Is Hamilton a meme?
Is Hamilton a meme?
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I like hamilton.
Not sure. Maybe it's kino. Or perhaps it's dishonest. There is a possibility that it might even be Reddit. What can we really know these days?
What actually is it? All I've heard about it is the main actor yelling at one of Trump's cronies and a friend said she's seeing it at some point.
Haven't seen it, but just based on it's concept it quite clearly is a meme.
A rap musical about America's founding fathers, only there all the cast are black except George III. Also rich white people love it.
It's a hip-hop themed (barely) musical retelling of the life of alexander hamilton
It's pretty good, the liberals kind of spun the words of their letter to mike pence to be some kind of "LMAO PeNCE BTFO Xddd" when it wasn't.
Saw it, I give it a 7/10
That sounds abhorrent.
It is
>What actually is it? All I've heard about it is the main actor yelling at one of Trump's cronies
Posts like these help me to understand how Trump got elected. There acturally are burgers who unrionically get their news form Sup Forums and Breitbart and then vote isn't there?
I'd rather drink a nice glass of scotch and watch The Patriot, if I wanted a nice dose of Early American history.
>the most critically acclaimed Broadway show in decades is an Epic Rap Battles of History retelling of our founding
This is the state of contemporary art
It's absolutely a meme, but at the same time it's a pretty good musical.
My Shot, Wait For It, Guns and Ships, Right Hand Man, Washington On Your Side are all great songs.
Why? I'm English I'd vaguely heard about Hamilton before that, but that Twitter shit was worldwide news.
I understand user. I personally like to think everyone is trolling, on some level, because I refuse to believe there are people that exist that are that ill-informed.
Is it really good? Yeah yeah I already know about it being diverse but how are their performances? Is it worth paying $1,000 for a ticket?
Not him but it's really not a big deal. As far as important things to learn about and think about, the vice president being called out at a live rap concept album about the founding fathers isn't very consequential.
I like it, I just don't get what's so much better about it than other musicals. I would much rather to listen to songs from something like Book of Mormon or fuck, even Tuck Everlasting. What is it about Hamilton that makes normies spray their shorts?
Also, Lin Manuel fucking sucks, can he stop putting himself in the spotlight of every show he fucking writes. His composition is fantastic, but I'm over his lame ass voice, just cast someone worth a shit instead, you cuck.
Where are they suppose to get their news?
lol remember when Michelle Obama called Hamilton the greatest piece of art in any medium ever?
It's funny because a large amount of the modern progressive platform is built on half truths, ignorance and contradictions. No I'm not a liberal, yes I followed that story. It just wasn't that significant compared to the shifting geopolitical and domestic landscape of the US.
Not the original guy, but "yelled at one of Trump's cronies" is stretching what was reported. Pence got booed by some of the audience members pre-show, and, after the show, Leslie Odom Jr (the guy that plays Burr) reads a letter to Pence that more or less tells Pence to not forget those less fortunate or something along that liberal line. Pence said, in a statement, that he had already left the theater proper, but hear the letter from the hallway and enjoyed the show.
After this happens, Donald Trump tweets demanding that Odom apologizes and calls it harassment.
>It's funny because a large amount of the modern progressive platform is built on half truths, ignorance and contradictions.
No right answer especially on 4chin. Unless you wanna be called a goy who reads fake news
AP, BBC, CNN and PBS for me
yeah it's a washington establishment SJW / cuckservative meme
they love that shit
Yes user, not keeping up with historical rap plays is totally a way to tell who is and isn't informed about social issues, you fucking retard.
I don't know about you, but ever since I saw Cats I've voted strict Democrat.
Ha! Gay!
lmao people actually think they are smart for listening to a shill charlie rose interview about hamilton yet again. Jesus they talked about that dumb play way too much
>watching literal state propaganda
We're on the internet, "not keeping up" with something on a basic level is nothing more than a refusal to use google for 30 seconds. This site would be a lot better if people did shit themselves instead of expecting others to spoonfeed them everything.
Oh, now all the hype makes sense
Originally, I was shocked to hear that a play about a founding father could be wildly successful, but this puts it into perspective. I was wondering why bunch of progressive liberal types would celebrate something that deals with the subject matter of anyone who was involved with the founding of the nation
>google this play now, goy! it's only $1000 / ticket. everyone wants to see it!
it's only popular with white liberals and black women because they think it will appeal to black kids and get them interested in history
it fucking doesn't though
>i am a huge faggot please rape my face
What happens when these black kids grow up and find out that the founding fathers were white and actually owned slaves? How will they deal with this "reclaimed" history then lol
Hamilton was the worst founder anyway.
BREAKDANCING LAFAYETTE: Monsieur Washington have you hear the news, all us dead guys views / align perfectly, it looks and seems / with what David Brooks believes
WASHINGTON: Well hello my French friend, did you know your rights end when shootings begin / we did not mean to give Omar Mateen an AR-15 / and frankly I can hardly see why not to support Target's bathroom policy
>mimes some skateboard moves
BREAKDANCING LAFAYETTE: Trump, the presumptuous nominee, is supposed to be, building a wall, on the national mall, where I breakdance, to protest his hate stance
ALL IN UNISON: We weren't racist!
is this real
Of fucking course not. The song actually has some good tunes.
I actually liked HBO's John Adams though.
It unironically has good music, i like it.
jesus christ
>politicians have to pretend to love this
Considering POOP FART RELIGION IS DUMB LMAO: The Musical swept the Tony's a few years ago I'm not surprised.
>Make rap musical
>Complain when they cast black men
it would be cringey as fuck to see a bunch of white broadway actors try to rap just because they looked the part
And besides, Lin-manuel is great at making musicals.
how about not making a rap musical lmao
Wow, a rap musical is an even worse idea than it sounds.
No, but it is virtue signalling for the white audiences that attend it
If you're going to cast black guys and have them rap and sing reggae, why even have them in period clothing? You're already doing whatever you want with history, may as well put them in shirts and jeans.
underrated toast
I have a hard time seeing what's a meme and what's not anymore
Have the people here that are shitting on Hamilton actually seen it or is it just that the premise offends them so much that they have to complain on Sup Forums?
It's the latter for me
Is that a problem for you?
I'm annoyed that I've seen this shitty musical mentioned like 1000 times on TV news and it sounds retarded
>tfw little sister loves it
>doesn't know all the words and tries to sing IM NOT THROWIN AWAY MY SHOT SHOT XD when she makes me play it in the car
Is she single? Hook a brother up.
Someone once told me that if you know the lyrics to any Hamilton song it's a good way to get hipster pussy.
So I listened to the whole thing a bunch and really enjoyed it, and it's gotten me laid like 4 times.
Hamilton is the worst founding father
D-does knowing the lyrics to every Annie song by heart get you laid?
idk, but I'd find that impressive at least.
Does it beat Trapped in the Closet?
That's a hip-hopera this is a hip-hop musical. Different concept.
I'd say so.
I'd put it in the same tier as Kanye.
The only thing he ever did wrong was get his ass shot. He's one of the founders you can say with certainty that the US would not exist without.
She's fifteen.
It's sung through musical, so it's essentially a hip hopera.
>That's a hip-hopera this is a hip-hop musical. Different concept.
>Also, Lin Manuel fucking sucks,
This. It's a 7/10 show that would be 10/10 without his annoying voice.
He was a progressive
Brown Nobodies Angry About Whites, Again
Chingchong McDingle reporting
A shocking turn of events today as some brown person on a college campus said that brown people should get more free money, and that white people should stop being so competent so that brown people can catch up. A number of brown people chimed in to agree. "Bix nood mup da doo didda muhfuggen bum tickley," said Gahanjit Mahajpur, whose ancestors were muck farmers in southern Vvardenfell. "Muh programs kill whitey bix nood. Your country will adapt to service us." Rachel Weinberg, junior associate assistant temp professor of AIDS Culture Studies at NYU, was even more damning, denouncing everything ever done by white people throughout history, except all the bits that benefit brown people. "Oy veyyy, how dare white people invent the novel and short story and narrative prose fiction, landmarks of self-expression in the history of human consciousness, and then dare to read and write whatever they like! Don't they know they only invented those things so brown people could use them?" The dean of the university was unavailable for comment, having been lynched and hanged by a diverse mob for dithering momentarily on which politically correct jargon was appropriate to the situation.
blacks and mexicans pretend to be slave owners
rich white people pay a shit load of money to see it
musical theatre is the most plebeian shit known to man
It's probably a good show, but if you're aged 18-30, liberal and have a social media presence, you MUST reference Hamilton at some point otherwise you're not cool in the eyes of all other millennials.
In other words, it's like Beyonce. Not bad, but overhyped because people see it as going against the trend and praise it to fit in.
The only thing I dislike about Hamilton. Fucking Normies have already taken everything else I love, they can't fuckinghave musical theater too.
Unless you're into plays and artsy shit, you're not going to bother with it.
Not everybody watches this shit, them not knowing about it means nothing beyond their knowledge of the play itself.
Get over yourself, you fucking faggot.
Hamilton is incredible, and haters are either ignorant about the actual show or contrarian faggots.
>...the imancipation proc-lamation for then whole entire nation is what I'm say-in...
>tfw admirer of Alexander Hamilton
>tfw half black/half-latino
>still unironically triggered by the insult of having random nignogs and spics playing the founding fathers and hamilton himself
I don't like this feel, I just wish I could watch and enjoy this play
I happen to Puerto Rican, like the writer of the play, and even I consider the casting to be ridiculous. I understand the point he was trying to make, and it's fucking wrong. You can't divorce the biological makeup of our founders from their achievements; civilizations are at least partially the result of the genetic makeup of its populace. I realize that that's a racist claim, but it's also reality.
I fail to see why the casting upsets you dipshits so much. It has literally zero effect on the caliber of the production, the music, the lyrics, or the story. Lin Manuel isn't the greatest singer, but the rest of the original cast is fucking outstanding (Leslie Odom as Burr, especially).
It's not the quality of the cast, it's the statement he's making with it. An America full of third world genes will lead to a third world America.
I'm Sup Forums and I approve this post.
>Lin Manuel isn't the greatest singer
You're being a little too generous.
Also I was surprised to learn that the show had an "all black cast" half the people don't look black at all.
Fuck you Sup Forums. I still accept the fundamental humanity of all races, and have enough empathy to realize that our inability to choose our genes should make us more, not less sympathetic to people with sub-optimal genes.
Best new works from 2016:
>American Crime Story
Face it, fellow whites, we're out.
Do you seriously go to every single tread ctrl+f "Trump" and then complain about him?
Nigger calm the fuck down.
It's hard to explain, but it really does bother me. I'm not of British descent myself, but I feel like it's almost an insult to the Founding Fathers. These men where white guys of mostly English descent. Imagine if you made a play about Jose Marti and had him played by a Chinese man, every Cuban here would be up in arms. Same goes for Bolivar being played by a black man or an Indian.
The ethnic and cultural identity of the Founding Fathers was key to their actions. Hamilton was born a bastard to a white family in the English Caribbean, this influenced his attitude towards social mobility, his opinion on the law, his belief in military service, and convinced him to help fight for black voting rights in New York. Take that away, and you undermine who he is as a person.
I understand that the writers of this play are trying to be inclusive, and say that anyone can be American regardless of race, and I respect that. But it feels like an insult to the memory of these men. America is a place for people of any race who are willing to accept our values, but that doesn't mean we should ignore that our culture, politics, justice system, and even religion ultimately have their roots in the United Kingdom. It's important, especially nowadays when so many Americans pay too much attention about history.
>american crime story
Is Atlanta any good though?
>one of trumps cronies
How is that in anyway the bulk of what appears on the aforementioned news site and discussion forum? Your grasp at identifying irony reads like sarcasm there, yurotrash.
Does it bother you that Jesus is usually portrayed as a fair skinned white guy instead of a Jewy looking Middle Easterner?
>Lin Manuel should be throwing away his shot
this nigger
There's a lot of things you wouldn't bring in to just another reggae song? I mean the idea is retarded enough but how is that even close to valid criticism on your part instead just muh jive negroes and my wife's hips!
Had to do my final paper on this. The music grew on me like a mold. If I saw it as a play however I would be terribly offended as a white cis male who is born into a middle class family because the founding fathers were not a rainbow they were all white and Hamilton just happened to be from Puerto Rico. What the play ignores COMPLETELY is slavery and race issues in the early 1800s the entire thing is a fucking meme and cashes in on Obama's America. "lol hamilton is a great play it uses hip hop to connect with the children and offers a cultural enriching by replacing the founding fathers with historical figures that didn't actually have anything to do with Hamilton but they have funny names"
Hamilton was fine letting Washington be general and president. Nigger should be happy with his armful of Tony awards and let a real singer star for him. You don't see Sondheim hopping around on stage.
Yeah, it kind of does. Not as strongly, because to be quite honest with you I identify more strongly as an American than as a Catholic (maybe that makes me a heretic, idk), but I did feel like Jesus should have been played by a Semitic man in movies like The Passion of the Christ.
It's the best ever after school special. It's easily digestible, hacks apart history for the sake of entertainment, and has some pithy lyrics. It is not, and not even close to, the best art in any medium, much less the best musical. Liberals are praising it because to their eyes it's a shining beacon when in reality it's another marker of the degradation of society, that history has to be molded to the narrow definitions of pop culture to be accepted any more.
I kinda like how it uses lyrics, but the tunes are pretty standard. I pretty much only like King George's solos, lol.
*nowadays when Americans pay too little attention to history
apologies, very drunk. I wish Americans would pay "too much" attention to history though...