How can people laugh at the Kylo Ren face reveal when THIS ended up being the dreaded Darth Vader

How can people laugh at the Kylo Ren face reveal when THIS ended up being the dreaded Darth Vader.




You are likely baiting, but Vader's reveal as a weak old man was thematically appropriate. Kylo's reveal as an awkward, frightened young man was also one of the few things that turd TFA actually did right.

What's wrong with it?

Kylo Ren's face and general personality were just fine. He was really what Anakin Skywalker should have been, somewhere between prodigy and school shooter. The issue with him was that it was really inconsistent where his abilities actually were, introducing new force techniques in the beginning of the movie but getting his ass whooped by somebody who's never fought with a lightsaber before at the end.

Well, he did get crossbow'd after stabbing his dad.

>terrifying killing machine revealed to be a battle scarred ptsd surviving old man whos seen some shit

>some poser trying to be what his predecessor was revealed to be an emo angsty nu-male

Gee, I wonder why this comparison doesnt hold up?

Why does this have to be pointed out constantly? Common sense dictates that he has less mobility after being hit by a weapon shown to throw stormtroopers bodily throughout the movie.

Vader had an entire trilogy building him up, then showing his redemption, the reveal made sense. I remember watching a George Lucas interview where he pointed out that if Vader had taken the mask off in the first movie, it would have ruined him as a movie and made him seem pathetic.

Building him up throughout the entire trilogy made things much better.

Kylo Ren, on the other hand, was an edgy strange kid almost from the beginning. Him taking off his mask had zero impact. Even the pre-Disney EU, for all its faults, built up Jacen Solo (Han/Leia's eldest son) as a powerful hero before turning him evil and then breaking him down.

At the reveal everyone in the theater laughed, I don't think people laughed when they saw that weak old man, the way it was done (the face reveal I mean) in TFA was stupid as fuck, I can't believe the people shooting or editing saw that and said "FUCK YEAH" you could have him with helmet to the side or whatever but not make your "bad" dude into laughing stock just by his presentation.

tl.dr; The face reveal in TFA of that dude was handled in the shittiest way posible

>Kylo Ren's face and general personality were just fine. He was really what Anakin Skywalker should have been, somewhere between prodigy and school shooter.

Kylo Ren was a little too weak imo (even with the impressive opening where he freezes a blaster bolt). The one thing Lucas got right with Anakin was his "power level". He was consistently portrayed as an incredibly talented and potentially powerful young Jedi who just lacked self-control and restraint.

Kylo Ren, at least from my PoV, seemed to be a very average young Jedi trying to fit shoes far too large for him, while with Anakin it was the opposite, he was being actively restrained by the Jedi.

It's weird, isn't it? The movie even shows this very clearly, zooming on the wound and have him hitting it while fighting.

that and he's not handsome

Vader / Anakin is supposed to be a guy in his 40's

So what did GL do ?
Hire Sebastian Shaw, a 78 yr old

George stopped giving a fuck after A New Hope

I still think Anakin should have been prequel Obiwan's age by the time he became Vader. They should have had him as a teenager in Phantom Menace and time skipped to him as a man in Clone Wars. I don't know where this whole child prodigy/school shooter idea came from, he was always described as a man later on and he was old as balls in Jedi.


Remember that George did not have any clue about what he was going to do with the prequels when he wrote the originals. He knew that there was a chance to make prequels (which is why he had the foresight to call them IV, V, and VI shortly after the success of the original), but it couldn't be more obvious that he had no clear plan.

Also, Anakin could have very well been aged significantly by all the stress and trauma he endured. Also, Luke is in his early 20s by the time Episode VI starts. It's perfectly reasonable for his father to be in his late 50s/early 60s, and for Anakin to look even older thanks to being burned alive and having to be Vader for more than 20 years.

>They should have had him as a teenager in Phantom Menace and time skipped to him as a man in Clone Wars.

Yeah, this is something that basically every fan agrees on. Hayden Christensen was 17 years old when Episode 1 was being filmed, he should have been cast as Anakin from the very beginning.

to be fair being burned alive usually fucks up any possibility of looking young

>George did not have any clue about what he was going to do with the prequels

Nope, Mark Hamill stated in 1983 that the prequels would be about a young Anakin

Plus he had 3rd degree burns basically everywhere on his body. The stress and pain of that has to age you quite a bit.

Plus he had no dick. Imagine being Vader, smashing up some criminal operation on Coruscant, and there are like 20 smoking hot human and twilek girls, all in bikinis, all ready to show their appreciation for their salvation. And you can't do anything because Obi-Wan burned your penis off.

The strain of that alone would age a man 10 years on the spot.

No shit, who else would they be about? I'm talking about actual plot points. Anyone with a half a brain could have told you that the prequels would be about a young Anakin, the Jedi Knights, the Clone Wars, and his fall to evil.

But the actual story, and how all those things would come together? A complete mystery, and I still believe that Lucas essentially wrote first drafts for each movie and never allowed anyone to improve them.

What were you expecting under the mask?
A fucking shark?
>Luke pulled his mask off
>He died shortly afterwards

I thought people only laughed in my theater when they did the big face reveal and he has the biggest goober Jewface ever.

Dude, there was better fan fiction on the alt Star Wars boards in the 90s than what GL served up as the Prequels
He could have paid someone to assist and give them a credit but Lucas had to do it his own way, and look what happened, instead of an interesting story, the movies made Obi Wan sound like a pathological liar