Brits wants second referendum

>After searching on google "What is EU?", 1.000.000 Brits protesting for a second referendum.

Are you seriously that fucking dumb Brits?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, they are.

Memes, not even once.

We have a serious fascist-liberal problem here. They've shown their true colours recently. This is a futile effort and as another user has pointed out only a third of the signatures are British if you look at the petition Jason data

Full keks ahead

>1.000.000 Brits

So 1 Brit then?

Also who pissed on your flag France, LOL

>1.000.000 Muslims,socialist,blacks and foreigners protesting for a second referendum.


Fecking hell, things are really bad over there.

>"name":"United Kingdom","code":"GB","signature_count":353545

USA tier.

Gee I wonder how many of those searches come from butthurt remainers looking to create a story...

JSON data, my man

LOL :)

>Also who pissed on your flag France, LOL

>1.000.000 Brits protesting for a second referendum

Still less than the margin of victory of brexit lol.

Haha fuck off Europoors

Its simple, a lot of the pro eu camp are young urban college kids. YES they are that dumb.

People tend to dislike democracy when it doesn't work in their favour, especially liberal cucks.

if you vote without knowing what you're voting for your vote doesn't count less

welcome to democracy you fucking retards it has only been around a few hundred years but you'll get the hang of it eventually

Why are you happily destroying your country?

This vote was literally:

>Destroy country
>Don't destroy country

Why you still (((choosing))) to destroy it?

Moroccan and a tripfag... JUST
