"We will not rest until Church bells ring in every corner of Japan. The gook must know that Christ is Lord."

>"We will not rest until Church bells ring in every corner of Japan. The gook must know that Christ is Lord."

What did he mean by this?

>hiring a bignosed jew to play a christian devout
Is Mel actually /theirguy/ just pretending to be /ourguy/?

What about Scorsese?

>Come to foreign lands
>Start converting the populace to foreign religion
>Stir up trouble
>Government puts that shit down and protects their ethnic religion, land and people
>Somehow they are bad


The jesuits might as well be jewish due to their deceitful conduct.

yeah i seriously dont understand how they can play this plot straight when its this fucking ludicrous

So Silence any good or what?

I watched it last night and very much enjoyed it. It's well reviewed.

>religious views should be government-mandated

>My Government should roll over and allow foreigners to come en mass to a country, and convert the populace from the Ethnic Religion of my homeland to a foreign religion and in doing so stir up trouble and dissent

You sound German

what wrong with his face?

you didn't understand the movie

scorsese is italian, retarded ass Sup Forumsfag


Hi Movieblob

He meant:
>I shall deliver the culture of the Semite to these oriental people so they can betray their culture and appropriate the Jewish faith.

>the gubmints should prevent muslims from coming to our countries and changing our kulturs

So, theories as to what Scorsese was thinking with this bizarre boring movie?

He "hears god", which kind of sucks, because the whole point of the movie seemed to be faith and comfort in the fact that you may never hear good answers, or anything, from the lord even in times of need.

The Inquisitor keeps insisting that no religion can exist in Japan simply because it's Japan and the Japanese people are different, Japan is a swamp and religion a tree. But this is clearly not true as there are Christians in Japan, it took hold so tightly people are willing to die for their faith and practice in total secret.

Neeson doesn't get nearly enough screen time. He exists as a reason to go to Japan, and then there he convinces a man to abandon his devout faith with "Yeah trust me man just give it up, it ain't happening here." Then, seconds after it's revealed that Neeson possibly hasn't given up his faith and might be plotting something interesting, he "vanishes" in the middle of a shot with Garfield saying "Oh yeah, he died."

Garfield hasn't lost his religion it's revealed, when he takes confession from that Nip who has betrayed everybody for no reason other than to be a prick. Okay, interesting, good to see he's still fighting. Oh wait nah, he also dies very soon after this. And his arrainged-marriage wife, who we never see speak to Garfield or be intimate with, makes a cross for Garfield's corpse to be burned with because ????

I don't recommend this movie at all.

>my religion is so pathetic that I need the government to protect it through violent persecution and censorship of all other beliefs


Found the guy who'd let his entire country be turned into a Caliphate.


The gubmints should prevent muslims from coming to our countries to blow and rape shit up.
I don't care about their religious teachings.

There is literally nothing wrong with that. Are you some sort of open borders liberal retard?

So I take it you'd be fine if foreigners came to your land, started converting the populace to a non-ethnic religion, and stirred up trouble and dissent among the populace?

LMAO... you think I, Moviebob, would post here! Good joke bud, I'm only here because one of the feminists on twitter that i beg for sex sent me this link. I didn't make the post you're responding to. But funny, calling me moiveblob... good one itiot. It's not like I am a PROFESSIONAL CRITIC and don't have to spend hours every day sitting and watching childrens movies to MAKE RENT. Fuck off

>So I take it you'd be fine if foreigners came to your land, started converting the populace to a non-ethnic religion, and stirred up trouble and dissent among the populace?
If I'm not running a fascist regime, yes.

>thinking it was actually God telling Garfields character to desecrate his image and apostate

Are you dense?


Serious question, what country are you from?

Christianity is a stepping stone towards being a jewpuppet

Son of a bitch, actually got me laughing at 3:30 in the fucking morning.

how is this site so dense? Since when is Sup Forums not capable of understanding a movie anymore? This movie seems like a total plebtest and Sup Forums is currently failing it hard

It's a weak religion.

Sweet rebuttals to simple points, lads, your posts are as hollow as this movie. Other than nice fog shots, it was easily the weakest movie Scorsese will ever make.

It will be a facist regime once the incoming population kills off your people and prop up their arcahic laws

you didn't even get the point why the nip betrayed his faith over and over. You're just a stupid fuck without a clue for movies

All joking aside, it is pretty fucked up and hypocritical that Moviebob and his liberal sheep honestly believe Japan did nothing wrong and that the Jesuits and Christians deserved it.

I doubt he'd say the same about the Spanish Inquisition and exile of Jews and Muslims from Spain which was far less fatal in comparison.

>And his arrainged-marriage wife, who we never see speak to Garfield or be intimate with, makes a cross for Garfield's corpse to be burned with because ????

i swear you have to be retarded to think this. You literally have the attention span of a kid

Another "You're stupid" but nothing brought up? Good work again, user, you're smarter than me!

>attention span of a kid
>have to be retarded
There was never a scene with him and his wife speaking. It just wasn't in the movie. That doesn't make me retarded or a kid. I'm sorry user but the movie was poorly written.

He's right though. Liberal faggot he is, he is right on that point. Japan did nothing wrong. Just like the Spanish did nothing wrong either. Every Nation should defend itself from foreign threats of subversion in the form of Missionaries and preachers.

His wife was a government approved Buddhist, she didn't play a role in sneaking that cross.

It was the fucking cross the village elder gifted him. He hid it all that time and brought it with him for his death.

What totalitarian state do you live in? Here in the United States, we don't need the government to defend us from new ideas.

>fucking cross the village elder gifted him
Yes I know it was the same cross, I didn't mean to say "makes a cross" honestly that was my bad.
>brought it with him for his death
So when his government appointed wife reached her hands into his coffin-basket and touched his hands, nothing was happening there? He just so happened to DIE and be holding it secretly in his DEAD palm while he was clothes and put in a burial position? user, she clearly placed it in his hands at that point. And that was his wife, so obviously she knew how important his religion was to him even though they weren't seen speaking.

And I'm the idiot, good god.

first of all, it's based on a book not written from scorsese.
second, the wooden cross he had in his hands in the end was from the nip who died at the cross in the shore.
and third, you still did'nt get a single thing of the movie, you're just a pleb.
I'm to lazy to spoonfeed plebs.

Great you answered your own "???" about that scene fuckwad.

Congrats on bitching about nothing. Maybe stick to capeshit if all anything that requires thought just causes you to bitch.

gosh, it would not make sense to explain the movie in detail to you since you wouldn't even then be able to get it.

Hit the nail right on its head.

Brain-fart posts made by sad fuckwits like this nignog right here prove that Sup Forums simply doesn't hold the mental capacity to comprehend genuinely intellectual multi-layered films.

>based on a book so Scorsese can't be blamed
Irrelevant when he helped write the screenplay.
>his wife didn't make the cross
Already pointed out that yes I made a mistake in my post, I know his wife didn't make it. Though she handed it to him, clearly, meaning she knew the importance of his real beliefs despite them never speaking on screen.
>you're a pleb
And the ultimate "I got nothing". Good talk, user.

>you answered your own "???"
No, I didn't. They were never shown to have any sort of trusting relationship. He married her and then all we see of him is finding anti-Christian material and taking the awful Nip's confession. I didn't answer my own question at all.

>This other guy who said nothing is right because I said so

Good god I am being trolled right? Hands down the worst people at "discussing" film on the internet, right here in this thread.

>Hands down the worst people at "discussing" film on the internet, right here in this thread

Well you're certainly not doing the thread any favors yourself bud... if you catch my drift.

She helped his burial, which as you pointed out showed she had some form of care about his belief.

If you can figure that out from context then why do you need a scene where it's all just verbally told to you?

>Already pointed out that yes I made a mistake in my post, I know his wife didn't make it

Holy shit, I've never seen someone backpedal in such a cringeworthy manner after getting schooled.

I think the point was its all relative, and the practices dont trump the belief. So like, fuck observing lent or something, as long as you BELIEVE in god. Just like Kishimoto or whatever his name was being terrible but still keeping the faith by taking confession, etc.

tl;dr Scorcese espousing his smug "heh, well im a LAPSED superior christian" view

I know I entered into a weird Spiderman/Raimi/Silence thread but I expected some people could actually explain why this movie is so critically acclaimed despite being so empty.

It just comes out of no where. Like just based on that, we're supposed to assume years of trust and bonding, but without it being shown in the slightest it just feels weak.

Thank you for an honest rebuttal. I agree with you, the film made that point about "stomping on Christ" and even Garfield said to just step on the statue because it doesn't mean anything if you forgive, it's better than dying for it. Even the Japanese say "it's a formality, you'll be okay, we don't care."

Just found it weird that after he explicitly says that, he struggles so hard to do it himself.

We can guide you to the stream but you're gonna have to drink the water yourself donkey.

Yeah, pretty shitty on his part to validate that kind of Christians and completely forget about the natives who actually had enough faith to die for their religion and didn't become government shills.

>Oh no, it's ok that Garfield and Neeson helped discover more Christians for the government to execute because they still had personal belief in God

I enjoyed it.

The very last shot made me feel things

>another "I don't have answers, just insults" post
Why do you bother, man? We both don't really care about your post.

Why can't the Japs into Christianity?

Is this movie based on true events? I know Christian Missionaries got tortured all over the world.

I didn't really get it though, I guess it's not meant to make sense to normal people, but religious fundies might find it powerful.

Yes, Christians numbered around 300,000 at one time. The Tokugawa Shogunate made it illegal and persecuted any Christian found.

japan cut out the christian rot nice and early in their

Its this kind of shit that broke Liam Neesons character in the movie. That and the torture obviously.

He's talking about Silence
>libcuck """education"""

>Christian monks smuggled silk worm eggs out of China ruining its silk monopoly with it

I'd have missionaries executed on sight desu.