Oakland Raiders confirmed Superb Owl Champions

Oakland Raiders confirmed Superb Owl Champions

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What does it say?

Everybody vs Trump?


Yes. His pants are sagged below his ass as well

Why are conservatives so obsessed with pant fits... y'all are worse than effay. lemme guess you wear Wranglers with a belt

this barely functioning moron doesn't even know why he's wearing that shirt. he just heard some of his boys say "fuck trump man" and he went along with it.

ooga booga bixnood

Finally Raiders

i seem to recall trump winning an election though

Trump is public enemy #1
the most hated man in America
every sane American can see that he is an evil, deeply bigoted, misogynistic, racist, transphobic tyrant
America's Hitler

if the army or Congress won't get rid of this cancer, the people will have to

pic related is Trump's future, swap the Arabs for brave People of Colour (Black and Aztec)

Based Lynch

I expected a much smarter t-shirt from Marshawn Lynch


It's not practical

>Trump is public enemy #1
Yeah, that's why half the people in the country voted for him. Get the fuck out of here.

>didn't get the most votes
>still say half the people voted for him

Typical Trumpanzee Snowflake.

We don't elect people by popular vote, go take a civics course dumbfuck. The person I was replying to said that everyone in the country hates Trump despite the fact that he got 46 percent of the vote popular vote. (What I was doing was called "rounding." Maybe you learned about it in elementary school.) If that many people voted for him he obviously isn't hated by everyone, you fucks just like to pretend like he is because you get all of your opinions from your faggot friends' facebook statuses.


Leafs should be gassed.

Calm down Sergey

>I'm 14 and literally incapable of talking about anything other than contrarian politics on any board
Challenge yourself my underage friend, see how long you can go by discussing anything you genuinely care about

Yeah, great team. Letting politics get involved, and throwing games. Check this shit out: the O-line actually intentionally let Carr get hit- If he stands alone, he stands alone on the field. Big if true.


this trump stuff is getting old.

friendly reminder that Conservashits and Drumpfaggots vote against their own economic interests

step 1: dont block for your QB and lose all your games

"Oh, my delicate sensibilities"
t. No Pussy Getter

>i want a better job, higher pay, etc
>dress like an unemployable loser
>y conservatives so obsessed with pants!

Imma back the guy who's a Billionaire and The President of The USA

Marshwyn got a job though, Cletus

Info wars tier conspiratorial garbage

t. Unemployed coal miner

>let me tell you about your country

Lynch legitimately cannot read and can barely speak. He barely qualifies as sentient, I think he fails the mirror test.
If you're looking around and you're on the same side politically as total retards like this, it's a pretty good bet you're on the wrong side.

In all fairness, he can't read so someone must have gave him that shirt.

Oakland Raiders confirmed a bunch of bums that will win 3 more games.

Lynch is one of the NFL players who actually get smarter from CTE. Nowhere to go but up.

this. fuck any """president""" who gets 2 scoops while the rest of use live in squalor with only 1.

you should start using a trip


He's immune from CTE.

robby mook is here

bout to win dem campainz

>ye nigga bix nood bitches luh dat my ass hang out like gay niggas in prison, muh dick *smacks lips*

Californias votes are what put her over and quite frankly most of these creatures are not even "people". I live here, I've lived here my whole life, a huge chunk of Californians are not people and their votes should hold no cultural weight beyond the electoral votes they are legally obligated to.

and trump won

not even half.