What was he supposed to do in this situation?
What was he supposed to do in this situation?
Blow him while she cheered him on
>face socially retarded meat in fight(in which other meat heads ruin and slap your shit)
>exactly what happens in the episode up until the following him part
also start yelling at fucking faggot owner who doesnt remove these apes from the premicise ASAP
If it was any place other than NYC:
Open your coat and show him your CCW without actually removing it from holster.
That's like being shit on by a bird in an open field and asking how you could have avoided it.
Standing his lazy ass up out of the chair would have been a start, than he would have easily been looking down on the little fuck.
>not waiting till you can legally shoot him in self defense
Wasted opportunity desu
Ask him if he knows who Bernie Goetz is
>Getting cucked by a white bull
Why is Louie so unrealistic?
that guy kinda looks like sheldon cooper so i'd just beat his shit in
Be physically threatening enough that the little shit wouldn't fuck with you in the first place.
Stop being out of shape beta males.
What would you have done, fatty?
Embarrass him using my genius verbal abilities
>What would you have done, fatty?
As a conisseur of videos fighting in Diners (my cheeseburger is delicious; riot at dennys, etc) I would have to do all I can to participate in this dynamic and fast growing genre.
Not yell at them like an asshole would be a good start. Personally I would have avoid the whole situation by going over there and talking to them calmly, try to level with them. Say something like
>Hey, I'm just pretending like I'm over here telling you to be quiet to impress my date, I don't really care but you know how it is. When I go back I'll just tell her it didn't work and we'll go someplace else. Cool? Great, have a nice evening guys.
Then we'll go someplace else, I don't look like a bitch and everyone's happy.
this was such a great scene. it made me cringe, but i loved the brutal honesty of it
I don't understand your post. I'm going to masturbate then go to bed.
good night user
Just stand up and look at him in the eyes and say "hit me you asshole". If he does, sue easy. Doesn't, wrecked and humiliated. He did have a very intense look but nobody starts a fight off such a little thing unless they're a pure idiot, I can call that bluff, win either way.
That ain't bad.
I assume they intentionally picked someone that your average viewer would think you could kick his shit in?
The point of the scene isn't that he couldn't give him the ole irish sunglasses it is that he wouldn't, right?
>Louie refusing to fight like an animal to impress some woman on a date since he considered himself an adult who doesn't fight.
>not changing yourself for a woman
Is this an undercover red-pilled moment?