Is there a single waifu that hasn't been immediately dropped in the past 20 hours?

Is there a single waifu that hasn't been immediately dropped in the past 20 hours?

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if you ever had her as your waifu consider suicide squad

>(You) and 114k Others

>you came to the rally didn't you user?

True story: Jennifer Lawrence made me lose attraction for white girls. Thanks Jen.

nah she seemed decent at first back when she was thick and quite then she started talking to the media and her personality started showing.

are you now waking up to the fact that none of the women you masturbate to in the back of the cinema have anything in common with you, and if they met you on the street it would take them considerable effort to hide their instant disgust.

Your waifus are dead. You killed them by bringing them into the world

You think chinese girls like Trump? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Glad to see even Sup Forums has begun to see the vileness of 3D women.

>planned parenthood is sexist because it forces men to pay for women's healthcare
>Trump is ambivalent on gays
>carbon emissions are a moot point unless we force China to halt industrialization through the threat of nuclear war
>halting of fracking simply puts money into the hands of Saudi Arabia who execute gays and care even less about oil spills

This woman is truly in the champagne socialist and caviar communist bubble that is Hollywood.

It' not a board to talk about tweets that trigger you. You have to back to Sup Forums




Well, fuck

Equal pay for womyn right fucking now!

I don't think Eva Green has said anything.

You mad, white boy?

>her gunt has formed a second butt on the opposite side of her body

I'm fucking black

I don't pay attention to whatever stupid shit my waifu is up to.

I bet the struggle is real when you're that fat

This post is actually underrated.

These women would consider TV to be a form of sexual harassment if they were made aware of this place.
Only some waifus can handle the Bantz

Trump is a turd though. It's just objective truth.

He mocked McCain for being a POW.

>bad dancer
Pick 1

>muh abortion


More butthurt?
It only fuels the fire

>average income in the US is $25000
>Jennifer Lawrence makes $52000000
>Jennifer Lawrence makes 2080 times what the average American makes
>spends zero on issues she tweets about
>claims that she is a victim

She's plays the hero in the Hunger Games but in reality she's the villain in the capital city that eats until she pukes while people starve outside.

>selena gomez and taylor swift nowhere to be seen

Seems like it's just actresses.

has Dakota Fanning done anything to be dropped?

he was right there's nothing heroic about being captured

Thank goodness. Best Emma.

I dropped my waifu like a month ago for a different reason. I think I made the right call, though AFAIK, I didn't see anything related to politics.

LGBT is not a woman's issue.
Environmentalism isn't a woman's issue.
Women have the right to control their bodies at least in America where the protests occurred.

I should have expected this bullshit from a leaf. Boy, get my rake.

Makes you wonder why she is not wearing a mexican flag hijab...?

You realize his supporters like him for being a turd, right? Who are you trying to persuade?

Why would I drop any of my waifus if I hate Trump too?

That's the spirit. It is possible to fawn over them without encountering their libshit tendencies if you're careful about it or just don't give a fuck.

>carbon emissions are a moot point unless we force China to halt industrialization through the threat of nuclear war
China's turning into a world leader with renewables, and cancelles the development of 104 new coal plants. PLUS, theyre per capita emissions is less than half of the USA's.
If anyone's living in a bubble it's you

>literally outright promoting Islamization

I legit can't wait till this comes back and bites Liberals in the ass.
Tell a military-aged Muslim fundamentalist that he isn't being "tolerant" enough and see what happens.

>protect womens rights
>not protecting men from women bullies

>Tell a military-aged Muslim fundamentalist

A 9 year old?


b-but chris pratt just came out of a box office hit like jurassic park while jennifer lawrence's hunger games were falling short of projected sales. it wouldn't be far fetched to say he managed to negotiate a higher salary because of that at the time.

Jurassic World: $1.670 billion
Hunger Games 3: $653.4 million

Chastain, right?

McCain volunteered to remain captured rather than be sent back early. The Vietnamese wanted to use his release for propaganda.

Plus, surviving horrible conditions and becoming a successful politician are heroic.

>China's turning into a world leader with renewables, and cancelles the development of 104 new coal plants. PLUS, theyre per capita emissions is less than half of the USA's.
>If anyone's living in a bubble it's you
t. PRC



>per capita

In a country with a billion people who are mostly dirt poor rice farmers living in shacks?

Really sparks my neurons.

>every single source says you're a retard

>jennifer lawrence's hunger games were falling short of projected sales.
thats even worse. she gets money for doing nothing and still bitches. so glad her movies bomb.

>Plus, surviving horrible conditions and becoming a successful politician are heroic.
I like how he heroically takes huge bribes from military contractors the most.


At least Natalia will always be pure and strong.

all of these women are racist hypocrites.
when was the last time they helped anyone without receiving something in return?

There's a reason that cherry picked figure is easy to find on google but the real value takes searching.

>If I grow an ass in the front where by balls should be, I'm gonna shoot myself in the face

Ive unfollowed around 5 or 6 people off my social media just tonight

i literally picked up every waifu that marched today


This is also a liberal woman

God damnit I thought she was better than this, she always seemed cool on social media.

Didn't she get a degree in women's studies?

I wonder what that kid did, he has clearly broken the gang's conventions and is thus being ostracised. Perhaps he had relations with two of the females of the species and they seek retribution or perhaps they are merely bored and have turned on the tiny beta male for enjoyment.

Actually I thought most Chinese left the agrarian lifestyle for the city which is bad since they no longer have bees to pollinate and not enough people to do it by hand.


The US is only slightly behind China. And we had decades to stop it. Fucking China isn't even first world and they're already spending billions on green energy.

Serves you right for trusting 3D pig women.

I would like to breed with her

That WA a liberal woman. She's starting to look dopey and cut off her hair. Leftist ideology ruins your organism long term.

but what does alice think?????

>women have less rights then men meme

quite possibly the worst meme of all time

>trump removed x from


that's just stupid

She's a fucking kike and she's aging like one

>all these redditmemewaifuists BTFO


another reason why cunnyfus are clearly superior

>trump didn't remove the Obamas from the Whitehouse

say a lie long enough.

men should really fight back and not allow this shit to continue.

>cunnyfus are clearly superior
men allowed women to ruin that also.

The pussy grabbing shit triggered the fuck out of her. You didn't see the threads about it?

husbando still hasn't crossed over

her 15 minutes are over

Youre a cuck

All you have to do is tell women "this is for women and equality and shit" and 99% of women are going to support it completely, because they don't know any better. They are incapable of examining it for themselves and making their own decision on it.

You dont have to drop your waifu over it, it's just women being women.

>tfw mature foreign waifu instead of dumb young hollywood attention whore or dried up feminist

He 100% voted Trump

He's neutral, I believe which is a nice departure from the usual bitching.

He;s lowkey super conservative

I'll give you my cunnyfu when you pry it from my cold, dead hands

>get btfo
>say the evidence is false

You don't get to change objective reality to fit your biased view of the world.

Neutral is code for Trump voter, as the election results demonstrated. Chris Pratt has a promising career, he can't throw it away over political statements.

how can men use this to our advantage>


Kill yourself dude.

more people came to the women's march than the inauguration lol

Trump's press secretary declared that he had the largest turnout in history anyway

I think you misunderstood my post. I was saying that the PER CAPITA thing initially posted was deliberately deceptive. I was agreeing with you guys.

too late. they already took it from you.

try telling a little girl shes cute and you'll see the response you'll get.

Probably to get around the fact they don't have their fingers in the fossil fuel pie.


just look at Obama's scant crowd in 2009 by comparison