

are these, dare I say it, /ourguys/?



>dude obscure lmao


>dude im a pleb lmao

My night at Maud's and Goodbye Dragon Inn are recent watches which I really liked

I don't get the praise for Amator, I didn't think it was visually impressive in the slightest (specially when he made Veronique and the Dekalog).
Same with blind chance, don't get the love at all.
what did you like so much about it?

from a while back


My man.
Could i get titles pls? There's a few i dont recognize

rozier is so underrated
good picks 8/8

my night at maud's
jeanne dielman
du cote d'orouet
goodbye dragon inn
taste of cherry
the sacrifice
celine and julie

yeah I think du cote d'Ouret and My night at Maud's were both terrific examples of lesser know FNW films, I'm looking forward to watching more by both directors


where is elephant fag?

top mid nerd


no heart of america... uwe boll kino faggot

>that shit super predictable ending
>all those shit other stories i didnt care about
>those shit and flat characters

kill yourself

what do those ratings mean?

that he likes every single movie he watches

films ive liked/films ive seen out of the chart
i certainly dont like your attitude

good movies posted so far (mostly)

oh shit, 322?

>so far
good thing you put an end to it


w-what's wrong with my picks senpai

oh shit, i love 322 so much, its been so much since ive seen it though, so thanks for that!
top mid is Abdulaze and middle looks like Straub-Hulliet, right?

what are the rest?

i didn't even check them. just wanted to be mean for no reason.

it's been a while for me too, good guesses!

aita-the plea-parsi
tras os montes-death of empedocles-akran

well thanks for the honesty I guess

shit, thats pretty cool, a lot of my favorites in there as well, im assuming by parsi you meant parsifal? keep making the board patrician again


Saved this a long time ago but dont know the movie

no sorry I meant pari (1995)
eh I don't think I can do that by myself, Sup Forums has become terrible even compared to a couple of years ago (it wasn't very good back then either) but I remember at least these type of threads used to get many more replies than now

maborosi by koreeda, great film

nice picks senpai

Can everyone judge mine? Be extremely critical

how can you like/have seen 30 films on a 3x3 grid?

30/30 is a gun round, i was making fun of the fact Op's picks are mostly shooting films

oh, ive only seen The pear tree by him, and it was pretty good

yeah they used to reach bump limit and it was a good way of getting to know different films
but a lot of posters have left


I've never understood if these threads are some sort of meme or not? I never recognize any movies.

You can't recognize any of these?

edgy, probably a wigger/10

My nine favorite films.

that is exactly why we needed trump. more peasants will be preoccupied with jobs to have time to shit-post. plus, with the parents out of the house, peasant kids will once again turn to drugs rather than the internets.

Reservoir dogs and saving private ryan that's it.

idk what youre saying but these are really fun to make

what movie is the bottom middle from? that actor is underrated.

>except they're not lmao

names, please.

i'm saying that the presence of working class people on the internet is the main reason of its decline in quality

movies i watched when i was 15 and thought i was a genius because of it lol.


Not OP but that's Ben Foster and the movie is Bang Bang You're Dead, which I saw a long time ago, it's pretty good.

Where's Polytechnique?

i dont like villenueve much but i gotta admit that was nice, although i totally forgot about it when i made the 3x3

yeah, also the girl from adieu philippine looks like tatiana sometimes


You should add it in. It was the first film of his I saw, and I remember thinking this director would work really well in Hollywood because even though it was in bnw it didn't feel completely art house.

Plenty of working class people love art cinema. Maybe not in America, but everywhere else, culture isn't for the rich only.

I haven't watched a movie in 3 months. Give me suggestions.

assuming you've seen all the films from the directors in your chart, i'd say Shadows of forgotten ancestors

where is heathers or natural born killers senpai... you can't have school shooter kino without one or both of those



i havent seen heathers, but thanks looks interesting and NBK isnt that good


>posts 6x3

was it kino?


you could have chosen better stills tbqh

You're right, I just did it right now



sauce for top right.

The Master

get better taste

i'm a sad man


I'll check it out.

I think that was on my watchlist a long time ago, but I couldn't seem to find a good torrent of it, so I gave up trying to watch it.