Modern disney movies rank :

Modern disney movies rank :

Frozen >>>>>>>>>>>> Everything else

Tangled > Frozen

Don't know why Elsa is so fucking hot.

I liked Tangled more

Shit > Modern "Disney"

Frozen was shit. It's only redeeming feature was Elsa. Disney somehow made the hottest animated female ever, she's so attractive that even little girls ls fancied her.

literally perfect


why did disney give her the facial features of a fetal alcohol syndrome person? i notice that in many cgi movies.


Winters War>Frozen

remove the make-up,the lipstick and her non-human waist

what is left?

Three holes


I've always had a soft spot for Pinocchio
And Monstro scared the shit out of me as a kid

Tangled = No Porn
Frozen = Lots of quality porn

Did I just hop on a time machine back to 2013

I wish i could forgot frozen so i get a legit boner from watching this scene of frozen movie again.

i guess they want the audience feel reflected themselves in the cgi character

Let it go

yes, who doesn't want to be a little girl


yeah especially when you suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome retardation it must be a relief.


the 2D version is better

Frozen Directors Cut.


The rape scene really threw me off.

>She didn't go full Sub Zero on those guards who tried to murder her


>Dat happy gangbang scene after shes being raped


>no clipping
shit artist


>she didn't just spam down forward forward


Thats classic Disney. Pretty much all classic Disney films are better than modern Disney. I do think Tangled and Frozen are better than most movies Pixar shits out.

user, I think you mean...

Zootropolis >>>>>>>>>>>> everything else

at least find some decent art to support your claim

Fucking furries.

This, so much.

Shit taste

>posts shadman tier art
>tells me i have shit taste
come on senpai


>tfw Elsa will never accidentally kill you by touching your dick with her bare hands and watch in horror as your cock falls off and you bleed to death in front of her

more like

Moana > everything else

This looks nothing like shadbase you blind fuck.

>shad TIER
so you're illiterate too then. I'm not really surprised. Why don't you waddle on back to furaffinity champ

and take you shit art with you

Moana wasn't just a joke?


Alright my bad, but anyway you got shit taste if you think shadbase art is bad right now. If you're talking about his early stuff sure but now he's vastly improved.
Also you're still fucking retarded if you think that pic is badly drawn.

>4 years later and nieces still obsess over this shit

i just KNOW we didn't do this as kids

are they autistic or brainwashed?

Didn't kids autistically obsess over tmnt when they were younger tho.


i didn't personally but wasn't that like a running tv show and several movies?

this is a single film they must have watched at least twice a week since it was released, it has to be hampering their development.

it's shit because the pose is lewd but manages to just come off as bland, but mostly it's the fact that it's looks nothing like judy. might as well be peter fucking rabbit

Zootopia>Tangled>Wreck-It Ralph>Big Hero 6>Princess and The Frog>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Frozen


Nah. It's just a better movie.
Stay mad, though ;)

But if everyone's pornographic art of Judy hoops did her face perfectly it would all look the same, and that'd be pretty boring mayn.

Oh well, it just the girls anyway, I just thank God most of my younger female cousins haven't got an autistic obsession over it.


>Literally same as frozen
>Better movie


It really is weird how the most forgettable Disney film is most obsessed over by children.

No one can forget Elsa & her sexy as fuck blue dress

>Everywhere I see a little girl wearing that fucking dress sometimes screaming "let it go"

I hope you're happy Disney.

>Literally same as frozen

How do you figure that one? I'm curious. Explain please.

Oh yes im very happy

Wondering if the new Ducktales will be any good.

Star wars.

And how do you figure Zootopia is better than frozen ? Explain please

You cant, furfag

Better plot, better characters, better setting.

Frozen had better music, which is appropriate since it was a musical and all Zootopia had was Try Everything. Still, better music doesn't make the movie better as a whole.

It's comparing an A+ with an A.

See The characters had better chemistry together. There was no romantic bullshit and it didn't fall apart in the second half.
Frozen had a strong opening in my opinion and some of the songs were good but the movie is just garbage in the second half. I found Zootopia to be enjoyable all the way through.

>Racism the movie
>Furries is better characters
>Wasted setting potential

Kek, 3/10

Try again, furfaggot.

not bloody likely grandpa

How about we both just admit that we'd each like to fuck the protagonist of our favorite Disney film and leave it at that, user?

Wew. Those are some compelling counter arguments! I appear to be BTFO.

The thing is i fuck a human, & you fuck an animal

Im an animal lover, i cant stand if you abuse or rape an animal, furfaggots.

Learn the difference, it may save your life.

It's an irony. She's so hot because she's so cold.

It's a cartoon, retard.

You seem to be upset that people like Anthropomorphic characters. This hurts you. I'm also guessing you haven't seen the film. I'll agree that Elsa is hot as fuck and Frozen definitely has the better porn but you are wrong that it is a better movie.

How old is she? 18? 22? If she's been locked in that room all of her life how can she instinctively know how to move so sensually?

She magic'd a snow-woman to practice on.

>Oh no ! Furries Defence Force arrived !!!

21 on Frozen, 23 on Frozen Fever, Probably 25 on Frozen 2

>H-heheh. Y-you guys are f-furries! Hah!

Try other buzzwords. You should mix them up from time to time. Using the same one just makes you look stupid. Like throw in a 'Sperg' or 'Autistic' here and there to spice things up.

>Oh nooo !! Furfag in Denial !!!!


We are on to your Hebrew Ploys.

SEE? I knew you had it in you!



I like his accurate drawing style, but i absolutely hate when hes drawing oversized boobs that could actually break her spine.

I also don't like his fixation with hairy anuses.

Probably not.

Ummm that's actually an Oxymoron

Irony: a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result

>Hi you cis white male, perhaps you can take a moment of your priviledged time to sign a petition to help save the endangered Zumzizeroo which has been ravaged by white imperialism.

So what number did the general make it up to? At times it seemed like it was going to compete with KS.

Over 1000

crossover when ?