Film adaptation when?

Film adaptation when?


china should be nuked desu

literally not a single thing of value would be lost

Fuck dogs

As soon as Idris Elba has a clear schedule.

Yeah, everything should be nuked except your basement. I bet the world would be a fucking great place like that.

t. Paki angel

i live in the attic, thank you very much

Chinks are subhumans, more news at 11.

Chinese holocaust when?

sick fuck

a true hero

>tfw you will never live in a world filled with only basement dwellers

link to the news?

Why do cumskins love animal rights so much?

I'd be pretty fucking pissed if animal rights cunts stopped me from seeing a dying relative. Not dissect a puppy mad but mad nonetheless.

he did literally nothing wrong

jesus christ

ugly dod tho

They're autisic and can't form normal human relations

US should have nuked China

Fucking Asians really are subhuman, only one rung above Africans or Mexicans.

>be a lazy fuck and head to dying relative late
>miss the chance to see him because of a couple of people
>decide to dissect an animal live to get revenge on them
Great reasoning chinks, glad to see they're still the smartest people in the world

who was in the wrong here?

t. Xang Chingpong

daily reminder that asians are subhumans

silly chink doesn't understand it was the animal rights people that caused the traffic jam

not the cute puppies.

plus it's a different mentality over there. for the most part dogs are seen as dirty animals and not pets

The animal rights queers.

They freak out over an animal being killed, but what about eating tonnes of meat or aborting millions of human babies a year

I don't understand cumskins at all

Sadly, that seems to be the case.

Animal rights activists are pretty much all emotionally dysfunctional libtards.

Nuke china

Autistic people love to hurt animals
t. legit autist.


Chinks were a mistake.

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