When did you grow out of your "pop music is bad" phase?

When did you grow out of your "pop music is bad" phase?

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I was never so immature as to uphold that terrible opinion.

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Literally everything that isn't traditional or art music is pop music. Top 40 pop is bad, though.

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9th grade, late I know

that's not what we are talking about here and you know it you pretentious twat

Found the Mensa member

It's the truth. Everything you listen to is probably pop.

Just be quiet i beg of you.

t. pop fan

I've been outed :(

Yes, you have. Now go back, you filthy pleb :^)

Dua Lipa is seriously attractive. Good god.

What do you mean by pop? Like mainstream pop? If so that kind of music is directed towards brainless sheep people with no interest in any kind of music.

60s pop music is some of the best music ever written. scott walker and phil spector were right.

I like pop music when it's good but Dua Lipa is fucking garbage and is an industry plant

lol get a load of this guy. he knows what's really going on behind the scenes.

The Illuminati isn't real, the moon is flat and hollow and jet fuel is a hologram.

when I learned the difference between chart music and pop as an actual genre.

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