I want a Hotline Miami film. 1 and 2. Don't say Drive is it

I want a Hotline Miami film. 1 and 2. Don't say Drive is it.

The Driver

sent :)

you're a gayboy

stick to your vidyagaym shit faggot

drive is it.

In all seriousness, I would also like to see one if it ends up being really good and stylized. I think top-down action would be as cool or cooler than 1st person action

The Guest

I don't. I wouldn't trust any filmmaker to do it right.


Green Room

why? it wouldn't make any fucking sense.

it would just be a bunch of violence like some fucking Max Payne remake or something

Maybe 1 could work as a film, but 2 needs to be a t.v series to space it out. Even then, plebs might not fully understand it and get confused and angry

If the action is tasteful and the director knows what they're doing, it would be phenomenal. They'd have to know how to make each action scene different so they all aren't "Jacket shoots up a building then leaves and comes back and does it again"

fuck no, that was awful


>If the action is tasteful
It doesn't need to be tasteful it just shouldn't look cheap like all those fanfilms of stuff with CGI blood

I guess I should have clarified. If the action is done tastefully, is more what I meant. There should be a lot of action, but not have the action for the sake of having action, if that makes sense

Fuck you I liked it

idk if Hotline Miami qualifies as that. Really you only need the character to realize he's a fucking lunatic. That's kinda separate from all the action. I'd chiefly worry about the action looking fantastic lol.

I think 2 could honestly work as a three hour movie, maybe something like Inland Empire. If it's kino, who cares if the plebs understand it?

>Crystals is now playing in your head

For anyone unfamiliar

The basic premise of hotline miami is that, in the wake of a conflict in Hawaii between the USA and Russia, a patriotic organization emerged to challenge the norm of accepting a wave of russian immigrants. This organization sought out young people and through a network of coldcalls and dead drops, were able to effectively create a humungous net of agents who could be directed to eliminate anyone not following the orders of organization.

Just follow two or three different people acting on behalf of the organization over the course of a night, from a hardened veteran plucked from the ranks of those who served in Hawaii to a young angry guy caught up in the mystique, and a young woman in deep cover who establishes the greater conspiracy.

Title it 'CALL ME BACK IN NAPLES', do the horrific ultraviolence tastefully enough and it might get a nod for sound design.

john wick

>not Roller Mobster


You fail to mention how like Watchmen this has a Vietnam war in the 80s or some shit with the threat of nuclear annihilation on top.

It's fucking drive

>john wick

Previews for 2 look like more campy fun.

The Raid 1 & 2

Even relations/changes between these two movies are the same as those between these games.

>He wants a videogame movie to have 'tasteful' violence
Holy kek you're delusional, if anything it should be tasteless and gory because that is the only way you can make hotline miami into a film.
Maybe violence like blue ruin/green room could work

Drive doesn't have a scene with a guy in a pig mask murdering everyone in an 80's dance club.

nigga u dum

Why are you replying to me instead of the hellbound homo's post ITT? I don't want tasteful violence. I want good looking violence. Tasteful violence is code word for "tone it down pleeeeeeease"