Other urls found in this thread:
what exactly are these women trying to achieve
>tfw dumb cunt limo liberal
Attention and virtue points.
>Not womyn
Demonstrating for their views
Alternatively the Sup Forums answer
>paid shills
>virtue signalling
ahhhh wtf has she done to her hair
>jewish feminist women
God I hope that under Trump's administration a new entertainment organization can come about.
Could you imagine if we had all these channels and shit but instead of liberal programming it was all like red pilled shit?
Fewer child rapist presidents.
If you wanted to make money off this movement, what would you do?
>give me that full blown militant feminist bull dyke cut
>i got u girrrrl yassss queen slayyy
Me: Just Trump my shit up
Barber: I got you senpai
Lol that Jew whore looks like every dumb liberal cunt in high school now. Even has the ear covered with metal. Guess that Jew is finally going dyke like the rest of those kike females.
Start a fake university with my name on it.
>Donald Trump is the worst thing for women ever
>Let's import more Islamic refugees
Somewhere in there I think their logic is flawed.
Not that celebrities will have to deal with any of that, what with their gated mansions and armed security.
so pretty with long hair. but looking feminine instead of androgynous probably isn't intersectional enough.
She was trying to say she'd support Trump if he would put in programs that would benefit girls like Ivanka and she got cut off.
something about that hair cut and those ear rings. Im not gonna lie famalam but this just makes gets me goin and im not even a scarjofag
sounds like you're attracted to bpd women
What views would those be?
that look on her face says "help me strong white man, I don't want to be here"
Literally the only point they brought up which hold merits in any form was defunding planned parenthood. All other things were retarded bullshit like equal pay and making sure woman can work.
deleting all of her movies right now
And the president bragging about habitual sexual assault.
They're marching in support of government funding for abortions*, unchecked immigration, and "feminism" (a catch-all term encompassing everything from 'women should have paid maternity leave' to 'kill all men').
*not including cases of rape or when the health of the mother is at risk, I'm talking just "meh, I feel like killing it"
Opposition to the agenda they believe President Trump will promote amd the Republican controlled Congress will pass, mostly regarding reproductive rights for women, i.e. defunding Planned Parenthood and restricting abortions.
>defunding planned parenthood
The right ought to just give up on this one, honestly. You're never going to get women to pay for their own birth control.
>Literally the only point they brought up which hold merits in any form was defunding planned parenthood.
I disagree, the Republican bill about "defunding Planned Parenthood" would only defund clinics that perform voluntary abortions. Planned Parenthood would be free to continue its other services.
JFK and Clinton sexually assaulted women left and right and it was public knowledge, I don't remember reading about any large-scale female protests about that...
Didn't happen.
They're anti Hillary?
they'll fucking fight any attempt to take away free birth control like a pack of rabid dogs
>JFK and Clinton sexually assaulted women left and right and it was public knowledge
That's awful. Women should protest.
He literally says he does it on the tape. Nice try, Boris.
The bill would only defund clinics performing voluntary abortions...they would be free to do all their other shit. Conservatives would just like it if tax money would stop going towards murdering American babies.
>Unlimited illegal immigration, where anyone is a citizen
>Massive government programs attempting to provide taxpayer funded healthcare, college, etc., while also continuing international wars
we dodged a massive bullet by beating hillary
They certainly should have when they were in office. But women loved both presidents regardless. Very weird, imo, I wonder what the difference is. Charisma? Or just the word "Democrat" before their names on the ballots?
>He literally says he does it on the tape. Nice try, Boris.
Actually he says women let you do anything when you're rich.
How is it assault if they let you do it?
hmm fair enough
of course the real problem is now we live in a society where women sleep around throughout their 20s until they feel they're 'ready' to have kids
I hope you aren't of the opinion that this is the first march for women's rights. Because it really, really isn't.
I'm not saying that it is. I'm saying that this protest seems to focus disproportionately on the sexual harassment committed in the past by the president, when many of these same women happily gave Bill Clinton a pass (and the older ones gave JFK a pass) for the same thing.
No but unlike the previous marches like the right to work or vote this had no real message. Just a hodgepodge of ideas with no real defining message.
Clinton wasn't even handsome or charming, he was a sleazy hillbilly. There was no charisma, it was "Sleep with me or you're fired, and nobody will believe you if try to tell them because I'm the President."
I watched about an hour or two of the march, it was just madonna making a shit speech then singing shit songs with amy schumer in the background pigging it up
The only thing the protesters in my city seemed to agree on was:
#1: they would walk right past my building as much as possible
#2: they would all go to my favorite burger place, creating a ridiculous line by taking their sweet time and asking stupid questions
How the fuck do you walk into a burger-themed restaurant and not know what "medium rare" is? I guess i don't mind the actual protest though. My little sister was involved in it (she's one of those upper-class half-black girls who is super "woke" to compensate for her 50% whiteness) and the way she told it they all have genuinely good intentions and are marching against a guy who they see as an unelected dictator. It's not their fault that all of their news sources and professors have been lying to them.
Same shit as always, their right to have other people clean up their messes.
I think that's because you're a conservative. Clinton was and still is very charming and well-liked. He's undoubtedly sleazy, but he sold himself well to pretty much everyone he needed to in order to win (blacks, women, college-educated white men).
There is a reason we still joke about Bill being the "real first black president". Dude had charisma coming out of his ears.
And what "views" would those be?
Being massively triggered over an idle, joking comment in a private conversation a politician made 10 fucking years ago?
Is this women's march the biggest meme of our time?
You can't be murdered if you aren't born.
A fetus is a baby as much as a foundation is a house.
The outrage seems pretty proportionate to the certainty that these respective presidents are sexual predators.
Allegations against Clinton and JFK are based entirely on hearsay. It's likely that they did what women claim that they did, but others will always disbelieve those allegations. This refusal to believe women has always been endemic in our culture. Trump was caught saying he assaults women, so guess what? Many more people think that he does it, though there are still those few who will deny it (many in this thread).
ROFL that haircut
dyke ass nigga
>getting government dosh from the tax-payer to kill your children
>a "reproductive right"
Trump hairstyle
Abortion reduces crime. That makes it a government obligation.
>Trump was caught saying he assaults women
Didn't happen.
Say I'm running for office and taking donations.
Idiots threw nearly three fucking billion dollars at Hillary, all of which is down the fucking drain.
Didn't they throw like another 7 million at Jill Stein when she said she was going to push for a recount?
>You can't be murdered if you aren't born.
>A fetus is a baby as much as a foundation is a house.
It all depends, though, doesn't it? I think everyone, except the most radical feminists, will agree that there is a point where the fetus stops being a collection of cells and becomes an "unborn baby". It's just a matter of where we choose to draw the line.
>Literally the only point they brought up which hold merits in any form was defunding planned parenthood.
But that doesn't hold any merit.
There is no reason tax-payers should be forced to fund abortions. Anybody who isn't a liberal bulldyke babykiller would know that.
A fetus can be killed when it's viable though in some states.
If we killed every black male between the ages of 16 and 45 tomorrow, the murder rate would drop by 54%, and it would do far more to help lower the crime rate then murdering babies. Why don't you put that on a sign and march down the streets of Washington DC, see where that gets you?
Yeah, just like niggers aren't really people.
If someone kills a pregnant woman they get charge for two counts of murder.
The law needs to be consistent, here.
Great jump there buddy.
>sexual assault
Can you please indicate where the women in question was unwilling and nonconsenting?
Or is any straight sexuality "rape" to you Tumblr cunts?
Play a sax and you become a nigga, What do they think of Kenny G
>Allegations against Clinton and JFK are based entirely on hearsay.
Clinton admitted to two affairs.
There's no making sense of it.
Women don't operate on logic, they operate on instinct.
Here their instinct is something remotely on the coin of "Donald Trump doesn't immediately give me the impression that he fits all my most convenient ideals". These people apparently think prejudice is bad but think it's okay to prejudge people that look like they remotely fit the bill of being prejudiced.
Really, that's it. There's a white male president that isn't a handsom 6'2 drama teacher with good hair that doesn't go out of his way to pander to everyone and coddle their feelings for the sake of making important decisions.
You can't argue with it because there's nothing to argue with. You may as well try and play chess with a pigeon.
what did they mean by this
>Abortion reduces crime.
So would genociding all the black people. But I don't see anyone hopping on that train.
True. But I still think there is some serious hypocrisy going on with the way that women choose to ignore misdeeds* of our designated liberal heroes but relentlessly attack Trump for it.
You are right about him being caught, though. Trump did straight up admit to groping women with dubious consent at best. And I do think people should be upset, I just find it annoying that these same people ignore the crimes of other politicians just because they happen to follow the same political party.
Just look at this guy If Obama was caught saying "you can grab them by the pussy, they let you do it" I guarantee this user would have been chomping at the bit to get him impeached.
>If Obama was caught saying "you can grab them by the pussy, they let you do it" I guarantee this user would have been chomping at the bit to get him impeached.
This is some textbook projection.
>You're never going to get women to pay for their own birth control.
If the legislation passes they wll have literally no other choice.
What the fuck are they going to do about it? Beat up the clerk that explains they have to pay for birth-control pills?
>Thinks sluts throwing themselves at rich men is sexual assault
They do know they're Hollywood, the land of 10000 casting couches, right?
(And someone better get in contact with Leonardo Dicaprio if this is the case)
>I wonder what the difference is.
Being Democrats.
>except for Trump, fuck that guy
literally every reason they're out there makes no sense
>easy way to lower taxes found
It's so easy to see past the smoke and mirrors that the event is simply more rickety bullshit funded to put pressure on Trump about sociopolitical issues he's trying to revert and it's basically made so that news sites have shit to talk about and continue with their agenda. Nothing about it is really genuine and actors are now reduced to political puppets and are bigtime losing the public's trust and respect.
How is it projection? I'm not marching in the streets to get Trump impeached, I couldn't give less of a shit if a world leader did something sleazy in the past. I just think that conservatives would definitely be going after Obama if he was caught saying the same things Trump did.
>"meh, I feel like killing it"
If a woman has that attitude I'd rather she had an abortion than a kid.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Liberals are shit with money.
It's why they're always poor and always whining "CAPITALISM HAS FAILED :^(".
>dude she believes in women's rights movements what a sjwcucklibtard xD
I'm not a conservative.
All I said was "that's not sexual assault" and you immediately assume I'm some super far-right conservative that gives a shit about what Obamer does in his free time.
>spend your youth exploiting your looks for a living and being an airhead
>get old, lose looks, and desperately find some "cause" to stay relevant and appear intellectual
Why are women so fucking trash?
Affairs =/= Sexual Assault
GRU defense force getting lazy.
Just because you think Clinton is a predator does not make others who don't believe hypocrites when there is no tangible evidence.
The "grab em by the pussy" thing was not some literal example, it was a colorful way to say "women will let you do anything to them when you're rich and powerful" and it's completely correct. How do you think an eczemic bumpkin like Clinton managed to bang so many interns?
Also if you claim you've never confided in a male friend about things you do to get women to fuck you, you're either a liar or you have bad friendships. Even nu males do this.
how does sexmonster translate into english?
>literally don't know what their own signs say
>that dispassionate, bewildered, uncaring look
Are Clinton and Soros paying people to pose as "protesters" again?
"our savior"
Name one right men have that women don't.
>NO sexism
>NO homophobia
>NO Islamophobia
Good luck with that.
>If Obama was caught saying "you can grab them by the pussy, they let you do it" I guarantee this user would have been chomping at the bit to get him impeached.
Wow, nice projection, retard.
Why would I give a fuck what Obama said in a private conversation about getting pussy?
What does that have to do with his presidency?
I care a fuck-ton more about his dedication to promoting shit like BLM and mass-immigration from third world countries.
Notice any gooks at these kind of events?
Exactly, get one as a gf
Well, he admitted to "grabbing women by the pussy" without their consent, that does seem like sexual assault to me. I find it hard to believe that somebody could deny this unless they were a Trump supporter.
Gooks and chinks are the WORST sjws. Bad bad advice.
>women's rights movements
Can you define this? What "rights" do women not already have?
Getting paid by the government to kill your own kid isn't a "right".
We can piss standing up without getting it all over our legs, that's pretty convenient
Do they not realize that sexism and homophobia go hand in hand with Islam? The only area where Islam is "progressive" is on race.
It should be murder and a separate crime for the termination of the fetus.