Is this movie for pedos? I'm pretty desensitized to most shit...

Is this movie for pedos? I'm pretty desensitized to most shit, but seeing a 13 year old Natalie Portman sing "Like a Virgin" and try to convince Jean Reno to take her virginity while wearing a loose-fitting tank top made me feel pretty uncomfortable. Supposedly, Luc Besson once married a 15 year old, so it seems likely he just made a subtle fetish film. I'm honestly kind of surprised Natalie's parents let her play this role.

It made me feel pretty uncomfortable too. I was wearing very tight pants after all

>try to convince Jean Reno to take her virginity

For what it's worth, that scene was cut from the theatrical release.

I wouldn't call it subtle, she pretty much begs him for sex. I think I read that Nat's parents made them change the script from actually having sex in it. Didn't change the script enough imo.

The original script has gotten out, and Leon and Mathilda do indeed have sex, though it's not clear if she was meant to be older in that draft.

They did say Portman was considered to young for the role. I think she should've been 14 or 15.

She was 15 in the original script and that script is more darker compare to movie.

Mathilda grew up in an abusive white trash family. She has been exposed to shit she doesn't have the emotional maturity to handle. Her innocence and childhood have been robbed of her. Many girls develop crushes on male authority figures once they reach puberty, and you're seeing this in Mathilda. Leon is the closest thing she has ever had to a father figure in her life, so she falls for him. If Leon reciprocated this in any way, then I would agree that it's creepy, but he doesn't. I agree that the tank top is a bit much, but honestly I think the movie handles the subject pretty well.

maybe you should stick to church approved movies you fuckin puritan.
oh no a work of fiction made you uncomfortable.
kill yourself.

It wasn't the fictional bits that made me uncomfortable. It was the very real 13 year old female's burgeoning tits poking through a tank top that made me uncomfortable.