Redpill me on whyvernwashing in hollywood

Redpill me on whyvernwashing in hollywood

It's all chiropteran propaganda!!

"An extra set of limbs is more expensive to animate. Can we just chop off a pair, and still call them dragons? Our audience is too stupid to tell the difference."


i always thought dragon was like the base term and whyverns were a specific dragon.


I we were going by stories and their descriptions of dragons you'd have dragons with 7 heads, 12 wings, 8 legs,....

the wyvern design is the one that I prefer for, its looks like something that could actually evolve and the way it has to use the wings to move around and crawl makes it look more intimidating and beast like

even when flying it looks more elegant than if it had 4 legs

>its looks like something that could actually evolve
>I want my dumb fantasy with million illogical things to be scientifically accurate
you are the worst kind of person and the reason hollywood monster design has been fucking shit for over ten years now

dragons with 4 legs look regal, like lions
2 legs look like retarded bats

>something that could actually evolve

they were literally created, you niggerfaggot

The "wyerns are not dragons" meme is old, tired and reddit as fuck. Please stop.

That looked nice, now I'm fucking mad, especially since the first movie showed him with 4 legs and then edited it.

>i always thought wrong
thanks for sharing this with us

4 leggers are so fucking easy to trigger
its a fucking imaginary creature

t. Todd Howard

So make it right. You wouldn't call the minotaur a satyr and say "relax bro they're all made up"

>caring about the specifics of a fictional creature
might as well sperg out abot bigfoot's shoe size

>it has wings

Fuck white people.



no its like complaining if a minotaur has hooves or human legs

some valuable insight right here

Then what the fuck is a Wyrm?





It's basically about realism in movement. There's no evolutionary reason for an animal to grow four legs AND two wings. The way wings evolve in vertebrates does not work like that.

>There's no evolutionary reason




evolution is real, user, and for some reason directors now take it into account when animating creatures like dragons. I don't think it's right but that's why it's happening.

>I want my fantasy worlds in which magic is real to be realistic by the natural laws of this world

This line of thinking is why Hollywoods design of fictional creatures is creatively bankrupt lately. Nitpicky faggots who value muh realism over creativity on a creature that fucking breathes fire.


It doesn't make "more sense" because there's no sense to be made there at all. It's not a matter of moving to a lighter shade of gray; it's a matter of proposing a standard of white that simply isn't applicable. Four-limbed dragons don't make any more sense than six-limbed ones, because the only standard by which they'd make more sense is the standard of real-world biology, which flatly does not apply to the creature.

There are only two ways in which four-limbed dragons "make more sense", and both are bullshit that have no place in a fantasy setting with dragons.

The first is evolutionary development, that there are no six-limbed reptiles the dragon could have evolved from. Obviously, in a world with gods and magic, that shit simply does not matter. In a world like Middle Earth where dragons are EXPLICITLY the product of supernatural intervention, appealing to evolutionary principles is downright silly.

The other is energy efficiency. More limbs require more energy. However, if you're getting that nitty-gritty with the biological details, dragons (whether four-limbed or six-limbed) simply should not be able to exist in the first place. They're too big to reasonably sustain themselves regardless of number of limbs and would crush their own wings when trying to move because they aren't big enough in relation to the body. To say nothing of the flight and firebreathing.

The only acceptable answer to "why four-limbed dragons" is aesthetic preference. As soon as you try to drag real world biology into it, you've gone full retard.