Eurofighter (ammo and fuel reload) vs Sauron and his army
Who would win?
Eurofighter (ammo and fuel reload) vs Sauron and his army
Who would win?
Why didn't the fellowship just develop combined arms tactics and smash through Sauron's army in a blitzkreig like fashion?
Saurons army easily. missiles cant lock onto non metallic targets like flying Ringraiths.
it was 9 against 900,000. your strategy needs a rethink.
Nazgul armor is literally all steel lol
Eurofighter has the high-ground, so the plane wins.
Sauron would corrupt the pilot to join his army and use it to invade this thread. Good job, faggot, now we're we're all fucked.
>Implying you can't pack rockets
>Implying you don't have a cannon
Which tranche of Eurofighter are we talking?
And can Sauron engage targets beyond visual range?
they can lock on to heat