Whats next for Katheryn Winnick?
Whats next for Katheryn Winnick?
Other urls found in this thread:
a pension
Being the mother of my children.
isn't t it obvious? BLACKED!
muh dick
too bad she's a lesbian
riding the dark tower
Hang yourself iFaggot you fucking mongol subhuman
I love it when pedotards get triggered by any female over the age of 14.
>tfw never going to be in a 4some with Winnick, Ronan, Dormer
>I don't have any friends
>I don't go outside
>I lash out at strangers on the internet and project my own self-hatred onto them because it's the only way I can cope
There are healthier ways to deal with what you're going through, user.
Preferably in video form.
She's turning 40 this year and she has no huspand, no kids, and no boyfriend.
And you'll die without ever being touched by a girl.
Vikings: The Next Generation
> Norman invasion of England
> catweasle
what did they mean by this?
The fuck? I didn't cuss out your waifu, you goddamn autist.
I thought she was dating the guy who plays Bjorn Ironside.
I don't even know who she is. I'm just stating a fact. You don't have a girlfriend. Are you gay?
forced submission to dozens of Big Black Cocks (BBC)
how about you just shut the fuck up you weeb autist ok kid???
he isnt 40 and a woman though
>You don't have a girlfriend
Downward dog hopefully
Awwww, I've touched a nerve and triggered meme responses. You're so upset that your brain isn't functioning. You're practically screeching.
Nice try, samefag. No, you're not 40. You're a young man. So why do you not have a girlfriend?
>still no ripped of Stripped
it's never happening is it lads
should I an hero now I mean what it is the point
>So why do you not have a girlfriend?
But I do. you probably know her as "mom"
Sweet comeback, American teenager. So why don't you have a girlfriend? Are you gay? Ugly?
now this is how its done
lol you made him cry like a bitch in every post after this
much respect family
Someone run some cold water cause user just got a wicked burn
the absolute madman
someone just got dumpstered and humiliated holy shit
This is by far the most pathetic, cringe-inducing case of samefaggotry I've ever seen. This is embarrassing.
samefag tbqh
What did he mean by this?
Nice paint job.
He probably meant that he was asspissed
>he's so rectally ravaged that he's literally denying reality to protect his ego from the fact that he got thrashed and shit on
Look at what you've done juranoid, I hope you're happy
he posts from an ipad like some kind of nigger
I'm sorry that girls don't like you. If this desperate, nonsensical tantrum helps you cope with your depression, have at it. But this behaviour is indicative of the fact that my comment about you not having a girlfriend has upset you greatly. Please, continue.
Wait, she's dating the guy who plays her SON on the show, wtf??
>that point where you know you should just stop posting but the humiliation, even on an anonymous image board, is so much you desperately try to save face
poor mans Natalie Dormer
"""blonde"""" with big tits opposed to brunette with no tits
not the same at all
Are you fat? Are you smiling in real life?
my sides have exited orbit
you know we can see that the unique poster number isnt going up right
she's not blonde in any relevant role is what I mean.
Does she even age at all?
>Replies: 57
>Posters: 28
fuck you faggot i'm not fat your fucking fat you fucking autist pleb i'm sitting here laughing my ass off at you right now
how will that spic recover?
Fat boyyyy!
go away, rat
You go away, fat.