

boba fett didn't have a significant role in the ot, and worked as another character han just had a past with, like lando or jabba. grievous is talked about in rots like the audience knows who the fuck he is already.

he got better

>why'd they turn him into a bumbling fool and then kill him like a jobber?
he was attacked by samuel l jacksund jedi character at the end of the animated shorts. He takes senator bad guy with him and the black motherfucker jedi crushes his chest with some force trickery. By that time he had already fucked a lot of jedis and was the terror of the council.

Because Lucas wanted him to be a coward with a coughing problem that always runs away.

Genndy (the guy in charge of the cartoon that bridged Episodes II and III) turned him into a credible villain and powerful fighter in order to make the best product possible.

Because Genndy was working off early concept art and a vague description of him being a Jedi killer that could use more then two sabers at once (but they didn't know about the arm splitting, hence Grievous using his feet in the cartoon).

By the time production of the "Volume 2" episodes came around, they had more of a picture of what Grievous would be like in the final cut, so they went back to make it fit a little better like described

Also, there was some implication in other EU material that some of the really crazy shit we saw in the Genndy cartoon was basically an in-universe war propaganda cartoon.

>there was some implication in other EU material that some of the really crazy shit we saw in the Genndy cartoon was basically an in-universe war propaganda cartoon.
those fucking idiots and their shit tier EU. The only good thing from the fucking prequels was Genndy's cartoon, everything else is shit and should be disregarded and forgotten.

It was mostly something surrounding the Mace Windu destroying an entire army while some kid watches episode.

Like the kid grew up and drew Jedi cartoons for the Alliance or something.

It would be a retcon on why windu could be so powerful. He is ridiculous overpowered in that short, as much as I like it it wouldn't make sense in the movie.
But I would rather watch more of that and less of pic related all day, every day.

>ive been trained in your jedi arts by someone 100x stronger than you
>killed tons of jedi before obi wan

>doesn't know what force push is
>loses the lightsaber duel
>can crush a ship with his fist but doesn't hurt obi wan
>gets killed by a fucking blaster

wow they really did want to make him look like a total geek

>only Jedi to defeat him was the Jedi to defeat the most powerful Sith in the history of the Galaxy
>said Jedi also had a lot of luck in defeating him

You're stupid

>the Jedi to defeat the most powerful Sith in the history of the Galaxy
Maul was the most powerful sith in the history of the galaxy?

>gets killed by a fucking blaster
I honestly forgot he wasn't even killed properly.
Has to be almost there with "rocket backpack malfunction gets you killed by stupid desert monster" or "shit I stepped on soap and fell in the shower".

Why do people in Sup Forums constantly question Obi Wans power? By the end of ROTS he was more powerful than Count Dooku and Mace Windu

He had his moments of glory

Shaak Q. Ti


And what do the films do to show this? Dooku beats obi wan twice, and windu is strong enough to beat palpatine


I thought it was weird that they went to all the trouble of saving his heart and eyes when in Star Wars you can literally just put people's brains in robots like the monks of B'omarr

That's why you have to delve into the EU tool.

Also Grievous's exposed heart was constantly foreshadowed in the movies and cartoons as his one major weakness

Stand alone movie when?

>They don't use force powers against him.

Sure there was a bunch of Jedi in the prequels but only a handful were actually strong.

his heart was exposed in the movie by a human (obi wan) pulling his entire chest apart with his hands

just face it, they wanted to make him look bad

>a jedi knight bordering on master is just a "human"

This. If you read the novels you would know that Obi-Wan's defensive combat abilities were second to none and he was the greatest general and tactician of the Clone Wars

Jedi uses only force pushes, anything else is dark side, you know.

>being a kid
>reuniting with my cousins to see the season finale
>this happens

great times to be a kid tbqh familians

Then in season 2 Mace Windu just crushes his abdomen with the force.

>that guy he stomps on the face then flings away
christ, he wasn't fucking around

Why do fedora tippers love Grevius and Maul so much?

Vader, dipshit

Using the force against midichlorian challenged people is offensive.

Shit, that looks even worse than I remember.

What the fuck is Grevious anyway?

>but they didn't know about the arm splitting, hence Grievous using his feet in the cartoon

They look cool and represent the wasted potential of the prequels

>"what about the attack on the wookies?" guy's face when Grievous knows spinning is a good trick.


>give a character 4 arms
>make the other character cut two of them right away

Mace Windu did that and force lightning because he knew dark side shit, between that and the space jew in episode 1 lucas wasn't too subtle.

this is the las time he shows up in the cartoons and episode III starts right there, I guess Genndy already had seen some of Grievous stuff that ended up in the movies.
Still him using his feet to fight was cool as fuck too. If he could do that losing a couple of arms against Obiwan wouldn't mean anything as he could keep fighting.

Why didn't the coughing robot just build himself a body that's made out of lightsabers?
Good luck fighting a hedgehog.

It's a good trick

You fucking fake bitch ass whore, no wonder you got fired from AMC. How can you not like Revenge of the Sith?! TPM and AOTC is fair to acknowledge they have som problems, BUT Revenge of the Sith?! That movie is a fucking masterpiece! If I ever see you in Burbank, I will fucking kill you bitch!

Yeah, Grievous finally using the arm split was part of Genndy having to bridge the show with the movie alongside explaining the running away and the coughing.

I had heard the rumor was grevious was supposed to be a prototype for Vader, and the emperor had found maul and built him into that cyborg. Being he was the first it was a crap job hence all the wheezing. Lucas didn't want to pay the guy who was maul to come back so they scrapped that and made them two separate people. That's why we never hear about him before that.

One of the most underwhelming deaths I've ever seen in cinema.

Pretty sure Wookieepedia has an entry about eee towaataaa

He sucks. He just uses meme techniques.


>Look at the top of his head!

He was originaly supposed to be faster than the force and shit


I never liked Griveous, he felt like a character specifically made for 12 years old
>Le cool android with FOUR lightsabers

he has a neat backstory

wtf is that clone trooper doing??

God I loved that scene when I was younger. And now I love that shit even more

That's because these StarWars films were mainly aimed at 12 year olds and not middle aged men with member berries stuck in their throats.

Genndy Clones>Movie Clones>BF2 Clones>Filoni Clones

Only normies love Maul.
>"Maul should have been the villain all three movies!"
No he shouldn't have, he had a good design and that's it.

Darth Maul wasn't any different
>le cool edgy double sword


He should be the main villain of the Kidnapping of Palpatine movie

He says this while posting on a Nazi Cambodian Cave painting board

>a hero defeated a villain in a kids movie
>aspies sperg out

Hero must face strong opponent. In case of Grievous HE WAS one, who fought against strong opponents. Cheating future predicting force users with fucking telekinesis against guy with nothing but skill and few additional metal parts.

You magnificent man

Having said that, Darth Maul was barely in the first film. Grevious is an 'established' villain if you watched the cartoons or read the books, but the audience knew fuck-all about him. He's apparently the mastermind of the Galactic War and we didn't see him until RotS. He got screen time in the film, Darth Maul didn't.