Tfw you realize The Beatles hit their creative peak mid-career with Rubber Soul and Revolver

>tfw you realize The Beatles hit their creative peak mid-career with Rubber Soul and Revolver

Other urls found in this thread:

The fact that

>not knowing 1966-1967 was definitive Beatles besides Abbey Road

Rolling Stones>Beatles

>Rolling Stones
The Beatles' retarded little brother

Magical Mystery Tour is the best Beatles album, nerd boys.

That's nice, but could you relate this to Television & Film?


Yellow Submarine you plebe


beatles are literal boomer trash and the band every faggot kid says he likes so he can appear mature for his age while he tips his fedora and teleports behinds you

A Hard Day's Night, you plebe






best song ever

Magical Mystery Tour you dumbfuck

strawberry fields forever cucks the hell out of that

The Who were always better

>tfw you realize you're on Sup Forums and not Sup Forums

Abbey Road is better than both
t. scouser

Paul was the main creative force behind The Beatles. Pic related proves it. Lennon could only write meme songs and without Paul's help, produced nothing of any real significance throughout his solo career. Wings, on the other hand, continued to demonstrate the melodicism and craftsmanship that made The Beatles legendary.

is like saying beethoven > iggy azalea

>not realizing that The White Album is the pinnacle of the Beatles career.

>mfw when I hear so many cunts say exactly this

right or not, you're a cunt

>The fact that both this and Sgt. Pepper's were released in the same year

Also, go to Sup Forums OP you fucking faggot.

Paul's solo career with Wings was lazy and self-indulgent.

>tfw The Beatles were a bunch of faggots making politically subversive music

Eat a dick you hippy cunt

>Imagine is like the most famous solo song of all time

>nothing of significance

tfw Beach Boys are better and not overrated as fuck

White album was already normie garbage.

Imagine is a stupid meme song.

Imagine is not a good song and is perhaps one of the least genuine pieces of music ever created.

its a fucking shit feel good song that only made sucess becaeuse lennon wrote it

The Beach Boys were better to be honest

posting best album by best Beatle

Scorsese agrees

No question.

>beach boys
>better than the beatles
One album wonder. Everything before Pet Sounds is bubblegum trash, everything they did after is terrible and soulless
>inb4 muh Smiley Smile
Brian Wilson is a fat overrated ugly hack. At least Syd Barrett had the decency to be hot for a few years when he went insane

>mfw that's actually what happened

>Everything before Pet Sounds is bubblegum trash


huge hits, tho

Except a third of it is insomnia-curing jams with dumb titles. Living in the Material World is more consistent, focused, spiritual, you name it. LitMW is the patrician choice - Harrisongkino.

Lennon's kid is pretty talented though

And he also did a lot of stuff on this album

>Thanks for the Pepperoni
>dumb title

What's your problem, man?

damn straight

>tfw we will never get a stanley kubrick directed version of lord of the rings starring the beatles and peter sellers.

The Beach Boys >>> The Beatles

Mike Love is a cunt

>tfw one of the best threads I've posted in in weeks isn't even about television or film


who else turns off the white album before revolution 9 cos it's too intense

Same for those fucking voices at the end of sgt.pepper's

Posing for this picture is the only thing I've seen Trump do that made me waver in my support for him.

Is A Hard Day's Night pure undistilled lad-kino?

I skip it because it's not really music.

and because it scares me a little bit too

>Stay up all night reading Paul is Dead theories while listening to The Beatles

>There's a fog upon L.A. and my friends have lost their way

Good Night is sleepytime kino though

>John blatantly shouting "fucking hell" in Hey Jude

I think it's at 2:58

Putting it directly after Revolution 9 and having Ringo sing it was a very good choice

All of Magical Mystery Tour has a certain surreal, dreamlike quality to it. As such, I assign different songs as "dream" or "nightmare" sections. This and the end of Strawberry Fields Forever are the most prominent "nightmare" sections to me.


Help! you plebe

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if he did that to spite Paul and tarnish what many consider to be his magnum opus. That man had some serious issues.

All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends, I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all

posting Beatleskino

Now the mods can't remove the thread. Good call, user.

It comes off more like a spontaneous "Holy shit we're jammin" thing, I think John just liked the idea of sneaking a curse in a pop single

>Nobody came

Beach Boys>Beatles

Pet Sounds>Rubber Soul

I love the Beatles, and they definitely made more great albums, but if we're talking quality over quantity, Brian has em beat

Is this overall 4chans theme?

I wish I was talented enough to have those kinds of moments. Talent and musical synergy manifesting itself in pure, unbridled joy and excitement. Other examples include:

>Wish You Were Here (version with Stephane Grappelli), when Gilmour lets out a whoop about 60 seconds in

>Gimme Shelter, when Mick Jagger hollers after the back up singer nails a glass shattering high note

And of course


SMiLE rotted in development hell for like thirty years

>yfw brian wilson quit writing music for years and lost his mind after hearing strawberry fields
>yfw even brian wilson knew he would never beat the beatles™

There's so much weird studio chatter picked up in Beatles songs because of how primitive the recording techniques were, I found a website that cataloged it all once

Take out the filler songs and then you'd be right.

>it's a he-doesn't-like-Rocky-Raccoon episode

>People think The Beatles were really tame
>Literally every anecdote about them is the most debauched yet kino shit

And then John and the Wookie took all of that and made it into Revolution No. 9 for some inexplicable reason heroin

Literally their most abnormie album

This, Brian Wilson and Pete Townshend made better songs all by themselves than Lennon and Mcartney did together

Yeah but Pete is a pretentious kiddie fiddler

>muh lifeforce

If you think anything Pete "Diddler" Townshend did was better than the greatest songwriting duo in musical history, then you are lost. The Who is a DEFINED step below Stones and Beatles Tier.

>I found a website that cataloged it all once

Love this site. Proves that both Paul and John were singing "She Loves You" at the end of All You Need is Love among other things.

>Help is the best album from before Rubber Soul
>the medley on Abbey Road is the best thing the Beatles ever did
>Rubber Soul is the best pop album they ever did
>Sgt. Peppers has their best individual songs
>Revolver was their most experimental
>White Album is the most difficult to listen to but most rewarding overall

Fight me.

But what about the fucking tabloid smear on the goddamn wookies?

How could one man be so right?

This is 100% right
In fact I don't even listen to their other albums anymore


It took me many years to realize Revolver was their best album. For the longest time I thought it was Abbey Road, but that album is kind of inconsistent.

>the medley on Abbey Road is the best thing the Beatles ever did

Nah. It starts and ends well, but loses steam with Mean Mr. Mustard and Polythene Pam.

The 70's instrumentation/production sounds more dated now than anything else they did

Sup Forums BTFO


I do not like this post.

Beatles were trendsetters the Rolling Stones always followed whatever was "in"

Didn't they even give disco a shot? fucking hell.

I mean you're not wrong, but the thing is that the Stones kept going and produced good shit after the Beatles were gone. Their shit's more jammin.

The Stones have put out so much now that there's really no way to pinpoint what exactly they are. They've deluded their sound and their catalogue to such a degree that you have to cherrypick albums from years, sometimes decades, apart in order to wade through the schlock.

As though ending with an immaculate catalogue of albums is a bad thing.

>Beatles were trendsetters the Rolling Stones always followed whatever was "in"

True but it was all awesome and once they found their niche with Beggars Banquet they killed it up past Exile On Main. And their disco album was tits.

Really, it's a half disco half punk album. With a blatant country song. What's not to like?

>Beatles For Sale

Let It Be re-release WHEN

Unless you're going to discuss their movies threads about The Beatles actually belong in Sup Forums

They did that like 15 years ago.