What is your favourite DeNiro, Sup Forums?

What is your favourite DeNiro, Sup Forums?

Godfather part II, Raging Bull and Taxi Driver

Meet The Fockers


Analyze This

Cape Fear.

post the webm


Not exactly his most spectacular performance, but it all just fucking works in that film, everything is on point.

Jack Nicholson >>> DeNiro
just sayin

Dunkacino > Nicholson



I watched Midnight Run for the first time yesterday and it's definitely up there


the internship

severely underrated scorsese

The one where he's jerking off to cuckold-porn.

I like De Niro, but I can't remember what the film I like is called. It's my favorite movie of all time but the name escapes me.


dirty granpa is the patrician choice

this or Godfather 2

Once Upon A Time In America, Taxi Driver, Godfather part II, Raging Bull


the rocky and bullwinkle movie is what you're think of

All these plus King Of Comedy. Never knew how funny DeNiro could get (specially considering all his recent comedy roles are awful).



nicholson was smart.
He got those fine gross points from Batman and can retire with dignity and hot bitches.
DeNiro was dumb, his manager stole his money so now he has to act in literal shit to get his autismo gang through college.

>muh filofax
It's a really underrated buddy/road/48hours clone

Nicholson is fantastic, but he was in less great roles than DeNiro.
DeNiro was in more shitty roles, though...

As an actor, definitely.
DeNiro might be the GOAT roles-wise though

Meet the fockers

die, millennial scum