I wanna licki then sticki my dicki in Debicki!

I wanna licki then sticki my dicki in Debicki!

Do you think Debicki has a big bladder? how much could she piss in one go? I think she could manage two litres or more without any difficulty!

is Debicki the final stage of human evolution?

I missed this

Hmm this is interesting

I have had pisses that I have had to hold in for a while before then when I have gone I have felt like I was pissing a river but.... 2 litres? I dunno.
I'm really curious now just how much I piss. 2 L sounds like a lot

Are you female?

Ledecky poster not welcome

They really dolled her up in this though, none too good looking otherwise.

>Come to look at pictures of Liz
>Get piss anons
>One piss anons is maybe implying they are Liz
Ah Sup Forums

fuck off faggot


I'm just a normal guy, sorry to disappoint, I'm not Into piss play or that at all I have just never thought about how much I piss before.

See ya there I guess lad.

I'm going to pretend you said yes and jerk off anyway

I wanna licky my bridgets ginger icky!

what an awful post, of course he's a phoneposter


what color is debickis anus?

enjoy your herpes


guys she's a chicken! a giant chicken! HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE IT?!

more like a swan you fag
