Dishonest filmmaking at its finest.
Dishonest filmmaking at its finest
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why is it dishonest?
>dishonest filmmaking
the fuck does that even mean
I don't like this "La La Land is a dishonest film" meme
Kindly stop pls
Dishonest Filmmaking: (Damien Chazzele, Tarantino, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Wes Anderson, Christopher Nolan, Alex Garland, Paul Thomas Anderson, Nicholas Refn, Tom Hooper, Tyler Perry, Rian Johnson, Alfonso Cuaron, Noah Baumbach, Andrea Arnold, David Yates, Denis Vilenueve, James Franco, Steve McQueen) are intellectually bankrupt moral whores and charlatans; their films appeal to the modern phenomenon of the 'Pretend Epic' or Pseudo Cinema, often tied to the criticism that "It was a movie that thought it was a film" they have no ideas of their own and are filmed purely to have fancy essays made about them. They obfuscate their lack of insight under a smug impenetrable irony and often contain scenes with disingenuous attempts at depth with characters spouting platitudes that the director takes VERY seriously
This directly panders to the IMDb reddit sensibility of quote circlejerking since these hacks are masters of the fools wit, "Quipping" (Not to be confused with the marvel co-opting of the word) , it sounds smart, cool and worldly but in reality there's nothing of substance, the Revenant's attempt at spiritualism was cheap and laughable and whilst someone like Malick has considered his philosophy, Inaurritu wears his introspection on his sleeve to give his film a false sense of depth with pathetic sermonizing
THIS is Dishonest Filmmaking
They leech the greater works that preceded them; like The Enemy being a rip off Eraserhead, but they have nothing else to say
They act under the guise of deconstruction with surface layer obvious 'social commentary' and a quirky forgettable score praised as 'innovative'. They are all inauthentic sycophants that rely on oscar buzz and post 9/11 detachment for relevance.
These directors are hacks and will be forgotten to time
Some notably earnest filmmakers include, but are not limited to:
>Mike Leigh
>The Coen Brothers
>Werner Herzog
>James Cameron
>Mel Gibson
>Terrence Malick
>Gaspar Noe
>Clint Eastwood
you tell me. OP's lookin for memes to express his rebuttals for him. lmao sa-ha-haaaad sack of shit.
What makes honesty so important?
You niggers only ever focus on one thing at a time. It's embarrassing
I think a better word than "dishonest" would be shallow/superficial. And yes revanant was very superficial.
Lala land didn't attempt depth.
I'm trying to watch this right now but I paused to do some shitposting.
I'm sure it's dishonest about hollywood, but I don't really care about that. My main problem is I don't care about anything they are portraying and it's hard to get through
Dude obviously you don't care about film why don't you fuck off to some star wars thread or fuck off the board entirely
"Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things, is the proper aim of Art."- Oscar Wilde. But naw, fuck that idiot, I'm believing your pasta instead.
you mean at its most dishonest
This pasta will never catch on , its way too long winded and isn't funny enough to garner reactions. Plus it requires the reader to know about those directors' films which is asking a lot from the average Sup Forums poster.
oscar wilde was literally a mentally ill fag, why would anyone listen to him
So basically having beautiful shots isn't good enough, the movie must have some deep narrative about psychology or it's dishonest.
Its another meme term to justify Sup Forums's hatred of anything popular. Posts like these are their poor attempt at jumping through flaming hoops to convince themselves that everything is a steaming pile of shit.
>having beautiful shots isn't good enough
that's not retarded at all lol
jesus, Sup Forums
Yeah. Like Sup Forums somehow loves that movie, some creeps are really mad.
I cannot stand this cunts acting
>beautiful shots
We're talking about movies not travel brochures, dipshit.
Sup Forums hates it like a latent homosexual hates other homosexuals.
Truth is beauty and beauty truth
This. It's a magical film, please stop saying bad things about it
If Enemy is a ripoff of Eraserhead, Eraserhead is a ripoff of Spider Baby
>Sup Forums hates it like a latent homosexual hates other homosexuals.
That makes absolutely no sense, you're practically saying that the movie is the same as Sup Forums while it being more open about it.
The criticism of the movie is that it's shallow and pretending to be bigger than it really is.
Now you can attempt to be a weasel and say "so does Sup Forums haha ftw" but Sup Forums is self aware of itself being shallow, this movie does not have any self awareness at all.
So a better phrase would be, "Sup Forums hates it like homosexuals hates latent homosexuals. "
But the truth is often harsh and disturbing, how can that be beautiful?
la la land is dishonest!!
It's beautiful because it's true
>thinking there's zero truth to memes
>Steve McQueen
He was so focused on realism that it made his movies boring.
You delete this RIGHT NOW
Right. Instead of brilliant people we should consider the opinions of seething internet fatsos banging out empty, conviction-less opinions with their cheez doodle-stained sausage fingers.
They don't know. They go watch it. Realize it's dishonest filmmaking vs genuine artists. Get redpilled. Win-win
The uglh truth js beautiful if you're mentally ill.
Fuck off no one cares about your shitty youtube channel and your shitty dumb opinions
>le appeal to authority
How about you judge something by it's contents like an adult instead of being triggered like a plebbitor?
>often harsh
So, taking a moment, relatively speaking, to appreciate the times when it isn't is somehow bad? Fuck off, you misery wallower.
>tfw people reply to your retarded shitposting
What did he mean by this?
>autistic screeching the post
If something speaks to me, it has nothing to do with anything other than my own emotional reaction to it. Besides fatso, you should talk. This site is just a big circle jerk for contrarian opinion. You're looking for the fringe "authority" approval. YOU faggots are "dishonest."
It's literally just a Simpsons quote you fucking millennial
>(Damien Chazzele,
I'll give you that one.
Whatever, he never made any good movie since the 90s.
>Alejandro González Iñárritu,
True I guess, but Keaton was great in Birdman.
>Wes Anderson,
100% true
>Christopher Nolan,
Only good movies he made were TDK and Memento. Everything else, yes, dishonest trash.
>Alex Garland,
Dredd and 28 Days Later were honest movies, only the Ex Machina garbage he directed was shit.
>Paul Thomas Anderson, Nicholas Refn, Tom Hooper,
All correct...
>Tyler Perry,
I guess your post was bait all along.
>Rian Johnson, Alfonso Cuaron, Noah Baumbach, Andrea Arnold, David Yates, Denis Vilenueve, James Franco, Steve McQueen)
Who cares now.
>a movie explicitly about the movies
Well I guess this will win best picture. Throw it in the same bin as The Artist, labeled "movies that critics all pretended to like and never even thought about watching or talking about again"
Look, it's clear that you don't want to have a conversation on the honesty of this film since you're calling all opinions that aren't yours stupid or dishonest.
How about you go to a place that has very similar opinions to yours. so you can have a better time, and we can have a better time.
Namely the site that mixes the words, Read it.
If you don't truly understand art, then you should leave and go fuck yourself.
The fact that your truish ignorance to the subversive sophisticality of film is so large that you can't even realize the fact that dishonest filmmaking is a growing cancerous darkness to this world is degrading to my intellect, especially when I have a much higher IQ than you do.
Dishonest filmmaking is always one of the most disrespectful practices that a director does in the complex processes that is filmmaking, and it irritates me how an idiot like you doesn't know what it means to film something with ultimatum dishonesty and fraudulent behavior. You are a disgrace to even stand any intellectual discussion with me, let alone anyone on this thread who disregards this issue. As an Armond Whitian, I am very passionate in the arts more than what any of you could ever be, and you'll never reach my height of excellence in my knowledge of not only the arts, but every other thing that I have learned in the duration of my life. I will gladly spit on your grave if you dare ignore my knowledge, not even once.
This isnt like the artist where had some nobodies and people weren't talking about it much. Lots of people both adults and younger are talking and loving this movie. This stupid meme is some agenda by someone to tarnish the movies name or something because damn was it good. The whole stupid reason about "Wah wah another movie about hollywood" is so stupid it is in part about that but also about the music industry as well as the relationship they had together. There's more to this movie then the complaints everyone has which is just making me see how stupid this board is and have either not seen it at all or are blind to anything else happening in the movie or subjects themese motifs other then Muh movie about hollywood shit that everyone is using to try and dismiss how great this movie was. I honestly feel for some of you cold hearted people that are some how not enjoying this movie. Too pretentious to believe this movie was something not to your standards. I can understand people not liking it yeah I get it but majority of people here keep giving the same stupid reasons that barely hold any merit. I bet if this movie wasnt sweeping at awards and winning the awards that you thought your favorite movie should of gotten there wouldn't be so much butthurt and agendas to try and diminish the great filmmaking acting editing and production of this movie.