Do you remember the first DVD you owned during the switch? What was it?
Do you remember the first DVD you owned during the switch? What was it?
ronald mcdonald dvd
The first DVD I owned was Futurama Season 1
Toy Story 1 and 2. Good times.
The Grinch and Scooby Doo
the grinch
Reservoir Dogs 10th Anniversary Edition
Even at 13 I was KINO
Terminator 2!!!FACT!!!
Scary Movie
Encino Man
One of the most underrated comedies ever.
Jeepers Creepers.
steve vai : live from the astoria
The director's cut of Blade Runner.
That and The Road Warrior were the first two movies I bought on DVD
Scary Movie. It was just out on DVD and I brought it with my own money earned from working at McDonald's.
I was so happy and full of optimism back then. What happened to my life ;_;
Dark City
I got a PS2 in 2002. it was our first dvd player by proxy.
my dad went and bought the twilight zone Vol 1 DVD set the next day. our first DVD
what a scam. $80 per season
It blew me away when I watched in the theatres back then. I even bought the DVD without having a player at the same time, I got the player 3 weeks later for christmas, that's how hyped I was watching it again in good quality back then.
I think it was either Chicago or The Avengers (the 1998 adaptation of the 60's series)
Ghostbusters. I remember being blown away by audio commentaries (and that was a really good one, too, plus those awesome animated menus).
No bully pls
Like another user ITT, my first DVD player was my PS2, which was also the last console that I bought. In fact, I bought it /mostly/ because it was a multi-tool, capable of playing at least four different optical media, and not /primarily/ for any one game. For a long time, the only PS2 title that I owned was an anthology of the early Mega Man games, until I had a Guitar Hero phase that lasted for about a year, and I bought up a bunch of those. I spent the most time re-playing PS1 RPGs on it, though, with regular DVD screenings.
Now, to actually answer your question, OP: I think(?) my very first DVD ever was Cowboy Bebop V.1. I got all those, and some of my other very early burchases were 2001 and 2010. I was in full weeaboo mode at this time so I got various period weeaboo shit that I never watch anymore.
Taxi Driver and Rush Hour
I don't remember the first one I owned, but the first one I saw was Titan A.E.
Knight's Tale
Not too bad
Got an xbox for Christmas back in 2001, received a copy of "The Jerk" along with it
the first Jurassic park
Fellowship of the Ring
Disney's Tarzan
Kill Bill Volume 1.
First time I used an s-video cable as well. The jump from VHS was breathtaking. Good times.
Betamax was the superior format.
I believe it was moulin rouge, though I think my dad bought the family a bunch of dvds for Christmas all st once.
SelectaVision was the superior format.
My family was still us using an old tube television from the 70s when we got our first DVD player so I didn't understand why everyone thought the picture was higher quality.
>has never heard of V2000
Can't remember the DVD but Avatar was when I started Blu Ray
>anything not marketed in the US
>important or worth knowing about
Like others in this thread, my first DVD player was a PS2, and also like others, I was a massive weeb at the time. My first DVD was Akira.
It was quite popular in France and a good movie.
>tfw getting blown out when seeing the menus, extras and shit for the first time
>nowadays all of that just feels like a chore and I just buy BDS to hoard them
Minority Report.
I was blown away by the interactive menu, it was so cool.
I remember pausing the movie and zooming in on the Agent's dossier on Neo looking for secrets. Oh, amd there was this angle feature that never really caught on where if the director for some reason put in other angles you could change up the perspective.
Austin Powers in Goldmember.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
I didn't understand why the movie didn't just start right up after I pressed play.
Scream 2
It was bought with my PS2
spiderman 2
Talladega nights. It came with the PS3
One of the first things i remember saving up to buy as a kid was Simpsons season 2(my brother had gotten s1 for xmas or something)
The HOP ON maymay movie.
Were the movies ever any good? I used to read the comics translated to english when I was a kid, but I've never seen the movies
Literally bought a DVD player because of the extended DVD editions
60 Greatest England Goals.
I got it from a newspaper.
55 goals were total shit. I should have realised it was trying to teach me a lesson.
Pretty sure it was Mars Attacks.
>Dishonest director
The Matrix. Still have it. One of those mostly paper but bit of plastic on the end ones.
I didn't have a DVD player so I watched it on my Compaq Presario.
The little Mermaid bare bones 1999 release. Shit wasn't even anamorphic widescreen yet cost me $50
I would judge you more on why the fuck it took you until 2005 to get your first dvd more than your choice in movies. I got my first dvd around 2001.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Yes I'm serious.
The DVD player came with 5 free dvds: Lost in Space, Six Days Seven Nights, Lethal Weapon 4, Stepmom, and Stargate. 17 years later and Stepmom remains unopened at my parents .
Terrible movie
Got a DVD player and Band of Brothers boxset in 2002. My Dad gave himself the Back to The Future trilogy to himself, so we had that as well.
>yugioh movie comes out
>says get free cards with the movie on commercial
>only came with the DVD not the VHS release
>only had VHS
Final Fantasy The Spirits Within
Hell Comes to Frogtown
The Good The Bad and The Ugly
I feel like my dad just picked the first couple dvd's he saw
xXx and Vertical Limit. I came in late.
My DVD player came with 5 crappy DVDs. The first I bought for myself was Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
The first movie my family watched on DVD was Gladiator
DIVX or bust pleb
Mallrats because of all the extra footage
Remember when box sets were awesome? They contained an entire season of a show.
Does anyone remember the final VHS release that wasn't some Hipster as fuck movie?
Snowday. My mom bought it the same day she bought the DVD player thinking I would like it. I will never forget that the first DVD I ever watched was this piece of shit.
first one i bought was animatrix, played it on my xbox.
the phantom menace
didnt bother watching it int the cinema coz i thought it was gonna be shit
got it in a bargin bin for £1
still got ripped off
Lawnmower man
Shrek. I thought it worked the same way as a VHS so I was waiting at the menu for 15 minutes thinking the movie was going to start at any moment.
It was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone. My sister got it for me on my birthday.
I bought two in one go: O Brother, Where Art Thou and Cecil B. Demented. Preferred the latter at the time, dunno now. O Brother never gripped me.
I think it was something like the Fugitive
I can't really remember
last samurai. that shit looked gook
Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou
Bought the DVD player for that movie.
Still one of my favourites.
Con Air
Late adapter.
I was still watching VHS in 2006.
I switched from VHS to torrents in 2007.
Rushmore (Criterion Collection)
I grabbed it a day or two before getting the DVD player.
Who knows. I remember having
You've Got Mail
Little Nicky
Friday After Next
and some other DVD I can't remember all when we first got a dvd player (my PS2)