Do any of you often wish you never swallowed the red pill?

Do any of you often wish you never swallowed the red pill?

I find myself increasingly unable to relate to anyone. I feel almost insane, my political views have isolated me from all of my friends and family. I'm not extreme or radical, I'm just conservative. I believe Islam is the biggest threat to the West. That's about as extreme as it gets. This belief alone has caused me to be ostracized by most people I know. I don't care about LGBT. I don't hate them, i'm not vocal about it - i just don't care about them and don't want anything to do with them. I am nationalistic and love my country.

Why am i made to feel like subhuman scum for this?

I feel like the world has gone insane. The west has completely rejected biological fact and objective truths in favor for something that terrifies and disturbs me.

Do you guys just shut up around other people? When you get into political conversations, do you just sit there and listen to your liberal counterpart spew absolute garbage and have to just nod your head for fear of your livelihood being destroyed?

I don't know what to do anymore, I feel like i'm cursed with this viewpoint and almost wish i could regress back to being a mindless leftist drone

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Weird, when I talk about how shit Islam is and how faggots are degenerate people usually agree with me. I guess I know some pretty redpilled people.

>Do you guys just shut up around other people?

I'm an extremely important person who can silence an office with the slightest of gestures. I don't discuss my politics with other people, because I don't need to explain myself to other people.

Would a wolf bother to explain his nature to a sheep?

>"It's over... Fools with no vision will continue to befoul this beautiful world. They will go on until the only thing left to do is squabble over the remaining scraps of hope..."

I'm not even was could traditional ally be conservative. Things just got so fucked up that accepting reality automatically puts you on "the wrong side of histort" so here I am!

Woah there don't cut yourself on the edge

Just soft red pill your close ones, and remember to not spazz out and spew holocaust conspiracies. Actively disagree with views you don't agree with, and use rational arguments

Edge doesn't cut me

>Do any of you often wish you never swallowed the red pill?

I just hate niggers and thing the alt-right should be gassed.

Am I red pilled?

I'm in the same boat OP. My whole family is blue pilled, as well as my few friends. The moment immigration or any other "controversial" topics are brought up, it's only ad hominems and avoiding the questions in any way possible. I've just stopped talking the moment politics are brought up.

these threads get made every day and night and at this point in time i am convinced the FBI are making these threads to try to get people to convert back to the bluepill, somehow, someway

I'll swallow his redpill :3

>that picture

Recently had to deal with some deaf customers. They are the most arrogant, self-entitled fuckers I have ever met. Even more than people on welfare.

>Do you guys just shut up around other people? When you get into political conversations, do you just sit there and listen to your liberal counterpart spew absolute garbage and have to just nod your head for fear of your livelihood being destroyed?
Depends, with strangers I act like a moderate conservative.
With accointances I act like a contrarian nihilist.
With friends I overact my power-level so they think I'm kidding.
With closest friends I'm natural.

>I don't know what to do anymore, I feel like i'm cursed with this viewpoint and almost wish i could regress back to being a mindless leftist drone
Just spend your time being a better person. Stop testing your patience with modern degenerate art & media and read books and listen to pre-1960 music. Get your anger out with sport and arts. Find a decent woman and build a strong family unit.

Swallow mine instead :^)

>I've just stopped talking the moment politics are brought up.

lmao defeated

Join the military, it's as politically incorrect as a workplace gets.

Don't fight it, embrace the new Satanic world order, join the new reality.

Plus, lots of fit nude dudes in the shower :^)


Only in Euro militaries m8

Because soldiers in other countries are fat slobs? Got it, thanks for the warning :^)

Sometimes. It got so bad that I distanced myself entirely from anything political. I avoided newspapers, Sup Forums, anywhere I could be exposed to politics. I wanted to go back to being blissfully ignorant. The EU referendum brought me back in.
>Do you guys just shut up around other people?
Yes, especially people I don't know. My friends aren't a political bunch. The rare time we do discuss shit they're tolerant of my views. Usually more moderate but not to the point of SJW delusion.

it'll be fine once you realize both views are equally absurd.

I call it the purple pill

liberals and conservatives are both wrong. Most people are in between because both sides have some truth but bury it in shit.

>tfw been slowly converting people without even trying

I don't even know how it happens but it's pretty great.

You should not mix your politics with the rest of your life. You can be friends with people who don't think like you do. The world is a shitty place and people can be really fucking stupid, but you don't have to be unhappy and alone. Just nod and smile if people start to talk about social justice.

>lmao defeated

Have you tried "arguing" with blue-pilled people?
You're never gonna get anywhere because they only attack. They have to be red-pilled through media because it's the only thing they eat right up.

>liberals and conservatives are both wrong
I can get behind this. Before I left Sup Forums last year I was definitely leaning conservative but I've since realised that both sides are filled with irrationality. I never wanted to be a mindless SJW hippy nor a hate filled bigot. I've since moderated my views a lot, though I'm still obviously a sexist racist nazi etc etc in the eyes of your average 18-24 year old these days.

>Have you tried "arguing" with blue-pilled people

I'm one of them :^)


Only if you put it in my boipussi after :-)

You're in japan, you are on easy mode compared to the rest of us.

Deal, I'm not hung tho :^)

I was never a lefty or a cuck. I have zero conception of how it feels to get along with fucking normies on their level. I have always thought differently than other people. Fortunately, I learned in high school that you can say bizarre shit and it's only awkward if you let it be.

I fear I'm starting to 'leak' - I expressed vehement approval of the idea that the EU would break up when that topic came up, and a co-worker said 'uh oh' or something like that. Ie, he knows. That's the problem with hiding it, it's hard to think ahead of time where a conversation might go, what implications can be drawn from hints and silences in your conversation.

I think the pattern of growth goes hard left to hard right and then at maturity to middle-right.

just because once you're old enough to realize both extremes are a bit extreme you're also old enough that your country has slid left leaving you a bit on the right.

that's just my experience though. I call myself moderate but lean both ways on different issues.

I would rather be Retarded. So, I would have an excuse to nut on strangers in public
English is dead, the wrong side won the war

I just require white dick, size doesn't matter :-)

Fuck this piece of shit faggot. I'll be deaf in a few years minimum and he thinks it's some fucking joke he can meme on about? I'd rather be an amputee than eventually lose my hearing.

Oh goodie :^)

if you can't beat em join em :)

>I'll be deaf in a few years

lmao beethoven'd, but without the talent :^)

So much edge. I didn't think this much in one place was possible till now!

I've seen :-)

You slut :^)

I missed out on a whole lot of social developemt from the ages of 18 to 23 due to years of taking psychedelics and thinking I had to focus of freeing my mind and transcending materialism and my obsession with it.

It was not until my friend who I regularly took psychedelics with developed psychosis and was admitted to a mental hospital I decided to return to the path of straight and narrow that I refined my social skills.

26 now, full time job in a technical IT role, extremely self-deprecating and think I'm not worth a shit. Was happier when I was taking the psychedelics desu.

>I'm not worth a shit.

Sup Forums in a nutshell :^)

So much this. Deaf people are shockingly self-entitled.

Put it in me rn :-)

Only if you're cute :^)
>Deaf people are shockingly self-entitled.

>I believe Islam is the biggest threat to the West
how about you learn to know some muslims. then you'll realize how racist this is and how you're actually still just a drone

I'll just make shitty dubstep and get tumblr and reddit to feel bad for me and give me money


lmao what is this, 2012?

Yes. My generation is completely backward in my view. I have no one to discuss my mind with outside the Internet. I'll most likely die alone. Just being skeptical of Islam in the west has pretty much made me a bigot in the eyes of my friends. Simply stating that I prefer trump has gotten me jaw dropping reactions. It sucks but I'm glad I see the world for how it is. Maybe in the future I'll connect with more like minded individuals but for now I'm going solo.

This dipshit cunt is still alive? I thought someone would have boxcuttered him by now.

I am, but I'm too lazy to post pics :-)

>with friends I overact my power-level so they think I'm kidding.

Can strongly relate. At certain points in conversation when it becomes to much to bear in silence, I'll play the Dumb Republican (conservative) Strawman bit, but will use it to make a point.

>Omar Mateen was a repressed homosexual
>Yes that is why he shot up that club, because toxic masculinity
>everyone laughs
>I laugh and die more inside when I realize they will miss the point again

you just reach a level where everyone is like an npc

its not a big deal
life is a lot of fun
just let go


But I feel the bass and stuff so that's why I'll be awesome and artistic. I'll be the modern day beethoven. :^)

Mate you look about five to six inches at least, what do you consider hung?

Like if you were being real about it a "Hung penis" would be about half a finger's size of your penis.

Soundcloud that shit then!
It's ecactly 6'', I'd say that's medium and anything above 7'' I'd consider approaching hung status? Dunno, I'm not really a size queen

>>I laugh and die more inside when I realize they will miss the point again
I know that feel

No, never.
I would never want to be as dumb, complacent, degenerate, and cucked as a bluepilled normie.
No fucking thank you.

Tragically I can't tell whether Sven is being ironic or not.

Stop letting others dictate your life, and if you don't want to listen to neo-liberals/humanists just spend less time around the shitheads. You don't have to listen to them either in a job environment, offer a different viewpoint and try to come off as the dvil's advocate. In today's society no matter how dominant you are it is far better just to be strong but quiet, and let people say their stupid shit so long as they don't interefere with you.

I'm just wondering, you look as big as my boyfriend. I'm six inches on half and 7 or 8 inches when erect depending on my mood.

how big does my cock need to be?

i get asked this everyday and my answer is always the same.

just be bigger than her husband

I think the angle makes it look slightly bigger, which is why I chose that pic :^)

On submarine, can confirm.

>I'm not extreme or radical, I'm just conservative.

It is a good angle, but if you just look a little closer you'll see it is just standard. That isn't exactly bad. Sixteen inches is above the limit for vagina's and just about right for anuses.


I would have already gone insane if I didn't meet a fellow redpilled singaporean girl.

>The west has completely rejected biological fact and objective truths in favor for something that terrifies and disturbs me.
You're the ones that's gone insane. Let's break it down objectively,

>I believe Islam is the biggest threat to the West.
Obesity kills more than Islam.
Smoking kills more than Islam
Drunk driving kills more than Islam.
These are all bigger threats to the west and westerners.

>I am nationalistic and love my country.
A completely emotioral and irrational response. There are many great things about Australia, including our low rates of crime and corruption and high living standards. These are not reasons to "love" Australia.

This response you feel from people, this ostracism, it's you who is incompatible with Australia and the West. Your values do not match ours and they don't match ours because your living undera fantastical belief structure rather than a rational one.

I really don't mind, it just makes it a tiny bit harder to find a bottom because most of them are size queens :^)

>I feel like the world has gone insane. The west has completely rejected biological fact and objective truths in favor for something that terrifies and disturbs me.

See, post-modernism, post-structuralism, relativism. All schools of thought tying back to (((a certain school in Germany)))

That is what you get for slutting it out man, not even saying that antagnostically. Most idiots couldn't tell a eight incher from a six.

You'd be surprised at how many people in our generation (I'm assuming you're 18 - 25) share the same views as you. Kids are too afraid to admit it because they'll be shunned by their liberal friends, but honestly from my experience the best thing to do is just be completely open about it.

I know many people that silently agree with me, but won't actively share their views.

If the red pill keeps working then we wont be alone for long. I am the same as you. I have stopped watching jewtubers who say the slightest thing wrong.

I'm not promiscuous at all and I shun the gay community every chance I get. I'm kinda shy and what I want is a relationship or at least a friends with benefits type of arrangements, I absolutely don't want mere hookups. Doesn't change the fact that many bottoms are size queens ^^


See it isn't about appealing to others, it is just knowing the appropiate time. I'm open about my liking of trump and the liberal party here but I know that if I want to keep a social, friendly environment I should keep to devil's advocacy just incase some cunt bitches. It'd be fine it was a group of workers because they're usually big mouths.

Don't get FWB man, just go for a relationship.
Problem is mate your chances of finding a good bottom is nil. It's all up to personality and a lot of cunts don't have that. Ironically I met my little loverboy here and we've been stuck ever since.

Just search around in unusual places, be subtle when asking around. You'll actually have a pretty good chance posting a bio thread with those who are you images including sexuality.

Keep in mind most results will probably be american or out of the european union.

can you guys go be gay somewhere else?

It's strange sometimes, to talk to other people about Politics. I don't bring it up with people I do not know, even in parts of the South I live in. I don't even use Sup Forums enough to feel that bold about typing this (This is my first time).

But I have made a lot of friends from many walks of life by treading the world softly, some of them having very odd views. Like the 'Liberal' and 'LGBT' people you guys talk about claiming to be for equality and diversity, for liberty. And yet they say things like one would if they supported tyranny, life stiffing hegemony, ectera. Then the guys who claim to uphold ideas they see as conservative, while the things they describe as being right, as if it were something that was supposed to be knowledge from the divine imbued at creation, are things that classical liberalism touts as pivotal to it's core beliefs. Of course, only to be replaced by a bad taste in the mouth by some overly ignorant call for violence immediately afterwards.

The point ends up being that people who are smart have complex world views, and thus complex idiologies and political views. Unfortunately those often get repressed out of fear by a ignorant mob of people who like to shout loudly. A sure sign of someone you should not bother trying to talk about the world with is one who talks loudly and constantly... and definately when that voice blends in perfectly with millions of others.

Remember, any place where you see hegemony is a bad sign.

We've talked before, haven't we? You got mad when I said body hair was degenerate :^)
We could, but we won't. Because we like triggering you. Triggered? :^)

Hey we're at least talking about monogamy.


You know it wasn't like that.
Anyhow, I'm going to go watch some 80's shows.

gays are awesome dude
they contribute to society and society gets an extra girl to penetrate since they arent using her

Fuck off cypher


Because you're a bunch of edgy cunts incapable of empathy or compassion who base their worldview in hatred and segregation. It doesn't take a mental leap to figure out a lot of people are going to dislike you by default.

But you have each other right?

>You know it wasn't like that.

Was too, you totally jumped down my throat because you thought I disrespected your masculinity :^)

Latin america is redpilled no matter where you go. The cuck comes from american and european cities, not to mention most western academia being controlled by the leftist agenda. It started with the jews and feminism. Now hajjis and africants are taking advantage.

As soon as I bring up any remotely positive info on Trump around my friends, I get met with:

You're a fucking idiot


Site your fucking sources

While they spout out leftist bullshit and claim it's all fact. Whenever I tell them to site their sources they tell me it's "common sense". Even when I was talking about some of Trump's policies the first thing I hear is "WHERE DID YOU READ THAT GIVE ME THE URL IF IT'S TRUE" like I know that shit off the top of my head.

I think I might just print out a bunch of shit one day, like a fucking binder full of redpill, and just slide it across the table.

I love my friends to death, but god they're so fucking ignorant.

Porn stars aren't that hung. If you're 7 inches or above, you're pretty fucking big. In porn star realm.

Noice shitposting m8

Came back just to say this

Yeah, I did reach the end of my partners throat.
It is good having a big penis, but it's also got a of downside for a virgin. Painful entry and shit.

The truth is simple. Leftists claim moral high-ground by playing along with their 'hero complex' to defend any and everyone seen as weak or small in number. This allows them a worldview in which they see themselves as the compassionate, more human ones, and everyone else as racist/sexist/assholes/haters/bigots, using their emotional appeals to influence others to agree with them. Young adults are very easily caught in these kinds of trends and currents, and so are easily the majority subscribers to this way of thought.

These regrets threads are shills people. Sup Forums is infested with them.

>idiots go along with the groupthink because idiots