2nd referendum

Hello pol just a quick question do you think a second brexit referendum is possible considering the events on Friday.

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No. It's just gonna be brought up in the House of Commons and that's it. Since actions to deal with exit from the EU is being taken, they can't go back

Here is a picture of what I mean, it already has enough responses for lack of a better word to be debated in parliament (mind you you probe fly already knew that I am a bit slow on news.)

Thanks for the quick response, I hope this just happens but knowing what the remain party consists of they will properly find some to get a 2 referendum, how like you said is should probe ray just be mentioned thanks for that.

'Probably' not probe ray.

I don't think so. But if this was done before the actual vote, it may be likely that it would be enforced, especially when the gov wants to stay in

Sky News is in full fsmsge control, on Twitter they were looking for Leave voters who regret their decision obviously so they can say Large amount of Leave Voters Regret Their Decision, we need a 2nd Referendum.

I fucking seriously fucking hope so because God damn if there won't be civil war.

No. Boris is pretty much confirmed next PM, he'll get us a good leave deal before Labour or pro-EU Tories can get a word in. If he happens to call an election, he'll only do so because he knows he can win.

Cameron leaving has cemented Brexit. Kudos to him for his honourable resignation.

Thanks for that, I believe this petition started after the brexit result was announced and by the time it could be considered for debate I believe Cameron already said about resigning so hopefully nothing to worry about.

Well hopefully nothing comes off it and it can be considered too late to change our mind but best to keep our fingers crossed.

Lol, what are they going to do? Find 1.4 million people to sign a petition saying they regret their vote?

It's just the last ditch cry of the desperate. Unless they managed to implement a law making it compulsory even less people would vote in a second referendum

Hopefully because Cameron said about resigning I am hoping we have nothing to worry about.

Indeed it was quite nice of him to back down and let brexit happen, about one of the few things he has done right.

Did Boris fuck a chicken while at University, too or was that just Cameron? Also, you limeys just fucked yourselves hard.

>Boris the next PM
Didn't he rather flashily stab Cameron in the back? Who would trust a guy like that?

not immediately
cameron won't call another one
a brexit government won't call one
if you haven't already left the EU and relationships aren't completely fucked maybe in 5 years time

Hopefully it remains as a desperate last ditch effort and parliament dose the stick consider this petition any further.

Most likely there shouldn't. Now Britain must survive the wrath of the EU and the oncoming storm to rouse the other EU nations to opt out

Does not is what I was meaning to say.

was boris a good mayor? i don't remember ever hearing anything controversial about him
cameron stabbed himself in the back by taking the remain side

Neverendum, referendums until every month until such time as they get the result they want.

Hopefully because Brussels want use to start leaving now we haven't got an issue however with Boris wanting to delay the process the remain have a small windows of opportunity if they are very lucky.

This is what we want to do but the remain party a day to use people who "regret voting leave" are too soft and don't want to suffer any hardships for a better Britain, however if we still leave we might be able to get the Dutch to follow suite.

It is theoretically possible. Whether or not it happens is another matter but there is no legal obligation for the referendum to be accepted by the government. The whiny, entitled youth of the country will no doubt try to bully their way to a second vote.

No, Brits are stubborn. Leave is leave.

It will take quite some time until Brits leave. I guess you people will still be in the EU during the next European elections... will be kind of awkward for you.

Congratulations Brits!!!

> inb4 your butthurt


Didn't David Cameron say that whoever won the first referendum will stay that way and there won't even a second one, but Bigelow did say that if he lost he would try again, we will just have to wait and see.

It won't actually happen though cameron won't call another one the whims of some butthurt twitter shitters
they'll probably be forced to debate it in parliament though


Fucking crybabies. The majority hath spoken. Act accordingly

This is the most worrying thing, the government by the way there acting is already accepting a brexit but as you said the government does not legally have to listen to it and the remain party will use every dirty tactic they have to get the result they want, we will just have to wait what parliament says.

Thanks there Germany nice that to hear that from you, when the European elections happen they might not consider use since hopefully by that we would have started the leaving process bit let's wait and see.

We have to leave. The next PM would be someone who is into BREXIT according to Cameron. He may actively shill IN but he got the decency to accept the vote of the people. The others....they can't and will either cry like a spoilt brat, or whine for Britain to stay IN.

Yeah because there would totally be a second one if remain won, right? They basically want it repeated like the Lisbon treaty over and over until they get the result they want.

That's the most I am hoping that the furthest parliment gets to, just a debate but we will see.

When you put it like brexit is 100% guaranteed (which it should be) but this is the left we are dealing with here and they they will use every low brow, dirty Jewish trick they can think off so we need to be prepared. Be nice dubs to the both of you.

But that happened in Ireland.
And they voted back in.

Would it be wrong to have another referendum so soon? Some people think that would be rigging the system, but how - it would be another free vote.

Also, if you ask me, we fucked up - as a young pleb I stand to lose £780 a year according to Cameron at least (working at the dole house, no less), and mortgages will rise as well.


We'll still be in the European Courts from the Communities Act 1972 and we'll still be in the Human Rights Act unless Cameron abolishes it (which he won't because of public pressure, and international pressure can still be applied) so people wanting to leave for those reasons have been sold a lie and they won't see any less of those instances of abusing human rights in the courts by terrorists (who were not yet convicted, and most of the cases were actually made up, such as the cat gate incident).

And as for protecting us kids for the future (I assume most of us are under 30 here), well, Gen X dun fucked that up.

You'll notice that if your father is particularly gobby in such discussions, like mine is, it is perhaps because he won't want to admit he's made an error voting out.

I'm not much of a fan of remaining in either, but that's to do with the lunatics running the asylum - the EU could work a lot better if it focusses more on developing continent-wide industry standards

(Like a language fluency test to filter out all the Poles and Romanians that speak about five words of English from coming here so you can actually coordinate verbally with whoever's helping you to lift a 40 kilo garden furniture set in a warehorse and SAFELY).

Doubt it. If your government doesn't respect the vote of your people, then that'll just instill distrust in a huge portion of the population.

Economists say you're going to get fucked and EU is probably going to make your country hurt as much as possible in order to scare other members from leaving. But economists can be wrong and the EU may collapse. I think the leave vote might have been the wrong call, but only because it was the "unsafe" option of the two. It's not like GB has always gone the safe route. It's survived and thrived through a war that decimated their cities on a daily basis. I'm sure the people can deal with a possible fragmentation of their union and weakened market presence.

There are people and families in GB that have devoted their lives to see that the country remains a world power. I doubt they're about to let one vote ruin that goal.

Honestly, I lost trust of economists and economic institutions after David Viniar stated the pre-cursor to the housing crisis as a 25 standard deviation event. If the best people in the world have models of markets in which a real event is considered "25 standard deviations" from norm, their models suck ass.

Cameron and Boris are old schoolmates, they've been competing with each other for years lol. Cameron was probably pretty sick of being PM anyway, he was thinking of quitting before last year's general election after all.

Although Boris wouldn't be my first choice for PM, it's clear we need a strong Brexiter to lead our country out of the EU right now.

This is what we want to do and hopefully the politicians will accept what the people want a brexit will have no issue however caution must be taken so that brexit can continue without issue.

Well no gel did say he would try if it would happen mind you the left and politicians would properly tell him he lost and it is not up for debate so you do have a point there. Hopefully the second one does not go further then a debate.

Do people ever wear top hats anymore?

No. The next PM will be one of the Leave campaigners.

That's what they want you to think.

I understand it will be a tough time ahead and the young have a lot to loose but is the chance to have control over our orders a day the change to make our own choices worth a little hardship, and if we do remain do you think the EU is going to change and do you think they will have a new type of border control? If anything if we go back on what we said not only are you angering a majority (whatever mental gymnastics you are going to have pull of don't bother it is a majority in my mind) and the EU won't be impressed either. So I say let's us continue with the be it a day see where it will take use ( you never know it might be the same as before it just takes time.)

>2nd ref approved
>voting day July 23
>new stipulation, UK native-born or permanent resident for 10 years only
>87% turn out
>71% Leave

Hopefully the next PM is a britexiter if all else fails we just might have to go with Boris.

Not really the most likely time you might find a person wearing one of those hats is either as a fancy dessert costume, a wedding or an event for the rich (that horse race they have have some years but I can't remember the name is an example.)

>100,000 signatures
>17,000,000 people voted leave

Kek, 100k is like nothing here.

Bring it on.

I will be honest I am shit at typing words properly and many things what I say might be different to what I wanted to say so be careful when you read my posts.

>Would it be wrong to have another referendum so soon? Some people think that would be rigging the system, but how - it would be another free vote.

If you need to ask that question you shouldn't be voting at all. This is literally what goes on in banana republics. This is also incidentally a favourite trick of our (((democratic))) EU.

It makes an absolute mockery of democracy. Do we have a third referendum if remain loses again? You can't brow beat and crybully the public into voting your way by forcing them through the process repeatedly until they give in. It's political terrorism and thankfully, Cameron seems to at least have his integrity.

A few MPs will discuss the petition in a side chamber for 5 minutes and say no, as they should. Just like they do with every other idiotic petition social media activists waste their time with.

It's an old picture I think it is around 300 or 400 at the moment hopefully it is going to die down (and pigs start flying.) We will just wait and see,

It's up to 661k signatures now.

Can non-brits vote?

Sign, I meant. It looks like I can sign it. Which is misleading.

Thank you it is nice you see sense about what the second referendum means thank you for that. Oh by the way what flag is that I don't think I have seen it before.

It's possible... I doubt it unless parliament is united against Brexit.

But they most likely won't for several reasons.
If the second result is a vote to remain then all those in opposition will freak the hell out (rightly) and they'll demand blood and a third referendum.

Also it's really stupid to just redo a vote.

That quite worrying hopefully parliament just leaves it at a debate.

British Virgin Islands. I'm one of the people in finance who makes money off you plebs voting for things like the EU which just fucks you all over for the benefit of my clients.

Scott's just have a civil war with the rest of Britain. You made your choice also Londoners. Just fight already

Hopefully your right we will just wait and see.

No because it has been decided. Making your organic kale smoothies is not more important than voting. Now you realise when it is too late so fuck off and fuck your future because looking at them you can infer that thankfully your opinions don't count.

Well thanks for the flag details, guess the brexit must be a field day for you?

Last I saw they were saying $2 Trillion were wiped away globally. The damage has been done. You can't just change your fucking mind.

Why is that worrying? Over 17 million voted to leave. The PM has resigned and the EU president says he wants you to start the withdrawal process as soon as possible.

Well hopefully we will stay with what we have and what in God's name does kale smoothies have to do with anything?

Making a kale smoothie is millennial lingo for having an immigrant cum in your arse.

We that good news for the people who wanted to leave so it's not all doom and gloom when you put it like that.

I am worrying that the remain people will push so hard for a second referendum that the government will give in to there demands and completely undo everything brexit has done. Nice trips always the Americans who are lucky.

720,122 signatures now. 60k in just 14 minutes. Seems fishy to me.

I signed it in that time. It is likely it was mentioned on the news, so loads of people are signing it while they eat their croissants.

Jesus Christ I knew millennials were degenerates but I didn't know they were this fucked up.



>gets as many signatures as people that voted Remain
>All of BBC - "This is proof that the people don't want this!"

Its too late. There's no way you guys can go back. The EU is literally asking you to get out as soon as possible. Whats done is done. I personally wouldn't even wait until October.

Anyone can sign it. It doesn't mean shit.

Fuck this is getting embarrassing now.

I think someone said that to join the petition you don't need of voting age to join in ( I could be wrong here) so the remain party might be roping all those moaning 17 year old to boost numbers.

It'll reach 17 million in a month or so and we'll get roped back in

I don't think it's going to happen. But if it does, be aware that the UK will not be taken seriously for a long long time.
Everybody, not only in the EU but all over the world, already jumped into action to pave the way for making the Brexit actually to happen and deal with its consequences. Literally the whole world will be annoyed, if not mad, at you if you collectively decide that you were merely pretending.

Hopefully because of this brexit is still a go but like you said waiting till October is a terrible ides because it's giving the remain party a change to stop brexit hopefully it is too late for that.

When you put it like that yeah it would just be better to carry on with brexit but we just have to hope nothing happens.

The problem for the remains is that the October deadline is just to get a new leader for the conservative party and most of them are firmly in the leave camp. So it is not really going to help.

The remains are going to have to get another election called before they can realistically get another referendum before they win a general election.

Let's hope this happens then I really want to leave the eu as well.

We'll this turned out to be a nice thread so I will be off then goodbye.

most signatures are probably from hippie americans who don't even know what the eu is. link was shared on my facebook

fucking john oliver

Last time i saw a screenshot it was at 600k kek

Yeah, even if a second referendum was done, the government would be Brexit and just ignore that result anyway.

No, anybody who's supporting it is a salty, deluded loser. What's done is done and you can't shit on democracy like that. Also the UK as a whole cannot afford to back down on his word anymore, the EU won't welcome you back with pats in the shoulder and a parade... at the very least you would lose most, if not all, privileges and special treaties.

No, a second referendum is just idiotic.

Remain calls everyone who votes leave idiots and now want to try and convince them to vote remain on the second go. If you want something from people then you don't call them idiots.

Just like the millennials protesting in London and people shouting that older people should not be allowed to vote. Will there be a second ref then the left will say such ridiculous things to try and convince people that leave voters as well as remain voters will see through their shit.

Parliament's argument will also be very simple based on what the left wishes. It makes no sense, they are acting like scared animals that have been in a cage all their lives and are released in the field, they don't know what it means and would rather go back inside their cage.

The kicking and screaming will continue over time, ridiculous statements about currency and economy will be made. The next terror attack is cause of brexit. These are things people will say.

EU traitors are merely showing themselves

No absolutely not
>Implying they'd even risk another £200bn being wiped off the market
Jesus Christ