Why can't we get movies like this anymore?

Why can't we get movies like this anymore?

This movie was boring as shit. Cannot watch it without falling asleep

nobody wants shitty movies like inception

No. Satoshi Kon is dead and we will not have another Paprika to be copied by Nolan

Pseudo-intellectual blockbusters get made all the time.

Paprika was gabage as well though.

Inception was garbage. We don't need any more garbage movies, Marvel/DC/Disney have that covered.

Yes. And Nolan copied anyway

lmaoing @ contrarians

So any news on his Dunkirk movie? The trailer was okay, far better than Interstellar imho, no memes or any out of place bit.

I once thought it was going to be failed oscar bait but even this early I can already tell its looking like his first BD nod.

ITT edgy contrarians tipping their fedora

It's superficial schlock and you need to get some taste, you dipshit.

This movie is and always has been shit. Lacks emotion of any kind, the leads are awful in it, the action is terrible except for the hallway scene, the writing is god awful and 80% exposition, and the film's biggest crime is that a film about unlimited dream worlds lacks any imagination. Only mildly compelling performances are the JGL/Tom Hardy bromance rivalry.

It's a movie made for idiots meant to feel smart. No wonder you would like it.

other than the concept of other people going into your dreams it's completely different


is this the reason why the TDKR sucks? it has a lot of the same cast who put way more effort in
reckon they must have realised they wanted to be doing films like this instead of capeshit

but are there movies for smart people meant to feel stupid?

>all that overexposition

It wasn't jarring though. It didn't hurt the movie.


I bet you think Spring Breakers is kino lol

>kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino
All people saying that word should be killed.

Nolan movies are basically all the same

To smart for normie audiences, shame

We DID get a movie like this last year - Doctor Strange.

You can go back anytime

You're a dumbass who has no idea about setup and payoff.

Because Kon has died and Nolan doesn't know what to rip off anymore