The fuck is it with women and love triangles. every fucking YA and romance novel adapation is all about 'oh no...

the fuck is it with women and love triangles. every fucking YA and romance novel adapation is all about 'oh no, she can't make up her mind'.
is this like the ultimate female fetish?

>they put peeta on a stool for this photo

Must've been embarassing

the ultimate female fantasy is being the center of attention, so yes

two males fighting over a female is the oldest and most primal of animal behavior

>is having multiple guys struggling for her affection the ultimate female fetish?
the more, the merrier

It appeals to Women's polygamy

I think the hunger games represents where female are in their minds.

they go for the hot bad boy they actually desire at first, then once they're done and ready to settle down, they settle with peeta the beta.

Or you know just photoshop you woman

Wow, people like the idea of multiple beautiful people pining after them and wanting their dick/pussy. What a shocker.

that's where the term peetastool comes from