>why didn't these people vote
Why didn't these people vote
Other urls found in this thread:
>the most voted for candidate should win, even though that's not how it works
Also, there's a board for this. It's called Sup Forums.
Because the majority of registered voters didn't even vote.
>why didn't these people vote in swing states
Meh, Shillary literally had millions of illegals voting for her.
i don't get it. America has had the same electoral law since 1776 and now people are pissed off about it?
input lag
i'm an avid reader of The Economist, The New Republic & Foreign Affairs and go through probably about 2 dozen nonfiction books on history, international relations, economics and political theory every year and i didnt even register to vote lmao
Elections arent a popularity vote.
People have been pissed off about it since 2000.
This is not new.
they don't care anymore
I'd imagine the more you read the less you believe in the american electoral system and politics in general.
>the most voted for candidate should win
Yes, it's called democracy
It wasn't voter turnout that was the issue.
Clinton only got 70,000 less votes than Obama did in 2012. Trump overperformed Romney by 2 million votes.
Clinton got almost all the same votes Obama did and still lost.
America isn't a democracy.
USA isn't a democracy dumbfuck, the electoral college was specifically created to prevent rule of the masses.
The most voted candidates do win. You vote for electors in your states. Then the electors cast a vote for who the president should be. I know most Americans are retarded, so they don't even realize the concept of "faithless electors" exist, where an elector votes for someone other than their own party's presidential nominee.
Which the United States and the electoral college are not. Look up the definition of Representative Republic and how the electoral college works
Why the fuck subhumans insist on posting Sup Forums shit outside of Sup Forums ?
You fuckers are worse than furries
Why do people only complain about the USA not being a democracy now? fucking americans lmao
are you sure?
i mean i think the president would know.
If there is one thing that Sup Forums has taught me, it's that everyone on here who is anti-trump is either a Mexican or a europoor
He was busy observing other moments in the fourth dimension
>why didn't these people vote
They did, they just don't live in the 5 states when it mattered to vote in the 2016 election because America has a broken political process that will never be fixed because only the people who benefit from it being broken have the power to fix it.
If you think the president is so smart, why do you have a problem with him?
better to tell your president
Or a white man with a college degree
democracy is a fallacy
Nu-male with a gender studies degree*
They're only pissed off because their candidate lost, if it was the other way around they'd defend it.
The electoral vote ratio is much higher for Trump than the popular vote ratio is for Clinton though.
is it strange this is prolly the closes trumps come to actual truth and still being wrong at the same time?
People are pissed off now because it has never been so badly exploited before. Clinton won US popular vote by widest margin of any losing presidential candidate in modern history.
>it's a "retards who don't know the difference between direct and representative democracies" episode
Fuck Trump and fuck white nationalism and fuck fascism.
If you feel so inferior about not having a college degree why don't you get one ?
The electoral college was always a retarded system. People were complaining about it since Bush v. Gore. If you live in California you have no reason to vote if you're a Republican, and if you live in Texas you have no reason to vote if you're a Democrat. Your vote for president is essentially worthless unless you live in a swing district of a swing state. Even dumber than that, there's this needlessly roundabout bullshit where the results of the election don't actually determine anything, it's an elector who acts as a pointless middleman by submitting votes on behalf of the state, but is required by law to submit them based off of the results anyways.
Then Obama was never the president.
They took a break from being pissed off at it in 2008.
It's called playing the game you retard
Correct, that is democracy. But the US is literally not a democracy. Study more politics.
>getting shafted by the rules twice
top kek
Although I seem to recall something about there not being a primary held in a state where Obama would've stomped her?
oh, hey, OP
did you know this is a tv&film board
just thought id put that out there
i think it's a democracy now. the president said so.
better update your encyclopedia.
What is the difference?
>thinking primaries are general elections
>thinking Clinton didn't bow out in 2008
ur a dum fagget
If a basketball team makes ten 3-pointers in basketball and the other team makes eleven 2-pointers. Which team wins? But the second team made more baskets? So they should win. Right? Right?
I love how Trump is making people so angry, just needs Bernie Sanders to die of cancer to ensure the hilarity goes on
>run faster towards the goal line
>uh, why are you EXPLOITING the rules?
Come on now
i am op, i actually wanted to post this in the trump thread (mods allow multiple trump threads on Sup Forums now, go figure) but i goofed. plus it's impossible to delete threads for posters.
But.. Drumpf! IT WAS HER TURN! You can't do this, liberals are in charge here!
>Thinking things I never thought
>People are pissed off now because it has never been so badly exploited before
What, exactly, was exploited?
The electoral college has won the Presidential election since forever; the popular vote is irrelevant.
So, what was "exploited"?
>lose US popular vote by widest margin of any winning presidential candidate in modern history
>2.5 million people take to the streets worldwide to protest presidency
>use office of presidency to (attempt to) delegitimatize critical free press
Lol this is looking a lot like that late stage democracy I keep reading about
>the electoral college was specifically created to prevent rule of the masses.
You're a fucking retard. The Rebuplican system exists to prevent the rule of the urban centers over the rural areas
Those 2.5 million people are gonna love what comes next then.
The electoral college was specifically created to prevent the Civil War you fuckwit. Get off Sup Forums and read a book.
>muh tyranny of the majority
You have to put some real effort into intentionally misunderstanding concepts like that.
Apparently tyranny of the minority is better.
Because in most cases it's representative of the popular vote. Remember Gore? There's always a fuss when the popular vote loses.
The electoral college is bullshit though. It basically is the application of weights to certain votes, which is fundamentally anti-democratic. People are complaining about that and they should. America should stop living in the past and reform the election system.
Another Sup Forumsddit thread
Democracy is rule of the masses retard. Deriving authority from the minority is some form of autocracy.
The Democrats literally picked the one person who could lose to Trump.
Their hubris deserved to be punished.
>7,497,500,000 people don't take to the streets worldwide
>If you feel so inferior about not having a college degree why don't you get one ?
Too bad we're not a direct democracy.
the usa is a republic
>Democracy is a game with arbitrary rules
The point of democracy is the rule of the people. The people chose Clinton.
Legit question
Don't be so defensive
Wrong, most white people chose Trump.
>implying there were ever witches
The point of the united states government was to limit the power of all entities so to prevent any form of tyranny. Tyranny of the individual, tyranny of the military, tyranny of the majority.
Of course that all went out the window with citizens united.