Is this the only undisputed GOAT capeshit kino?

Is this the only undisputed GOAT capeshit kino?

What makes it GOAT? The grounded story? The dark cinematography? The thrilling ending?

You can't even call this capeshit

Personally I always appreciated the cinematography and dialogue.

It's good but it doesn't have a third act. When the movie ended I was like "wait a minute...that's it?"

I've said it since the beginning, Shyamalan knows how to right brilliant dialogue. It's so natural in every movie he's done. Especially in The Village, the dialogue feels so right for the type of society he was trying to portray. I also love how he films dialogue, he likes to show both parties in the same shot, something a lot of filmmakers refuse to do.

Shyamalan is great at dialogue, directing, working with actors, and setting up scenes
His only weakness is scale. His stories need to be intimate

So is there going to be a Shyamalan extended universe considering that Bruce Willis' character from Unbreakable has a cameo at the end of Split

I was so fuckin floored when I seen it

I mean maybe not the entire universe since Sixth Sense kind of makes that awkward with multiple Bruce Willis's but definitely Split is some kind of spin-off or prequel to Unbreakable 2

What a twist!

Don't care about that I just wanted some more of the unbreakable universe

It is truly capekino

Bruce Willis and the horde are gonna have a


I don't understand why Shyama didn't make a sequel or two to this years ago.

What was his fucking problem?

Making a sequel NOW, after 17 years, when Bruce Willis stopped giving a fuck and is pretty much only doing DTV garbage for a quick buck, is not so exciting as it would have been even 10 years ago.

It's definitely my favorite Shamalamadingdong movie by far. The ending a bit awkward though, I'm never a fan of just throwing expository text on the screen.

I hope he's making a sequel. Bruce Willis hasn't given a shit in years though.

He will for shymalan

How is this capeshit? Because it was based on a comic book? Unbreakable was actually about a, so-called, "super hero".


The ending was GOAT besides the ham-fisted text appearing to awkwardly wrap up the story

Saw it today, pretty good. Found it to be better than most capeshit I've ever seen.

exactly my sentiment. the film's only slip-up

Best capeshit is Spider-Man 2.

Best Shaym is village imo

Can you explain this?

I watched split yesterday and it ended with BW popping up and something about Mr glass and it made no sense

Mr Glass was the villain in Unbreakable, and BW was the hero.